Wednesday, June 2, 2010

not Wordless Wednesday

Some time ago I promised I would post a picture of the place I ended up when I "wandered aimlessly" for my Big Picture Scrapbooking class. And I never did do that. So in lieu of not saying anything today (tee hee, like that every happens with me), here you are: a photo of the exquisite row of flowering cherry trees that I came upon in my meanderings around the city. (It's the page I did for the class.) Wowzers. The trees, not the page. :-)


  1. LOL! How funny! I guess we both just like to talk! HA! This is wonderful, though! I love that photo!

  2. I'd say wowsers to the page as well as the flowers....

  3. I beg to differ, Ms. Electra. That page is VERY wowsers!

  4. Wordless just really can't be done. At least not if you really are one of my friends. LOVE this layout. And that this is where you ended up. Too cool.


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