Sunday, October 9, 2011

Into the swing of things

Hi all.
This week's challenge at The Order of the Opus Gluei is "Back Into the Swing of Things".
That means you can do anything even remotely related to a swing-ey theme (even "swingers" lol ) and play along.
That being said, I am going to keep this short, cus today is my moving day and the movers I booked did not show up.
Consequently, I am REALLY crabby and at a friend's using her computer, cus I don't have one.
That's all I got.


  1. Fabulous swinging witch. Hope you have a reprieve and your move goes ok. penny

  2. Your creation is WONDERFUL. I hope those movers that didn't show have really bad headaches for a week. How dare they not show up for you!

  3. Djeeez that must be so frustrating that they didn't show up !!
    And now ????

  4. how's the move going now? did they finally make it or did someone stuff them like the turkey I had for dinner...that is what they deserve....

  5. Hi my friend, Ohhhhh the rotten movers, thats so annoying and so frustrating .... they need a spell casting on them ( all this halloween has turned my thoughts evil lol ) Anyway my lovely friend ... hope it all goes well and I just ADORE this spooky cute and clever creation
    hugs June x

  6. Well, that just sucks. The movers, I mean. Your art is fabulous as always. Hope it all works out!

  7. I hate to hear about your movers! What problems these kind of things create.

    Your image is wonderful! So many beautiful elements in a lovely layout. Hugs, Electra.


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