Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Each week, the Stamping Ground hosts What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?.
It's a polite way of snooping into other's studios.  I love it.   What am I working on right now?  this:

OK, that's not EXACTLY true.  I'm not working on it right now.  I started it a week ago and life has interrupted.  I haven't been able to create as much as I normally like to.
I haven't been able to blurf AT ALL. :-(
  Oh, well, it all passes, eventually.
I'm trying to make something
"snowlike" on the white page.  I think it's working.  What do you think?

Here are the page I have ready to scrapbook.  The way I do it is;
1. I sort my photos
2. I match them with the papers.
3. I pull out the odd embellies.
4.  At some point, much much later, I go through them one by one and work my mojo on them.
It works for me.
There must be a hundred in that stack.
Maybe I should quit my job.
Yeah!  That'll work!
(and then I can scrapbook from my cardboard box under the bridge.)
Thanks for looking.
There are many more WOYWWED's here.
Just sayin.


  1. Wow. You are so organized! I love how you have those pages ready to scrap...I'm lucky to have the pictures printed!

  2. Yes, your snow-page looks great! Hope you soon have time to continue with it...
    Happy crafting :)
    Tuire #45

  3. How did you make the snow page? Looks interesting! I also like how you prepare the pictures and matching pages before hand, that's the way to do it. Patsy from

  4. Ooh your in-progress work looks lovely! Look forward to seeing the finished product.

    Can't believe how organised you are in your scrapping, having a pile ready to work on! My approach is much more random and consists of picking either a paper, a photo or an embellie that I want to use and then rummaging around to find appropriate bits to go with it! :lol:

    Thanks for sharing a peek at your desk.

    Ali #77

  5. The snow page is accented with white paint on bubble wrap. I'm adding some white dewdrops too. Thanks for asking!

  6. Oooo! Things are looking so lovely!

  7. Living under a bridge and scrapbooking. rofl You are a hoot! Thanks for sharing your organizing tips. I'm going to give it a try since it is less messy that my grab and go, think a while, grab some more and then procrastinate ;) Love your snow page. Hugs

  8. I would have to quit my job, turn off the phone, live in a cave far away from any other life for at least a year and then MAYBE I would get my scrap-booking caught up. ;-)

  9. Yes , it definitely looks snowy, and the layouts are really effective. I like your ideas on working, maybe I will try them soon.

  10. I really like that snowy stripy dotty page!

  11. Bubble wrap eh! Must make a note of that. All these things we have a round the house and sooo many new uses for them.
    Mrs A. #92

  12. You seem to have very good plan there and organised peole like you are always good planners. I alos like the snow page!
    Sue xx 67

  13. Great work in progress, yummy papers! Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #10. Happy WOYWW Can't wait to see your finished project.

  14. Very nice work in progress. You are so organized. The snow page is looking great.

  15. Wow your snow page is looking really good - love your organised box of pages to do ~ Nicky 24

  16. Love the snow page, definately looking like snow I'd say.
    Tertia 110


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