Monday, September 12, 2011

Jingle Belles Rock.They do.They most certainly do rock.

This week the prompt at
was to include an ATC on your Christmas card this week.  Well, anyone who knows me knows there is no way I could pass this challenge up, even if it meant I would have to go out into the streets picking garbage off the street to use in it.
But luckily I didn't have to do that.
After some serious scratching of my head and searching,
I managed to find enough stuff to put together something that does exactly that: Includes an ATC.
Do you notice anything strange or a tad "wrong" with this card?
YES, THAT's IT!  You win the Toyota Tercel!
Yes indeedy, the darn words are upside down on the ATC.  I stamped the image upside down.
I don't care.
I shall send this one to a very dear friend, one who will understand and not judge me and love me anyways.
And if I can't find one of those, I'll send it to someone who doesn't read English.
There's always a way.


  1. Love the embossing on the background and that gorgeous flower ... upside down / right side up ... doesn't it really matter when you're creation art? I think not ... so glad you joined our jingle belles fun.

  2. This is fantastic! The ATC is BEAUTIFUL!

  3. oh ♥♥♥WOW♥♥♥ missus, it is YOU who should win a toyota tercel (AT LEAST!) for this masterpiece! i love the ATC, i love the card, i love the color palette... i love EVERYTHING about this delicious creation!

    (ps: i noticed the words, but i thought it was a "design decision"! i often use foreign text, or distress english text, or place it sideways or upside down so i can have the structure of it w/o the distraction of the actual words! so there!) :)

  4. LOL! You crack me up. This is an awesome card, and the text gives it interest, or at least, that's what I would say. lol.

  5. Pssst....they call it creative license... :) Lovely card!

  6. it's a lovely card and I'd never have noticed the text - it's pretty and I like the quirkiness :-)

  7. I totally love this! I didn't notice the upside-down text and, even after you pointed it out, I didn't care! I'm gonna have to spend a bit o' time snooping around your blog - looks like fun!

  8. Ooooo, ahhh, and ohhhh! This is stunning and fabulously artsy. I adore your embossing, ribbon, and the distressed ATC. Lovely!

  9. "design decision" - "creative license" (tomayto - tomahto) either way it's a fabulous card, perfectly lovely

  10. You do bring a smile to my face (case in point, I'll send it to someone who doesn't read English) - you are PRICELESS! I love this card and as soon as I saw that the JB challenge was for ATCs on the card, I KNEW KNEW KNEW you would be in on it!


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