Sunday, September 11, 2011

Music is the Word

I've missed doing challenges. BIG-TIME missed doing challenges.
And I'm not back in the swing of things-may not be for a while
with this pending move and trying to sell this place and all...
I saw that Music was the chalolenge for this week over at Take A Word and I really wanted to take part.
But then I realized all my musi-cy digital elements are gone and
my real flesh and blood music-y papers and embellies are packed
and I almost gave up.
But then I was thinking of "Music" and whenever I think of "Music" our Rockie Mountains come to mind, so I thought, why not use one of my own photos of our mountains and see what develops?
So that's what I did.


  1. This is scrumptious, Electra, especially considering your life (and computer) is in a state of flux at the moment. It is so nice to see you here at TAW. Your picture is superb. I love it.

  2. Brilliant! The background is striking. Beautifully done, Electra. Thanks for sharing. I hope your computer woes will be over soon!

  3. This is hauntingly beautiful! Gorgeous work - cheers!

  4. wonderful blending of the elements!

  5. A fantastic piece. I think everyone is loving the subject this week. Your piece is superb! xx

  6. Fantastic !!1 What a beautiful work of art and I love the background with the mountains. Gorgeous.
    Lovely greet Marja

  7. Beautiful collage and quote, bravo

  8. This is so beautiful, Electra, and so enhanced by your own photo.

  9. Fabulous image! It's so cool when people use their own photos in their work--so personal.

  10. Hi Electra, it just goes to show that when the muse is there,nothing will stop it. This is so very very powerful and beautiful, so so enchanting too. well done !
    have a fantastic day my lovely friend
    hugs June xxxxx

  11. I'm so glad you didn't give up, Electra, or we would have missed this very beautiful piece. Such depth, my eye is carried right inside to those mountains and that's not to mention the layers and blends and the wonderful mixture of fonts. Bravo.

  12. Welcome back, Electra! Good luck with the move, etc.
    You have created a fabulous piece of art using your own photograph!

  13. Absolutely stunning! Very beautiful work.

  14. I love music. I love the mountains. Therefore, I love this. lol. Absolutely beautiful! I want to frame it and put it on my wall.

  15. At first I did not see the stunning and hauntingly beautiful girl.
    This is just awesome.
    love it
    I wish I owned it or a copy of it

  16. Oh Electra, this is absolutely stunning. So elegant.


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