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Saturday, January 31, 2015

Candlemas, Imbolc, Feast of Purification

Credits:  Gecko Galz, Traci Martin Designs,
Kristen Aagard, Amanda Frijo-Tobin,
Keri Schueller, Joanne Brisbois

Use Your Paint

I bought a Gelli Plate at Christmas.
SO excited.  
And in typical Electra fashion,
I did not read the instructions, 
nor watch any online tutorials.
I just made stuff.
It was a bit of a disaster.
(as much as any art can be a disaster)
And because I am cheap frugal,
I just had to make what I made useable.
So I did.
I made a bunch of ATC's yesterday,
and if I do say so myself,
they are pretty fantastic!
This week's theme at
and I think these qualify.
It was a wonderful day!

Now I am going to learn how to use my new Gelli Plate.
Who knows what may appear on my blog next?
Stay tuned.

Check out

It will get your mojo up and about.

Electra, Over and Out.

Friday, January 30, 2015


credit:  Studio Rosy Posey, Asiko

My daughter told me a few years ago that I was not 
allowed to use the word "Oriental"
I kind of went, "Huh?"

So it's nice to see I am not the only one.

Think Pink! (feathers)

This week the challenge at
Tag Along is Think Pink!
and the theme at 
ERGO:  Pink Feathers!
The woman is an image from the Fair Maidens Collage sheet by Gecko Galz
and you can find it

Credit for the feathers goes to
Elisha Barnett and the wordart is by
Cottage Arts.

Thanks for coming by, I haven't made a tag for a long time
and these are two of my favorite things!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Amazing Hats!

Thanks to the Three Muses for this week's challenge,
it was so much fun!

credits:  Studio Rosey Posey, Finecrafted Designs, Tracy Martin Designs,
Hidden Vintage Studios, Bonnie Zeiman, JMak Designs,
Heavens Gate Designs and Crafty Button Designs

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Robert Burns

credits:  Gecko Galz, Tracy Martin Designs, Crafty Button Designs
Thanks for coming by!

I am Woman

credits:  Gecko Galz, Berna Datema, 
Pink Lotty Designs, Tracy Martin Designs

Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Happy Birthday Australia!

Challenge # 201 at The Order of the Opus Gluei is in honour of our dear Chat Noir, DT Member extraordinaire.  It is the birthday of her beloved homeland Australia.  How cool is that?  Have you ever been there?  Or do you live there?  I know they have kangaroos.  And beautiful beaches from the looks of the photos Chat Noir posts.  I need to get there  soon.  I will.
But in the meantime...
Oh!  And crocodiles!  Wasn't 
Crocodile Dunee from there?? 
I don't know.

credits:  Studio Rosey Posey, Wish Bliss Studios and the good old

You have until February 89th to link up with us the comments.
G'Day Mates!


First Christmas card of the year for
The theme is NEW!
And for me these
Graphics 45 papers are new to my stash.

Happy Holidays!  lol


for Collage Obsession

crdits:  Tumblefish Studios, Berna Datema, Bethany Harty,
Itkupilli, Xquisart

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday, January 23, 2015


I used a bunch of chipboard pieces I have had in my stash for about a hundred years, plus the packaging from a board game fro a Christmas present...I tried to convey the fact tat he s like he is shot out of a cannon some days.

Thanks for coming by and have an awesome weekend!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Marsala Art Deco

credits:  Gecko Galz, Scully, Susan Tuttle

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 18, 2015


credits:  Itkupilli, Cajoline, Eena's Creations, Mind Over Matter Collaboration

Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, January 17, 2015


credits:  Maya de Groot, Dawn Inskip

Thanks for stopping by today!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


for this week's
Button, button, who's got the button?

Electra, Over and Out.

Monday, January 12, 2015

It's really pretty here...

and so, I thought I would do a LO of a photo I took,
another (final) entry for

Why not, eh?
credits to Studio Rosey Posey

Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the sparkle!

Sunday, January 11, 2015


credits:  Gecko Galz, Amanda Sok,  Bandy Murray

Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Challenge #200 at the Order!

Challenge #200 at The Order of the Opus Gluei
Can you believe it?
It seems like only yesterday the Poobahs
began this journey of glue-errific excellence!

We are going to ask you to extend the boundaries of your
artistic endeavors and create for our 200th Challenge


Yes, Dear Readers,
The sky is the limit,
as long as it is

Here are mine:
(keep in mind that ATC's are technically cards, but not really.  lol)

credit:  Finecrafted Designs and the ever-present Google, for the images

You have until Jnuary 25th to link
up with us in the comments.
We look forward to seeing your creations!

 The Order of the Opus Gluei
See you there!

Flowered Paper

This week's challenge at Use Your Stuff
is to create something using flowered paper.
I had this photo I loved from the trip
my daughter and I made to
Butchart Gardens this summer.
I have no idea how to take a good photo of a LO
when it's late at night.
ie: dark.

Oh well, thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

All You Need Is Love

That is the new theme for this month at
Our Design team had made for you some wonderful samples using the
new ephemera sheets,
and here is mine:
Products used:
Beautiful Art Jewel It Sheet
Love Potion Digital Stamp
In Dreams Collage Sheet
(I also used wordart by Angie Briggs and border
by Mind Over Matter)
You can find the new images
Now for the other exciting news...
Our January Customer Challenge is
Here is my sample:
I used these new Gecko Galz products: 
Love Potion #9 Papers
Love Potion #9 Icons
Love Potion #9 Digital Stamps
L'Amoure Collage Sheet
(I also used textures by Bonnie Zeiman and Evelyn Flint,
a flower by The Gilded Bee, a border by Tracy Martine Designs,
and unknown bow, and corner brush) 
You can find all of these new images in the 
I hope you join in our Customer Challenge,
at the
Remember, all you need is love!
Thanks for coming by!!