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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Computer challenged

Oh my. I have been dickin' around with the template for this blog for the past 3 hours. First, I tried to design my own and when I was happy with it, do you think I could upload it?

As I type with my right hand, I am tossing the instructions in the paper shredder with the other.

I gave up. but then, just before packing it in, I managed to get this one installed and I LIKE IT! Or, I'm just too tired to try any more. Good night, another week begins.

Two more days before my dear girl is gone and I'm so bummed.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Everglades visit

Went to the fireworks tonight-China performed, it was AWESOME!
We didn't know the words to the Chinese anthem though, so we couldn't sing along.
I found this wonderful blog and it looks like so much fun-my kind of women! I immediately had to do a project for their current challenge, it's a water theme.
Hence the photo: I was riding an airboat in the Everglades one day, minding my own business, I might add, when I noticed this crocodile lurking in the grasses. I swear he was watching me. I give thanks to the gods that be for not allowing him to eat me.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I've been watching Big Brother. God knows why. Went to see Lion King today, it was AMAZING!!!!! Brought tears to my eyes a couple of times. I haven't done any art this weekend, but have spent time with the girl, knowing she's gone soon. I'm really going to find this house big and empty without her. I'm not looking forward to it....

Saturday, August 22, 2009

It's been a good day, spent it with Kaitlin, we finished stripping the dresser and then took the dogs for a walk along the river. Got some awesome photos of Honey doing what dogs do in the water. Had a great supper with food we got at the Farmer's Market. This is the way a summer day is meant to be.

I'm most ready for bed, looking forward to Lion King tomorrow with the Cookies. Good night.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Let's see, it's the end of the week and I have only 8 more hours to go at work. I like working the late shift, for the sleeping late part, but I start to drag at around 8 PM. My brain and body both get tired! I finished the Journal Revolution book and loved every page-I'm inspired to create a Diorama, maybe this weekend. I also want to do a couple of pages to display in my newly-painted office. Green. Looks very clean and happy. Just like I feel this morning.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Another weekend done, I'm not ready for it to end. HOWEVER, it's late and tomorrow's Monday. Who invented Monday's anyways? Someone with a grudge against the world I suspect. Now if I invented the world, every day would be Friday. I'm always excited on Fridays. No matter what. Fridays always seem so easy. I should have invented the world. It would have been better.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Rod Stewart

Hah! Just got home from the Rod Stewart concert, didn't even know I was going, until I got an email at work inviting me-Wanda had a free ticket! Holy cow, he's hot for an old guy. and cheeky! The place was just rockin, there was even a "love train" snaking it's way through the crowd. do ya think I'm sexy?
sure do, Rod!

TGIF. Worked the night shift last night, I am way too old for this! Good thing I did tho, as one of the men came back drunk and we had to have him arrested. If I hadn't been there, our student would have been alone-not good. It's Vancouver weather again today, if you stand still in one place too long, you'll rust.

Off for a massage and then one more night shift. I can do this. I can do this...

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Mojo Challenge #36

Last night I saw a shooting star. How cool is that? I work the afternoon shift today and so could sleep in, can't complain about that! Unfortunately, I stayed up until 2AM working on pages. will I never learn? Oh well, nobody died.

I am tired though........

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What a sunrise!

Simply want to say that this morning's sunrise was spectacular! After photographing and chasing sunrises and sunsets throughout our roadtrip, here, out my studio window is the prettiest picture of reds and pinks and purples-nice way to start the day.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Finally Back Home!

Well, after 8 states and 7300 km, we're back safe and sound. Actually, I'm back to the real world, work and all, and the girl has flown off to the east. I guess she's her mother's daughter, after all, home four days and gone again.
There is always so much catch up at work when one leaves, especially with my boss sick for the past week and a half. Oh well, I feel so rested, I almost don't even care. Almost.