Wednesday, December 4, 2013

All Bundled Up

Did you know in Canada we buy our childrens' Hal;loweens costumes
big enough so that they can fit over their

True story.

Today it was minus 39 with the windchill when I went to work.  A couple of hours later, 
I was putting gas in the truck and realized 
I didn't have my coast done up, nor a hat, nor mitts.  
The wind had stopped.
And it was positively balmy!
Minus 24.

Welcome to Canada, sissies.

Thanks for stopping by!

credites:  Holliewood Studios, Cryztal Rain,
Studio Rosey Posey, and Tunblefish Studios.


  1. Okay so it is cold, come for a visit in Summer when it is 40+ celsius LOL, great image. Cheers

  2. I don't think I'd last a day there, Electra! Wonderful artwork.

  3. love the art work! brilliant idea about the Halloween outfits! I think I must be a sissy because I would stay indoors a lot with temperatures of -39!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!