Saturday, January 28, 2012

Georgia O'keefe

The challenge at 
is Georgia O'Keefe, OR sepia or dark tones, or floral themes or colours.
How can you NOT participate with such a vast array of choices?

I really hope you join us and create something wonderful!
If you're stuck for inspiration, please visit us at
Soartful Challenges
Carla has posted some great images there for you!


  1. Love all these ladies in black with their red hats.......but MOST of all, I love the swan. She's wearing my socks!!

  2. I didn't know who Georgia O'Keeffe is/was, and now I've had a whole 'nother world opened up, which I think explains the red and yellow flame-like flower? Thankyou!

  3. I recognized Joan Allen right away! I didn't know she played Georgia O'Keefe in a movie...I might have to look into that!

    What a lovely portrayal of a fabulous artist!

  4. Beautiful work, Electra. Love that flowing flourishy flower.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!