Tuesday, January 4, 2011


This week's word at Take A Word is
I've never done Zetti and I had a blast making this.  The figure in the centre is my Zetti character.  The others are just her friends.
On second thought, the one on the right would be a "friendemy".
She's planned to scoop her main squeeze.
Hence, her stance and her declaration.
Of love.
OK, now that you've seen mine (and wondered why I haven't taken my medication today),
pop on over to Take A Word and check out the terrific sample that Bill has provided for inspiration.

(PS, the majority of the elements are from Crowabout Studios-
You can find them and other cool stuff at Scrapartist.)


  1. This is great! I love the characters you created!

  2. LOL! I love the story and I love the characters. Great piece!

  3. lol what fun !!
    Hi my friend, I just came to say Happy New Year and I have added your beautiful work to the Dezinaworld website gallery here http://dezinaworld.weebly.com/gallery.html
    hugs June x

  4. This is cool! I have no idea what Zetti is, but I've seen it in blog land before, just have never investigated it. Whatever it is, yours certainly qualifies...

  5. OMG the lady rabbit is priceless! She's definitely not into skinny red legs though, I see no lust in her eyes!LOL!


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