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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tom the Turkey

This is my contribution to Opus' Tom the Turkey challenge, using Kristen's terrific image of this friendly little guy. Our Thanksgiving has come and gone in this neck of the woods, but there's never a bad time to be grateful. That's how I try to start my days, with a gratitude list. After that I ask for help to be kind, compassionate, tolerant and loving towards all I meet. I usually do really well with this until I leave the house. (and I live alone) From that point on, if I hit one out of four, it's a good day. Progress, not perfection.


  1. This is great and yes, we should be more mindful of all that we have in our lives! I love the many different projects you have going, you seem like me in that your crafts keep you sane eh? I need the release of mine to make me feel like I can leave the stuff of the world outside behind.

    Glad you enjoy playing with us, we love having you along for the fun!

  2. I agree whole-heartedly that we need to be Thankful for our lives and who and what we have in them year round. So glad you played with us at Opus Gleui again. I really look forward to your submissions.


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