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Sunday, August 30, 2015


credits:  Holliewood Studio, Hidden Vintage Studio,
Studio Tangie, Studio Maya, Crafty Buttons Designs

Thanks for coming by,
I will be off to see you as well!

Saturday, August 29, 2015


credits: Lorie Davison, Joanne Brisbois, Tangie Baxter, Freubel

Back from Alaska,
best trip evah!!
If you are interested,
scroll down for some pics.
I would suggest you watch them full-screen.

Nice to jump back into digital heaven with

Home from Alaska!!

It hardly seems I have been home for a week!  have not even turned on my puter,
and I sure had better make some art today
or I will forget how
For those who asked, 
I posted on the idebar
some pics from the most amazing trip!!

Saturday, August 15, 2015


 First of all, in 6 hours, 
I will be winging my way to a cruise ship to Alaska.  
Woo Hoo!

(A dog sled and a helicopter are also involved!)

That has nothing whatsoever to do with
this week's theme at
which is
(but I am beyond excited!! tee hee!)
I settled down just long enough to make this.
Credits:  Sissy Sparrows, Joanne Brisbois.

Won't have any computer access while I am away,
but lots of pictures will come back with me.

See you later!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

It's Circus Time!!

at Gecko Galz!
and we have a brand new Customer Challenge
for you to join!

I made a few samples, just
LOVING the images this month!
Clowning Around Jewel It Sheet, and complimenting
that gorgeous image with other elements by 
Berna Datema, The Nifty Pixel,
Courtney's Designs and Cryztal Rain

This awesome image is one of Gecko Galz'
Curiosity Shop Digital Stamps, the background is
one of their Gypsy Market papers, and I finished it with a plastic frame
by Dido Designs.
This piece features the new
Up, Up and Away Digital Collage Sheets,
and a Circus Time Digital Stamp.
I also incorporated one of the 
Colour Me Ombre Papers and a Berna Datema Frame

Are you sick of me yet?  
Lots going on in this one, right?
Well, would you believe I only used a few
Curiosity Shop Paper Pak
Clowning Around Digital Collage Sheets
Circus Time Stamps
Curiosity Shop Stamps and Icons
All Gecko Galz.

I topped it off with a frame and overlay by
Joanne Brisbois and Tangie Baxter
(I had so much fun with this one and lost
an entire evening - lol)

Here is my project for the 
Life is a Circus Challenge

These were so easy to make:
Background papers from the Life is a Circus Time Paper Pak
Cut out individual images from the
Clowning Around Jewel It
To up some words on your computer, cut apart, add a little trim 
and bling from your staff and VIOLA!!

To thank you for sticking with me through all these words and samples,
I have a free stamp for you to play with.
All you need to do is right click and save it to your computer.

And here is a piece featuring the stamp and a Gecko Galz paper,
to help get your creative juices flowing:

You can get all of these wonderful Gecko Galz products
at the Etsy Shop
I hope you have fun with them,
as you can see, I surely did!

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

More Cookies Please!

That is the current challenge at
the funnest Christmas Card Challenge blog in the blogiverse!
I haven't had time to make anything lately,
when I saw the theme,
I knew I had to drop everything
and dig out one of my most favorite stamps.
About naughty Elves. 
I used some very old wrapping paper 
I had for the background and happened
to find some broken cookies.
Go figure!

I hope you are playing along at
come December,
you will be wishing you had!

Thanks for coming by and
have a funny week!