Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. Turkey is _not my favorite_.
2. _Pecan_ pie.
3. On and on and on we go _where we stop, nobody knows_.
4. The last time I saw _your face_.
5. Can you believe _it?_
6. I need a _massage_.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _seeing friends_, tomorrow my plans include _maybe the market_ and Sunday, I want to _make stuff_!
Thanks to dackelprincesss for her
this week.


  1. a massage sounds perfect this weekend:)

  2. Is that another of your photos? Have to re-organise my life and catchup on Shuttercal..... this is one busy time of year. Oh, and when you drop by for apple pie, I can take you to my lovely massage-ing lady too.


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