Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I can see Clearly now

for the Order of the Opus Challenge #57

I had to come up with two ATC's for a swap, one had the theme of peace and the other: bicycles. Can you tell which is which? If you can't please tell me right away, so I can NOT put them in the mail and can start over again. :-( Here's a little hint: the peace one has peace symbols as the background and she's a hippie, offering flowers. OK maybe that was a litle obscure for those who weren't around in the Viet Nam era. (The rest of you went to school, right? Were you there in history class? Why not? Where were you? ) The other is much simpler-background bicycle paper, that I coloured with Versa Magic Spanish Olive (I know I know, it's not Tim's but I had to use what I got and the technique, such as it was, was his!) The image on this one is from Lisa's Altered Art the "Hippie chick is, I believe from Lady's Closet, but do you think I can find it to give you a link? Her flowers are stickled (as every flower should be).
Now after all this wordiness, Why, you ask, would this have anything to do with a challenge which requires you to use something clear? Well, these ATC's are covered with altered acrylic, using a technique I learned from Nathalie Thompson. She laminated cellophane "Easter grass" together with acrylic and got a sort of Mica look. Mine didn't turn out as well as hers because, no matter how many Loonie stores (yes Virginia, in Canada, we call our Dollars "Loonies") I went to, I could NOT find Easter grass. So I used Shredded food wrap. It looks kind of cool though. It doesn't show up very well inthe pics and I tried numerous angles until I finally gave up and just photographed the darn things. Put your nose right up to the computer. See? No? You'll have to take my word for it then. There IS altered acrylic on these ATCS. Honest.

Oh yeah, one more thing. if there are ANY more typos on this post, I don't want to know. I've gone through it what seems like 18 times and I'm tired now. Please ignore them if you find any. And I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure you love me.
Good night.


  1. NOW I have a better idea of what I might try for the OG challenge.... I was bamboozled by the mere thought of making something 'see-thru'. You've just provided me with my "Ah-ha" moment.

    Dont you hate checking the spelling? I can never see the biggest boo-boos til I publish the darned entry and then its all I can see, and I jump in and out of the edit screen so many times I get eye strain. People who complain should just get a life!!

    Still haven't made anything for the challenge. Maybe if I go to bed now I'll dream of something I can use............

  2. Love both of these ATC's. I think the clear layer turned out great. I think I can see it well enough to get a good idea. Wouldn't you know that we finally 2 weeks ago got rid of the Easter basket stuff. Figures, doesn't it. Oh, well... Thank you for hanging in there with us at Opus Gluei. Thanks also for the compliment on the new header. I have fun making these every month.

  3. LOL! You totally have me laughing today! Your ATC's are both fantastic and I could totally see the themes shining through! I like how you make them your own! They are awesome! I really love the bicycle one a little extra! Oh, and I wanted to let you know that all of the ATC's from the Vintage swap you did with me are in to the hostess and she is mailing, so you can start watching for those in a few days or so...or however long it takes for the daggum USPS to get stuff to Canada! HA!

  4. Glad I could help, Chat Noir, I'll be looking forward to what you make!

  5. These are fantastic, just fantastic. Love the "peas" "peace". Too funny. That technique looks really cool, will have to check that out. Spelling? I think people can get the jist of everything even if it's spelled wrong, if they can't, well, I'm not sayin' anything...

  6. These are so fantastic. I love them both. So much detail. And the humour is a treat too! Penny

  7. These rock, Electra! That's pretty brilliant, actually, your altered acrylic, and I can see it well enough to know I need to learn how to do this! Very cool!

  8. Oh these are cool, you have a myriad of techniques and ideas and always add a great project to our challenges! Loving these and I got the hippie chick, guess I'm old (oh well, c'est la vie)!

    Thank you, as always, for being an Opus Gluei groupei, we love to see what you come up with!


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