Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sort of Steampunky

My muse is not feeling well.  Not a bit.  I think my muse has a virus.
So, while the muse did try to put something together for the
neither of us is very happy with it.
Well, with either.
We tried one, then another, then went back to bed.
They aren't terribly Steampunky, but they are the best we could do.

 My muse and I thank you for stopping by!


  1. They are both fab Electra but love the humour of the first one. Annette x

  2. These are both amazing creative works of steampunkerie- totally cool!

  3. Wonderful work...never would have guessed your muse wasn't feeling well! :)

  4. I think your virus has caused you to travel in strange and whimsical places, Patti, and for that I am very happy and entertained. Your two artpieces are wonderful. I love them.

  5. They are perfect steampunkerie pieces, Electra, fabulous!

  6. Your work is fantastic Patti. Beautiful steampunkerie in both of them. Very well done! xx

  7. Both are awesome unique creation! Love the funny fantastique composition of the first most. That is a great art work!
    Hugs Anja

  8. Why did you say that, dear Electra?!
    Your artwork is so wonderful...
    You may have a virus, but your muse didn't get it! I'm in love with all your artuniverse! Feel good very soon dear friend!

  9. I'm loving the steampunk birds in both of these super collages. You have created something wonderful despite your poor, dear muse!
    P.S. Please take care and rest so you will be back to normal really soon, Electra!

  10. I know I haven't been around much, but I do still visit your blog...and these are wonderful! I love steampunk...and I don't think your muse has left!

  11. These are both awesome pieces, Electra, and so very different too.

    Hope you are feeling better soon. :D

  12. Well, despite your disclaimer, you and your muse did very well. These are both such fun pieces, with your own personal touch on steampunkery! Well done!

  13. I love your muse! Both of these images are plenty steampunky and simply lovely. Hugs to you always, Mina

  14. I thing they are steampunk enough and quite fun!


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