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Thursday, August 30, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Sunday, August 26, 2012
It's as if you were looking in the window
in Troll-topia!
(Actually, this started out as a photo editing project for Flower Art Friday.
I think I may be ADHD.)
Thanks for Fruebel, Kristen Aagard, Doris Castle,
and Kim Klassen
Thanks to Cemerony, Becca Herman, Bonnie Zieman,
Amanda Frijo-Tobin and Bleuesse.
Me and My Camera
I live alone. So my camera is my significant other.
Oh, please don't feel sorry for me, I'm quite happy with the arrangement.
My camera does not leave its dirty underwear on the bathroom floor.
My camera does not fart in bed, deny having done it, and then laugh hysterically as my eyes water.
You get the drift.
So over at
we are inviting you to create something with photography as a broadly-interpreted theme.
A VERY broadly-interpreted theme.
There is no way to do this challenge wrong.
(well actually there is no way to do any Opus Gluei Challenge wrong.)
How cool is that?
I hope you go over to
and see what wonderful artistikness the Poobahs have created.
I promise you, you will not be disappointed.
Go there.
Go there now.
And make something wonderful and link it up so we can admire it.
You owe it to yourself.
(PS, if you are so inclined as to want to see some of my actual photography,
you just need to scroll down and click on my photo on the right sidebar
and it will take you to my daily calendar.)
Or not.
Just be happy.
Don't worry.
Be happy.
I heard that somewhere.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
Friday, August 24, 2012
A real quick post before I leave for work....
Elements used are by
Dawn Inskip,
Becca Herman
Enjoy your day today, it's the only one we've got!
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Black and White and
Big thanks to Holliewood Studios, Bethany Harty and Bluesse
for their elements!
More Circus!
Credits go to Gosnaystock, Absurd Word Preferred,
One Small Square, Altered Emporium, and Beth Rimmer.
Have a funny day!
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The word of the week today at
Take A Word
Thought-proking, wouldn't you agree?
A tad dark, perhaps, but hey.
You have to admit, it IS
Credits go to Bluesse, Amonda Frijo-Tobin,
and Bonnie Zieman.
Have a great (not tattered) week!
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Friday Foto Collage
I can't sleep.
Worked until 3 AM and now it's 5.
So I decded to come to the computer and make something for Peggy's
I haven't had to opportunity to play along for a long time.
Here is the image of Peggy's that I chose:
And this is what I ended up with:
Elements used are by Finecrafted Designs, Shadowhouse Creations,
Kerry Klassen Veale, and Beth Rimmer.
I hope you like it!
Thursday, August 16, 2012
Photo Art Friday
This week's theme is
So what better container than a 100-year-old jail?
The prisoners are grandma, mommy and very unhappy baby boy.

I believe it was her Gauze Sheers.
See lots more fine photo art at
and once you are done admiring all the talent, take a few moments to play along!
Thanks for coming by!
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Oh Christmas Sketch, Oh Christmas Sketch...
how lovely are your, um, er,
Oh, never mind.
Rats, I'm going to be singing that all night and
I don't even know the words.
Mail Art-OOPS.
This week at
we have been invited to create something to do with
It just so happens that I
am going to be published!!!!
and needed to mail off the items that are going to be
It also so happens that I did not really READ the invitation to create in its entirety.
It also so happens that I did not really READ the invitation to create in its entirety.
We were actually invited to create an
But I I took a photo of the envelope anyway.
tee hee
Now go over to
The Three Muses
and check out the amazing art from folks who actually
READ instructions.
Now go over to
The Three Muses
and check out the amazing art from folks who actually
READ instructions.
Thanks for coming by!
Monday, August 13, 2012
Sunday, August 12, 2012
I've been in withdrawal from my digital art.
Started work after many months of doing what I wanted to 24/7
and now I have to be a grownup and go to bed on time, and work all day.
I know.
Suck it up, Princess.
Well, I made stuff.
Stuff like this for
and now I feel much better.
Elements used are by Tangie Baxter, Rebecca MeMeen, Rucola Designs,
Bleuesse and Crowabout Studio-B.
Thanks for being here.
Yup-Travel for
I love this theme and have stayed up way past my bedtime to celebrate it.
Elements used are by Finecrafted Designs, Bonnie Zeiman, Rucola Designs,
Lefkoi Lykoi, and Durin Eberhart.
Thanks for stopping by.
Nightie night.
Red Hot
My steamy friend Gini (hey, that rhymes!) Poobah Extraordinaire has challenged us to create something red hot, hot, hot.
What does that bring to mind for you?
The weather.
Your hot flashes?
A mad passionate weekend in a tent in the Sahara desert with Lawrence Olivier?
Have you been over to
The Order of the Opus Gluei lately?
If you go over there, you're sure to find something that raises your temperature.
I plan to spend the rest of the day on my deck with a handsome,
oiled young man cooling me with a palm leaf.
(I wish)
You have until Saturday, August 25 to create something
Elements used are by Bluesse, Miki Ferkul, Shadowhouse Creations.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Soartful Circus time!
Over at our wonderful blog
Sherry has invited us to create something with a circus theme, or the colours
Red/White stripes, yellow and blue. You know circusy colours!
I hope you'll join us in our challenge, you'll find inspiration and all the info you need to get started at
Soartful Challenges
You have until midnight September 7 to play along!
You have until midnight September 7 to play along!
I hope to see you there!
Monday, August 6, 2012
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Just Because
I am SO missing creating and blogging.
I hope that my health improves and that this new job I have doesn't kill me before that happens. haha.
I pulled this piece out of my files just to prove to myself that I still "have it".
I feel better now.
I hope to see more of me here this weekend.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Friday, August 3, 2012
ATC's received!
I received these lovely "Sirens of the Sea" ATC's from my swap partner for our Blissful ATC swap. They were made by Joanna and I think they are delightful!!
You can see more of Joanna's work here!
A sweet treat in a very long week!
Lucky me, eh? :-)))
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