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Monday, August 29, 2016

Mural Monday

This is a mural at the splash park where I am visiting.
I thought it was cute.

See lots more murals at

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, August 22, 2016

August Gecko Galz

I know, I know, August is just about over.
You still have time
to play along with the current Customer Challenge

You can find all the deets right here

In keeping with the nautical theme, I made this:
Here is how I created it:

Use a background paper from the Beachy Keen paper set. 
I chose the Lowtide paper
Then crop the image of the kids from one of the sheets in the
Seaside Snapshots Collage Set.
Erase the background from the kids.
Create a piece of paper to match the background paper,
using the eyedropper tool and the paint bucket.
Add the "cus Mom..." words.
Place it over the kids' heads and add an outside glow to it.
Open the "We're all Mad Here" wordart from the
Just Words digital stamp set.
Place it where you want it, duplicating it
and fitting it over top of the kids' heads.
Change the opacity of those words to Multiply.
Add a border, in this case by Created By Jill
and stitching in this case by Akizo.
Merge, save as a jpeg and Viola!
You're done!
(I used Photoshop elements software to do this.)

Now, NOT in the Nautical theme,..
and just to show you that there are all sorts
 of cool images you can get from Gecko Galz
Here are a couple of other pieces I made this month:
For this one I used the
Pretty In Pink Jewel It sheets
and one of the background papers from the
Floral Symphony  paper pak
The woman in this one is from the 
Bohemia Collage Set
and the background paper is one of the
papers in the Flower Power paper pak.

The wordart in both of these pieces is from the
Scripted collage Set.

All of these glorious items can be found in the 

If all of this wasn't enough of a feast for you eyes,
here is your free digital stamp for the
month of August

Just right-click on the image and
save it to your computer

I made this to get you thinking about what you can do with this stamp

I hope to see your art at
and thanks for coming by!!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Our World Tuesday

Yup, another amazing helicopter ride.
This time over Horseshoe Canyon near Drumheller, Alberta, Canada.

Thanks for coming by.
And make sure you check out lots more pics of our wonderful world!

Monday Mural

It was a dinosaur kind of day
in a dinosaur kind of town.
(well, the first one, anyway)

Thanks for coming by!!
Electra, over and out.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Lunagirl Moonbeams

This is for the Anything Goes Theme for August at

credits:  Lunagirl Moonbeams, Designs By Helly, Holliewood Studios,
Studio Rosey Posey, Akizo Designs, Little Butterfly Wings

Thanks for stopping by!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mural Monday on Tuesday

Thanks for coming by!

Our World Tuesday

I love our badlands here in Alberta.

We spent some time there on the weekend and went to
the Royal Tyrell Dinosaur Museum.
Dinosaurs have been found in these part that are over 70 million years old.
And reconstructed totally!!!

Check out other amazing images of our wonderful world:

Thanks for coming by!!

Saturday, August 6, 2016


This is my sweetie Crystal.
She passed away just a few weeks ago.
Anyone who has lost a pet knows how hard that is.
I miss her.
So, since the saying is
"They've gone over the rainbow bridge",
I give you
credits:  Kimeric Kreations, WendyP Designs, Akizo

for this week at Sunday Postcard Art

Thanks for coming by!

Friday, August 5, 2016

Weekend Reflection

Nothing fancy today.
Just out catching Polemon. lol

Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

You decide which is which.
credits:  Gecko Galz, Paislee Press, One Little Bird, Amanda Wolff, Anna Aspnes

This is for

Thanks for coming by!

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Our World Tuesday

Did you know I LOVE helicopter rides?
Well, I do!

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, August 1, 2016

August Customer Challenge

It's August already!
And that means there is a new Customer Challenge at
Here is my piece to get you inspired:
All of the elements and papers I used to create this can be found at

I can hardly wait to see what you create!

Thanks for coming by!

Mural Monday

These are people who founded a little town that is now just
a wonderful neighborhood in a much much larger city.

Thanks for coming by!!