Friday, December 30, 2011

Soartful-Dragon in the New Year

"Dragon in the New Year", get it? Draggin in...oh never mind.
I have soome WAY COOL news to share with you.
Are you ready?
Pay attention, there may be a test.

Yessiree Bob, I am now a bonafideeee member of the Soartful  Design Team!
I am so excited!
I'd say I'm too excited to sleep, but I can sleep anywhere,
anytime, in fact, in Thailand my DD and I perfected something we called SWA 
Sleeping While Awake.
Didn't want to miss a thing, you know?
But I digress.

Our very first challenge of 2012 is
(not draggin in the new year as I originally said.  You don't have to be tired to play along.)

It seems like a good sentiment to start the year off with,
and I had this adorable baby dragon by
January Designs, that was just waiting to be used in something.
JANUARY Designs?!

Join us at
won't you?
Carla has some awesome images there for your use and inspiration.
Besides, we're a nice bunch of folk.



  1. Oh well done!!! congratulations hun, well done indeed!! xxx

  2. Congrats! Your talent is deservedly being recognized.

  3. Congratulations. They got a gem in you. This piece is so very pretty. I am a dragon. So is my youngest. We approve.

  4. Oh my goodness, Electra! A huge congratulations to you and so well deserved. I LOVE this dragon image. It is incredible.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!