Sunday, December 1, 2013

Challenge #171 - BRRrring it on!

Is it cold in your neck of the woods?
Does it even GET cold in your neck of the woods?
Well, no mind, I'm sure it's going to be Christmas where you are.

In honour of winter and all things chilly, such as
 Snow, ice, blizzards, polar bears, penguins... 

Poobah Jana at
has challenged us create something wonderful with
exactly that in mind.
This is a clear card, and I was struggling to find a way to show you that.
Does that help?

I want to say that my dear friend Carol, 
was the original artist for this card.

You have until the end of
Saturday, December 14th to join in with
your Chilly creation.

We'll see you there!

(Wear your mittens.)

1 comment:

  1. The classic scene you chose is very soothing. Blessings, my friend!


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