Thursday, September 13, 2012

Seven Words

Bonnie at Photo Art Friday
has challenged us to come up with a sentence (and a photo) containing 
7 words which describes your life or process or experience as an artist.
Here's mine:

It's simply about trusting my inner voice 
and not being afraid to honour it in a way that feels right.

I've added Bonnie's "Starburst" texture.

I do hope you visit Bonnie's site and take a few moments to read the words she has written.
They are very powerful.

Having shown you this, I simply HAVE TO show you a few more of the photos I took
on this particular day...

I took these on the way home from work.
And this is what I saw on the work TO work on the same day.
'Nuff Said,

Have a great weekend, I'm off with a friend to an art journalling retreat.
Life is pretty sweet.


  1. The clouds are wonderful; thanks for sharing your great image and sentence. Karen

  2. You photos are wonderful but the words you wrote are so true. We should all listen to our heart! Hugs xx

  3. Your images are so powerful and the words so thoughtful. Fabulous job.

  4. Dramatic sky photos!

  5. Stunning photos. The sunrise is amazing!

  6. Beautiful pictures! Have a wonderful time at the retreat, can't wait to hear all about it!

  7. Your piece is very nice. I like the Sunburst effect and I like your phrase.
    Thanks for sharing the other photos. They are amazing. Especially liked the last one and the 2nd one down.

  8. the last shot is stunning!

  9. this is utterly amazing!! wow, what we see if only we look!!

  10. Trusting in our inner voice is so important, just not always easy to do - beautiful work - AND I love that last image, wow!

  11. I'm in awe at the beauty of your photographs, Elektra. The night scene is one of my favorites. Blessings!

  12. Oh my goodness those skies almost makes up for the cold weather.
    That morning sunrise is amazing.
    Your choice of artistic quote reflects your artist ways accurately I think. I also like the one (Comparison is the thief of joy.)
    Hope you enjoy your retreat :-)

  13. Glorious skies! Love your treatment of the first - and your phrase works beautifully with it. Thanks for sharing with PAF, Electra.


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!