Sunday, April 8, 2012

What else do you know?

The illustrious (and industrious) Kristen, world-famous Poobah at
has invited us to create something using a technique we either haven't used for a while, or have never used, or have been wanting to use, but never got around to it...
you get the picture.
My contribution was created using a digital template by Brandy Murry.
I purchased it quite a while ago and have put off using it until this challenge got me going on it now.
It wasn't really complicated, I just thought it was.
Too many steps, I thought.
I was wrong.
The photo is my own, taken from the ridge where I live.
God's country.

Now mosey over to
and join in the fun!
See you there!


  1. It's been ages since I visited and what a day to return... beautiful piece. I just love what you've done - photo, words, colours - all combined to create a dedication to your space in the world. Thanks

  2. gorgeous views where I live...not really, anyway...will live my views vicariously through you ;)

  3. Posh is sometimes scary, maybe that was part of it!
    This is a very posh sky Electra!
    I have got to say how much I have loved looking at your latest digi creations, you've found some amazing sets and images that you've put together so masterfully and so many are wonderfully fabulously bright!
    Sorry you have been feeling poorly this last week and I hope you are starting to feel better now.
    Happy Easter my dear friend!

  4. i really love the "word collage". And that gorgeous photo! I was going back through some pictures last night and came across some recent shots of Banff, Canmore and Jasper...I think I need a road trip!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!