Wednesday, September 7, 2011


OK, the main pile of paper is an album I'm making to take along on my trip to Quebec City at the end of October.  I started it and then lost it in the midst of my pending move.  Yay!  Found!
The stamp in the middle is my new fave!!
The skulls-Halloween-say no more.
The stamps at the top left.  won them, lost them, found them, will use them.
And on the right hand side, you`ll notice a tube of spackle. Which tells you I'm still busy fixing up my present condo to sell.  I will be SO glad when this is all done.
Let's see...
clean oven,
wash the rest of the windows,
move all bedroom furniture to studio so carpet can be replaced
sleep on couch again,
Now go see Julia at

the home of


  1. OOoooo, love that dressform stamp, looks fabulous! You know, you can use spackle in art....

  2. Wow, fancy finding stamps you'd lost - sounds exciting, altho I'm not sure how you'd lose them in the first place, lol!
    Helen S

  3. isn't it fun to find things you think you've lost? Don't wear yourself out before your trip. Take Care.

  4. HA! I just figured the spackle was for art! LOL! Those skulls look cool...I'm going to have to look for those! Fun stuff going on!

  5. I thought the Spackle was your your artwork not your home lol!
    You have some great stash on your desk, cant wait to see what will be making.
    I am a new follower of your blog, if you have a few spare minutes please pop over and say hello I came across you via WOYWW.
    Helen x

  6. agh! I nearly bought some skulls last week, but had to put them back,(spent too much) now I've seen them again I want them again! Happy WOYWW

  7. Oh wow great stash on your desk.
    Really fun.
    Happy WOYWW !!! Sandy #1

  8. Love the dressform stamp and what a nice surprise finding your other stamps must have been. Love the colours in the album too.

  9. So everything on your desk is soooo what inspires me! I want to come and play:)

  10. Hey, if I make a book, can I go to Quebec city too? Love the desk today...sepcially the won them lost them found them thing. That's me!

  11. congratulations on finding your goodies! great papers and stamps on your desk. the dress form is wonderful!
    thanks for sharing!
    peggy aplSEEDS


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