Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Crown Jewels

Not the REAL ones.  Duh!
Nope, the royal Poobahs at The Order of the Opus Gluei" have gotten all in the wedding mood and challenged us to do the same.  So I'll bet you think I did something wedding-ish, right?
I've been scrapbooking my trip to our nation's capitol (a year ago, yikes, I am SO behind) and the perfect opportunity presented itself to make something to do with a crown.
Some background for the non-Canadians in the crowd:
The Canadian politicians in our House of Commons (ie, the government) behave VERY badly at times, arguing and hollering and in general acting like buffoons.  I know this to be true because we have a television station which broadcasts this nonsense day-to-day. I can't even watch it.  We're in the midst of an election, in case you didn't know that either.  And these folks, who act like school-age brats in some settings, are now travelling coast-to-coast trying to impress us with how smart and dedicated to our best interests they are.  NOT.
OK, I'm climbing down off my soapbox now.  Here's my LO:

A closer look:
What WOULD the queen say?
"We are not amused." I'd bet.


  1. you hit the nail right on the head with that page for sure!

  2. Hi Electra,
    I am still laughing from what you wrote about, "I didn't leave the house alot!" So funny! My mom would just get rid of clothes she didn't like of mine--they would mysteriously disappear! Hard to believe, but true!

  3. While I am sure she would NOT approve of the politicians' behavior, she would TOTALLY approve of, and completely LOVE your layout. It's awesome. I love that you put the crown molding in there too. Surely you have a Poobah in your family tree....

  4. This is fabulouso! Totally love it... and maybe your politicians need to meet our buffoons in DC. Just sayin'.

  5. Love this post, omg, perfect layout. The Queen would approve of your layout and throw the politicians into the Tower if she could! BRAVA!


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