Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's been so long...

since I've been able to take part in Linda Ledbetter's
I'm thrilled that I could this week.

And of course, it's always wonderful to see what
 has to teach us each week.

Here's what I did:

It's hard to see, but the spiderweb backgrounds are where I used the Perfect Distress Technique.
Yeah, I got carried away.
But then, don't I always?


  1. Both pieces are terrific Electra and especially love the words on the first x

  2. These cracked me up ... absolutely awesome (I love that first sentiment too).

  3. Am never sure where I should leave responses to comments left on my blog but I saw the magic words TIM HOLTZ so picked this thread!!!
    Just wanted to pop along and thank you very much for commenting on my melting pot cards ... something I love to do and wish I had more time to experiment with it. One day maybe! X

  4. Oh these are just too spooky! Love that rat! So glad you could play!

  5. Electra, it's SO AWESOME to see you! How are you, girl?? Still insanely talented, I see! These ares characteristically brilliant and clever pieces, just what I've come to expect from you. Your art always makes me happy!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!