Saturday, April 23, 2011

Rosemary and Jana don't look!

It's Easter tomorrow so I need to show you my Easter inchies.  But they are in the mail on their way to my two good buddies in America and I take it they have not made it across the border yet.  So don't show this post to R&J.  SOME of their inchies are in this bunch.  You may look though.  Just keep it to yourself.
Do not adjust your sets.  I know it's blurry.  Just get another glass of schnapps and enjoy.


  1. These look wonderful! And funny....have a great Easter!

  2. these are super cute...i especially like the one in the bottom right corner....

  3. These are adorable. Mums the word..........

  4. Love how you work in miniature. Bet these inchies will make the recipient's Easter !

  5. Your recipients are so very lucky! These are adorable.

  6. Such a cute set of Easter inches. They are adorable!

  7. Those are inchies??? Wow, you sure do well on small things. I sure wish I had that talent. So gorgeous.

  8. Naturally I had to look when it said not to, but I had gotten mine in the mail and I LOVE THEM! They look even cooler in real life! Wonderful tiny works of art!

  9. Don't look. Ha. It's an engraved invitation to me. Like a moth drawn to a flame. And these are wonderful. I got mine and I LOVE THEM. They are all so clever and had me grinning like an idiot. (Not too far a stretch.) Thanks so very much. I was a bad, bad, bad friend to not send you an email. But I think I will have made up for it when you get yours. BWAHAHAHAHA


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