Thursday, January 12, 2012

Friday Fill Ins

1. When I looked out the window this morning _the sun was nowhere to be found_.

2. _It just_ doesn't make sense to me.

3. Remind me _I meant to do that_.

4. _Making stuff_ is something I love to do!

5. TP is _short for toilet paper for else toothpaste, on my grocery list_.

6. I cleaned the refrigerator recently and I found _something better kept to myself_.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to
_a friend coming over for dinner_,
 tomorrow my plans include _the massage I didn't get last weekend_
and Sunday, I want to _get my head out out my a$# and move forward_!


  1. They are great answers. Is that a boy or a girl...Congrats..

  2. This is my soon-to-be-first grandson!

  3. you are going to have to make that boy a crafty one!

  4. Your grandson is adorable.
    Up until recently, you didn't want to look in my fridge either...

  5. congrats for the new grandson. Amazing how technology makes everything else more precious. my fill-ins are up here.

  6. Oooh new baby! Exciting :) Have a great weekend :)

  7. Great answers! Your #6 reminds me that cleaning the fridge is something that sorely needs to be done here in my house!

    And congrats on the new baby! Babies are awesome. I want another one.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Wow! You missed out on your massage? I sure hope you can enjoy it this weekend.

    Happy Weekend!


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