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Friday, July 29, 2016

Weekend Reflection

Thanks for coming by,
have a good weekend!
(a long one if you are in Canada!)

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mural Monday

Today's mural is exactly what a Hutterite Farmer's Market is like.
There's not many things that I enjoy more than doing this on a 
summer Saturday morning.

See more murals at

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 24, 2016


for me is these two.....

credits:  Dawn Inskip, Just Jaimee

What makes YOU happy?

Thanks for looking!


credits:  Gecko Galz, Marta Van Ek, Syndee Nuckels

Thanks for coming by!

Friday, July 22, 2016

July Gecko Galz

It's the middle of the summer here where I live.  
I wonder what the weather is like where you are?

all of us on the Gecko Galz Design Team have been making magic with
the new summer products at the 

Here are some things that I made.

This last one was fun and super-duper easy to make.
I used Photoshop Elements 13 to create it digitally;
The background paper is from the 
Summer Picnic Paper Pak
I extracted both girls from one of the Pretty In Pink collage sheet.
I also extracted the cupcake from the same collage sheet
and coloured the maraschino cherry red.
I drew on a stem with a brush, 'cus the stem is really hard to extract, being so small.
Then I duplicated the cupcake and cherry and put one by the
word art on the bottom and one in the front girl's hand.
The lovely "kindness" word art is from one of the Scripted Collage sheets.
I cropped it out, then
I simply placed it where I wanted it and changed the blending ode to Multiply.
That made it transparent!
That always works if it is just black words or image on white paper.
The bottom word art is just text I wrote, using the text tool, 
and I placed it on a piece of white cardstock that I coloured 
to match the blue in the background paper.
You can use the eyedropper tool and the paint bucket to do that.
I added a stroke to the blue paper, matching the orange on the background paper.
I used the eyedropper tool for that as well.
I placed a border by Tracy Martin over top and some confetti by Created By Jill
in front of the background paper.
I had to duplicate to have enough to cover.
finally, I flattened the layers and added a black stroke to the whole thing.

That would be it!

Here is your free stamp from Gecko Galz for the month of July:
(well, the one from me, that is, There is one each day
on the Gecko Galz blog.
Isn't it dute?  
Just right-click and save it to your computer.

I digitally coloured it to get you thinking....

Isn't it cute?

Be sure to check out the Gecko Galz blog
and you can find all of the products I used at the

Thanks for coming by!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Shhh, let's get Wordless

credits:  Aimee Harrison

The Printed Word

I made this for 
but if I am honest, 
I made it for the upcoming challenge at
way too far ahead, I admit, 
but that is how it evolved.

credits: Gecko Galz, Crafty Button Designs, Dawn Inskip, Ztampf, and Tracy Martin Designs

Thank you for your visit!!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Reach for the Stars!

This month's challenge at

and here is mine

So here's the thing.
I was creating this mermaid journal page and thinking
of the ocean and how it sparkles.
And then I thought,
Wouldn't it be cool if there were
stars in the ocean?
(maybe there are!)
So MY ocean has stars.
Thanks for coming by!!


The challenge for July at 
wait for it...
Since I had a little girl
and I grew up on an island
and we visited the oceans every year as she was growing up...
I have 
seashells in my stash.

The images are from Gecko Galz
And the shells.
(well, and all the other maritime treasaures)
Didn't I explain that?  lolol
Why don't you play along?
And at the very least, 
check out their blog,
there is some amazing art over there!

Thanks for looking, friends.
And have a funny day!

Monday, July 18, 2016

Our World Tuesday

I love the canola fields in summer.
See other fascinating parts of our wonderful world:

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday Mural

 Once you start looking, 
you find them everywhere.

That's what is said over at
And it's true.
I found this amazing mural yesterday 
in my wanderings in the city.
It made the trip worthwhile, I think.
Isn't that amazing?

I was in my truck, parked illegally,
two blocks from the Police Station, 
so I did not get out to see if there was a signature.
But it is AMAZING!!
Catch ya later, gator.

Merry Sketchmas!

So the current challenge at my favourite Christmas Card site is
to use this awesome sketch as a starting point:
I made this!
I have promised myself I will never ever buy supplies 
for Christmas card making again.
I have too much.
(She said never)

So I just keep wandering through my (substantial) stash.

You should do the same you know.
And then you would be ready for Christmas when it comes.

Electra Over and Out.

Friday, July 15, 2016


I completely forgot to post this, lol

credits:  Gecko Galz, Valentina's Creations

Thanks for coming by!

Weekend Reflection

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, July 11, 2016

Monday Mural

I'm not exactly sure what this is.
A fish?
What do you think?
See lots more wonderful murals at:

And have a funny week!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Beach Life, SeaShells

credits:  Gecko Galz, Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Studio Girls

Thanks for coming by!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Planes,Trains and Automobiles

Well, no planes, nor trains, actually, but
I did put a car in this.
This is for the wonderful

Isn't the the most awesome name you have ever heard?!?!

The car is by Gecko Galz, the
background is by Finecrafted Designs,
 and the rest of the elements are by Itkupilli.

Check out the 
it's fun!

And thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Music and Humour


credits: Finecrafted Designs, Lisa's Altered Art, Marta Van Eck, and Beth Rimmer

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, July 4, 2016

Our World Tuesday

So, I was out riding and could see this brilliant
turquoise water through the trees.
Do you know it is just about impossible to get a clear image 
when you are  on a horse? This was the best I could do.
Love the glacier water!

Have a funny day!

Mural Monday

THE BEST Murals anywhere! 
You might want to wander over there and check it out!
Meanwhile, in my yard, we have this:
Well, it's not in My yard, actually.
It's in the Town of Creston, BC, where my darling daughter lives.
But I like it.

Have a great holiday weekend,
if it's not over yet for you!

and thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Christmas Ombre, Except not really.

The theme this month at Jingle Belles

What does that mean?
you ask.
Well, it means pops of colour on a background of white.
Well, in this case, it means I blurfed around the interweb
and found some pictoral inspiration
and made a few cards.

I completely got lost and forgot the background was
supposed to be white.
Ah well, such is the life of an artist.

First, I liked this:
and I made this:
No white to speak of, except for the card base..
I had fun making it though.

Then I liked this:
and I made this:

You're right.
Virtually no white again.
I meant well.
Please forgive me.

I used this free colouring page that I
found to make the ornaments:
Christmas Ornaments

(A day after this post)
I woke up feeling guilty and made another card
that really DOES meet the challenge criteria. Here is my inspiration:
And here is my card:

I know, I know,
I could benefit from some

The Belles are pretty good.

I don't think they will hunt me down and make
me sit in the (white) corner.
I got three cards made.
And I followed their inspiration.
So it counts.
So there.

How many cards have you got made, my friend?
Well, get a move on.

Join us at
Jingle Belles

Taking December back one card at a time.
Even if I didn't follow the rules.

Thanks for coming by!


credits:  Brandy Murray, Gecko Galz, Bonnie Zeiman

Thanks for stopping by!
And Happy Independence Day!


credits:  Studio Maya, Syndee Nuckles, Mind Over Matter Collaboration, Shadowhouse Creations

Thanks for coming by!