Sunday, January 2, 2011

You wanna know why I haven't been around?

I've made a decision to edit and print all the photos that I haven't edited and printed.
That's over 1000.
But I'm almost done.
This is a Quick Page, by Downunder Studios.
The child and cat are mine, the "valance" at the top and the crowns are by Fiddlette, and the birds in the sky are a brush I downloaded from Brusheezy.
OH yeah, the word art is from the ubiquitous Internet.
Thanks for looking.
Catch ya later!


  1. Oh wow what a fabulous creation. Annette x

  2. What a sweet, sweet collage you made! I have tons of things that need caught up myself. Just another sign of the times, I suppose. Have a wonderful day.

  3. Oh love this (glad to hear the child and cat are yours, lol). HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! I'm looking forward to witty and wise and wonderful words and art to be savored from you in 2011!!!

  4. This is absolutely gorgeous! That sounds like quite the task you have undertaken! I hope you have succeeded!

  5. This is a fantastic collage, I just love the kid and cat on a mushroom. Isn't this what you see if you eat one of those funny mushrooms? lol! Here's to an artful year and.. printed pictures! Yay!


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