Thursday, December 29, 2011

Christmas Joy #10

Makin' Stuff!
Christmas stuff, making Christmas stuff!
I look forward to it all year and am sad when it's time to stop.
ALTHOUGH, thanks to the magic of Google,
I've learned that I can feed my addiction all year round!
You can probably tell, this is not an ATC, which all of my earlier Christmas Joys have been.
They're my joys and I get to decide the form they take.
My friend Jana says I can keep making more Joys
until the Christmas decorations are taken down.
That will probably mean I am posting Joys until Easter.
But that's OK.
I love Christmas.
I love making Christmas stuff.
Ho Ho Ho.
I may make more.
I may not.
We'll see.
Thanks for looking!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhh. I love this. Or should I say these. Those colors just sing to me. Joy to the world....

    Yay. I'll get to see your Christmas until the rabbit comes around.


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