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Saturday, October 17, 2009

Opus Blue

I just edited 800 photos. Too many. My brain is fried. I took some and had them printed at Costco. Wow, very impressive! I think I'll do some more. tee hee
Opus asked for "Blue" this week, and "Blue" it is (mostly). I did this for a Bliss challenge awhile back and never noticed that I had a typo on the words on the photograph. How embarrassing. So I reprinted the photo the other night and corrected it. I like it much better now.
"Blueeeeeeeooooo" I sound like Joni Mitchell?

1 comment:

  1. What a great looking clipboard. I love all the layers and details. Isn't it amazing how a little mis-spelling can ruin an entire project in your own eyes. And how gratifying it is to correct things. I can't believe you edited 800 photos. Amazing. Thanks for playing with us at Opus Gluei. We love your style.


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