May the coming year bless you with health, prosperity and happiness!!
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Monday, December 31, 2012
Sunday, December 30, 2012
or, in my case, doorways.
Hmm, I seem to be on a blue kick today......
Thanks to Holliewood Studios, Finecrafted Designs,
Bonnie Zeiman, Cajoline, Shineangel, and
Cemerony for the use of their delightful elements.
See more Door Art at
It's where all the cool kids hang out.
Take a Word - Purple & Turquoise
Elements used are by Cemerony, Berna Datema,
Bonnie Zeiman, Dido Designs and Anna Aspnes Designs.
Now go on over to
and check out the gorgeous art you will find there!
Sunday Postcard Art
This week, we have been invited to make anything we like as long as it is 4x6.
I'm so happy to be up and about again after a challenging December.
I used elements by Bethany Harty, Bonnie Zeiman,
I hope you like it!
Shadowhouse Creations and Brandy Murry.
Thanks for coming by!
I discovered a wonderful new (to me) challenge site:
It's the brainchiold of my friend Kaylene in Australia and the guidelins are simple.
Use on of your owns photographs to go with the prompt offered.
I'm going to try to join in as often as I can.
For the first quote, Kaylene has asked us to
choose a quote to welcome in 2013. Easy Peasy.
I chose one by Bryan Adams.
The photo of the fireworks is my own
and I altered it with a photo mask by Amanda Frijo-Tobin.
I love, love, love her masks.
The border is by Carole Neale, and I've used one of Bonnie Zeiman's textures.
I'm sorry, but I don't know who gets the credit for the background, nor overlay.
I hope you will visit my friend at her site:
where you will find her Quotography Challenge!
Thanks for stopping by!
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Free For All at The Order!!
The Order of the Opus Gluei, that is
Our last challenge of 2012 is courtesy of Grand Poobah Jana, and it's
In other words, make whatever you like!
Now if you can find a way to justify not playing along with us, my hat is off to you.
I decided to make tags.
Three of them.
No theme, just for my own enjoyment.
The ladies/girls are by Hidden Vintage Studios, Lisa's Altered Art
and Studio Priss.
Words are a Dylusion stamp by Dyan Reavely.
Everything else is in my
Use it up, you fool, and don't buy anymore!
C'mon, use your basket. You know you have one.
Christmas leftovers
I haven't been around, but I did make some Christmassy things in November,
to send for some swaps.
Wanna see?
Better late than never, right?
Did Santa come to your house?
He came to mine.
He most certainly came to mine.
OK, I'm done now.
It's all out of my system.
Until next year.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
I heart my little family
The Three Muses
A couple of friends have commented that they see me in this LO. Just so that you know, the folks in this are my darling daughter, my SIL and my grandson. As much as I hate to admit it, I am (and always will be) 38, count 'em, 38 years older than said daughter.
I know this, cus I was there when she was born. lol
A couple of friends have commented that they see me in this LO. Just so that you know, the folks in this are my darling daughter, my SIL and my grandson. As much as I hate to admit it, I am (and always will be) 38, count 'em, 38 years older than said daughter.
I know this, cus I was there when she was born. lol
Sunday, December 23, 2012
2 more sleeps
I know I haven't been around. Work is over for 10 days and my health seems to be improving. I hope to be able to stop by and wish you all a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Baby it's Cold Outside!
is the new challenge at
Now I am the first to admit that Christmas is a busy time of year for all of us, but you need a break from all the holiday happiness, right?
And what's a better way to treat yourself than to make something for this challenge?
You have until December 29th to play along, so really, it would be silly not to!
(Besides, I haven't even been at the computer or
made anything for all of December,
so if I can you can!
(I'm hoping my health has turned the corner and I can get something festive done)
Thanks to Holliewood Studios, Bonnie Zeiman and Finecrafted Designs for their cool elements.
I'll see you at
The Order of the Opus Gluei
made anything for all of December,
so if I can you can!
(I'm hoping my health has turned the corner and I can get something festive done)
Thanks to Holliewood Studios, Bonnie Zeiman and Finecrafted Designs for their cool elements.
I'll see you at
The Order of the Opus Gluei
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Soartful Mid-Month Reminder
You still have time to create something festive and tweetish over at
(and NO I don't "tweet"
I never will.
I consider it belly-button gazing.
OK, I'm a curmudgeon.
I will likely have to eat my words at some point.
Just like computers.
And cell phones.
I said I would never get either of them.
Ate those words with a large dash of sheepishness.
But I digress
The theme at Soartful Challenges
currently is
Bird Life with a Winter Twist
You can get all the deets at
I'll see you over there!
Thanks to Finecrafted Designs, Holliewood Studios,
Laurie Anderson and and Bonnie Zeiman for their chilly but festive elements!
And thanks to you for stopping by!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Just Because
Thanks to Laurie Anderson, Bonnie Zeiman and Lefkoi Lykoi.
Have a funny day, and when some jerk in a mall parking lot cuts you off,
just smile and know that Karma's a bitch. :-)
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Gothic Arch with a Touch of Red
Can you find my gothic arch? :-)
Aww, c'mon, it's December!
I'm going to take a break from creating
and catch up on visiting other folks' wonderful blogs!
Thanks to Sherrie JD, Cajoline, Beth Rimmer,
and Bluesse for their holiday elements!
and catch up on visiting other folks' wonderful blogs!
Thanks to Sherrie JD, Cajoline, Beth Rimmer,
and Bluesse for their holiday elements!
Thanks for stopping by!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Monkey See, Monkey Doo
Poobah Deena at
has put out a call for us to all make something
with a MONKEY in it!
I panicked, no moneky anywhere, in my house, not paper, not digital not nouttin.
So I went to google and pinterest.
I used a combination of Crowabout Studio, Kathryn Estry,
Studio Tangie and Shadowhouse Creations.
Thanks for looking, you have until December 15th to create something with a monkey in it.
The sky is the limit!
of the monkeys will get you...............
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Winter Birdlife
We have a new challenge at
for the month of December.
Sherry says:
"The theme for this month is Bird Life, with a Holiday/Winter twist. Please use a winter holiday or winter season
color scheme for your art piece featuring our feathered friends. You
could use a traditional color scheme (such as red and green for
Christmas, or blue and white for Hanukkah) or come up with your own
original idea for a holiday/winter color scheme. (Who says a winter
color scheme can't be purple and silver?)"
With that in mind, I created this:
Elements used are by Syndee Nuckles, Emeto Designs,
Holliewood Studios, Kim Klassen, Studio Tangie, and Thao Cosgrove.
You have the entire month to create something for this fun theme.
I hope to see you there!
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Final Photo Art Friday of 2012
Yup, until January for when the wonderful
returns from a holiday break,
I will have no rerson to take any photos.
Just kidding.
But I'll miss the amazing art she inspires on her weekly challenges.
Bonnie invited us to pick our best or our favorite piece of photo art for this week.
I've chosen not my best, but certainly my favorite.
I've used two of Bonnie's wonderful textures,
and a frame by Rhonna Ferrer
Be sure to stop by
to see not only some awesome photo art, but Bonnie's incredible textures!
And be sure to have a funny day!
Giveaway Reminder!
You have about 48 hours to leave a comment on my 4-year Blogiversary post
and get your name into the draw to win.............
to find out what!
I'll draw a name randomly at midnight tomorrow, Friday, November 30th.
See you there!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
So Sad
It's the last card challenge for my favorite Belles at
sniff, sniff
until next year, of course
I'll miss them.
but I have addressed and mailed all my cards!!
For my last card, for the "figgy pudding" theme,
I used some old images from years ago when I belonged to the Hug Club.
That's when I was starting to learn scrapbooking.
I guess I should say thank you to them.
Thank you Hug Club.
And thank you Jingle Belles for all the fun prompts and for helping
me get all my Christmas done on time this year!!
You ladies definitely rock!!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Something fishy.
Credits: Lisas Altered Art, Rian Designs, Beth Rimmer,
Finecrafted DEsigns, Bonnie Zeiman, and titoff77.
Have a funny day!
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Rainy Days
well, one, actually.
Elements used are by Joanne Brisbois, Dezinawolrd, titoff77,
Shadowhouse Creations,
Bleuesse, Finecrafted Designs, and Fidlette.
Thanks for stopping by!
Friday, November 23, 2012
Just Because
Credit goes to Hidden Vintage Studios, Cajoline, and Syndee Nuckles.
Have a great weekend, if we don't talk before it arrives!
Photo Art Friday
My photo, altered with Bonnie Zeiman's.
"Signed and Sealed"texture, an overlay by Brandy Murray and my own word art.
Thanks for looking and have a supper weekend!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
The Eyes Have It
Elements used are by Miocroferk, Eena's Creation,
Bonnie Zeiman, Amanda Frijo-Tobin, and
Shadowhouse Creations.
Thanks for stopping in!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Take A Word-Angels
Elements used are by SimplyMurdersstock, Eena's Creations, Amanda Frijo-Tobin,
Angie Briggs, Bonnie Zeiman, Laurie Anderson, and Rucola Designs.
You might want to take a visit to
There will be lots of angelic art there!!
The theme of the week at
I chose to use some images from
I love, love, love these Bollywood-style images!
You can expect to see lots more from me!
Thanks for stopping by!
I don't believe I've seen you over at
Have I?
Why is that?
You're busy, you say?
Humphf. (take THAT, spell-check)
You probably don't even know that there is a fantastic new challenge right now.
We are inviting you to create something 3-dee.
Three-Dimensional to you more cerebral folk.
(which I am not)
I made an album of some of my favorite tree photos.
Unfortunately, I didn't have enough hands to really photograph this well.
But I did the best I could.
It's a series of "library pockets"
which hold my photos.
The photos are just photos, nothing special. Places I love to visit.
Have I given you an idea of the 3-2 edness of my album?
If not, you can come to visit.
Turn left at google.
I'll have the coffee on.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Hi everyone, just a reminder that you have until

There has been some wonderful artwork so far for this fun challenge,
and there is more inspiration from the design team to spur you on!
We look forward to seeing your creations!
Thanks to Holliewood Studio, Lisa's Altered Art and Rian Design for there creations!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Four Year Blogiversary!!
Is that cool or what?
I am so proud of myself.
Consider this:
"Wishin I Knew How To Blog"
I've learned.
'nuff said.
No, wait!
'nuff said.
I have a giveaway!
Yup, I said
is the prize.
I kind of like it.
Who knows, maybe one day I'll be famous
and it will be worth a million bucks.
Or not.
Either way, I think you'll get a smile from it.
It's glittery........................
How to win?
Please leave a comment here, telling me why in heaven's name you even even come over to my blog.
I love that you do.
But sometimes I wonder.
I'll write all the names on little pieces of paper.
Maybe different colours.
Maybe not.
And then I'll smoosh them up.
And put them in the basket I keep my
"I know I just bought this, but I'll use it one day"
stuff in,
and close my eyes, and draw a name.
Hopefully YOUR name.
And if it IS your name,
I'll let you know you won, by the very first day of December.
Cus after that I'll be busy making Christmasy stuff.
Now remember, if I am going to let you know you've won, I will need a way to contact you.
And thank you, every single person who ever came by to say hullo.
You make my heart sing.
(slightly off-key, but sing, nonetheless)
Still LIfe
I have not had a chance to participate in Bonnie Zeiman's wonderful
Way Too Long.
So I went to visit and came back here and made this:
Bonnie has invited us to create a
"digitally-edited still life"
This is a photo of gas for mopeds in Northern Thailand.
I couldn't figure out what it was, there were many of these displays along the roadway,
and when I learned it was gasoline, I was surprised.
Still am.
The gas is red, BTW, that is not my editing.
I posterized it in Photoshop Elements and then applied an Ink outline filter,
then added one of my favorite textures of Bonnie's:
"Happy Days".
I encourage you to visit Bonnie's
You will find some amazing art there, as well as
her delightful textures!
Enjoy your evening, unless of course, you have other plans.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Thanks to Tumbfisher Studio, Jen Yurko, Berna Datema,
Shadowhouse Creations and Tia Bennett.
And thanks to you for stopping by.
Nightie night.
Animal Magic
for this week's challenge at
Elements used are by Beth Rimmer, Finecrafted Designs, Cajoline,
Microferk, and Bonnie Zeiman.
I used a texture of my own.
Thanks for stopping by!
More Happy Diwali!
Our Diwali celebrations in my neck of the wods are this cmoing Thursday evening.
So if I'm not blogging that night, you'll know why.
Here is another of my pieces using the gorgeous newest collage sheets in the
Have you visited the other members of Rian's international
Design Team yet to see their magical creations?
Just click on their links.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Rebel Challenge #17 - Uncard!
the current challenge is to make anything but a card.
I thought of making banana bread, but figured that likely wouldn't work.
(although I do love banana bread)
So I made this instead:
The lovely ladies are a stamp from
Rogue Redhead Designs,the butterfly is a Spellbinder die,
the paper is by Glitz Designs,the cupcake is Websters Pages,
and the frame is also by Spellbinders, covered with Distress Ink and Glossy Accents.
I coloured the hats with glitter pens from the Loonie Store.
(Dollar Store in America)
Thanks for coming by!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Still not done with Halloween...
I received my ATC's for the Eerie ATC swap
from my Unruly Paper Arts group.
And they are
Huge thanks to Cathy Calamas, Helene Huber,
Michele Storms, and LaCretia Ogle.
I love snail mail, don't you?
And since we're on the subject of Halloween,
I had to create a "Vintage Witch" ATC for my good friend Sonya.
She won the monthly WTA draw for the
Blissful ATC swap.
Here it is:
She'd better not be peeking.
I'm done with Halloween.
I promise.
Gesso Texture
This is for my
Everything Wendy Vecchi group.
The challenge was to create some texture with Gesso.
I just received some amazing stencils from
that I have been chomping at the bit to use.
So that's what I did, gesso with the stencil.
Everything else is by Wendy Vecchi, of course,
except for the buttons which are by Momenta.
Thanks for coming by!
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