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Monday, April 30, 2012

Turquoise Postcard Art

Have you ever wandered over the 
otherwise known to millions of adoring fans as
Well, I Love to visit there and oogle all the wonderfulness.
When I saw that their theme this week is
I decided to play.
I have a gazillion other things I SHOULD be doing, but nope.
I made something turquoise.
Here 'tis:
'Mkay, I have lots of artists to thank for allowing me to use their AWESOME elements:
Deep breath now...
Beth Rimmer,  Tumblefish Studios, Rebecca McMeen, Dover, 
Cryztal Rain, and Shabby Blogs

It's amazing what you can find when you go into your Documents.

Sunday, April 29, 2012


Peggy Gatto of
invited us to create something with gardens in mind.
I chose to use a quote that she supplied and used additional elements by
My Fanciful Muse, Fei-Fei, Syndee Nuckles,Vera Lim, 
 and Beth Rimmer

Thanks for looking!


This week, the theme at
I have reflected a lot on the sentiment in this piece, 
and it really started with a photo I took of a green chair 
outside the theater at the University a couple of weeks ago.
I wondered who sat there..why...and for how long?
And did that person know s/he is beautiful?

Elements used are by Anna Aspnes Designs, Kim Klassen and Altered Emporium
The lovely model is by

I hope you know you are beautiful.


For this week's
the word is
And we all know that brings to mind darkness and foreboding...
Not in my world.

Thanks to Createwings Designs, Angela Blanchard, 
Cemerony, Dezinaworld, Scraps Dimensions,
Cajoline, Flergs, and Bonnie Zieman.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Words in Art

This is for
I didn't use any famous quote, it's just something I think we should all do our best to do...
Thanks for coming by!


Peggy at 
challenged us to use a picture of clouds.
So I used one of my own.
Thanks to Lisa's Altered Art and Kitch Garden Unlimited for the rest!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I'm home

and in love.
(Of course)
Now, before you think that I am going to post photos of my new little grandson
I promise, I won't.
after being away from my computer for over a week
I did make a few LO's of the little guy.
OK, take a deep breath: 
Thanks to Kim Klassen, Amanda Fraijo-Tobin, Sally's Angelworks,
The Queen of Quirk, and Dido Designs
(or maybe it's just gas)
Thanks to Wish Bliss Studios, Robin Cabana,and Dido Designs.
Thanks to Kitty Designs and Coreen Silke
Thanks to Amanda Fraijo-Tobin, Shalae Tippetts,
and Syndee Nuckles
Thanks to Dido Designs
and of course,
for posing.
OK, now I'm off to check out my favorite Challenge sites and visit all my bloggie-buddies.
Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Soartful Wedding!

The new challenge at
Such a fun theme this is, who doesn't love weddings?

I cut this image out of a library book I found in the garbage, placed it on a canvas I painted and gessoed and textured, along with some chenille I had left over from a Fascinator I made, the flower in her hat is tulle I melted with my heat gun, some stickles on her dress for shine, old lace and a strip of cardstock, all finished off with a button.

Is that not the longest sentence you have ever read?  lol

The frame is digital, by Priss Designs.

I hope you go visit
to see what the other member of the Dsign Team have created for inspiration and of course, play along!

Have fun with it!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Marie Boogies

Marie is courtesy of 

Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Vintage Bathing Beauty

This is for
The Three Muses Challenge:

My beauty is by Rian Designs.  Isn't she sassy?

Other elements are by Rucola Designs, Just Something I made, Ellie Lash, Finecrafted DesignsSkeletal Mess,and  Kim Klassen.

Thanks for looking!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Just Because

The photos and background are my own, other elements are by Shadowhouse Creations, Kim Klassen, Rucola Designs, and Brandy Murry.

I hope all is wonderful in your world!

Rian Designs

This was made with gorgeous elements from
She has some wonderful new sheets available and when you visit her site,
you'll find links to the other members of her awesome Design Team!  
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 15, 2012


This is for this week's

Thanks to Amanda Thorderson, Phenomenon 1859, Crowabout Studios, and Holliewood.

It's a Boy!!

Meet Logan John Andrysyk,

This is a photo
 taken with my camera of a photo on my phone taken 
with a phone in the hospital a few hundred miles away.
What WILL they think of next?

It's a Boy!!

Logan John Andrusyk arrived inthe world by emergency C-Section on Friday,. April 13th at 3:30 AM
He weighs six pounds, six oz. and we hope he is out of the NICU soon.
Mom will be in the hospital for a few more days, but we hope she will be better soon as well.
is heading south tomorrow to meet Logan and give our new Mom a big Mommy hug!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Foto Friday

To play along, please visit

Thank to Crowabout Studios, Wish Bliss Studios and Bleuesse

Thursday, April 12, 2012


This is for
Have a funny day!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

4th Annual

is on now!
How cool is that?
I just had to make something.
And now I just have to post it.
Cus I made something for their border punch challenge a while ago and then forgot to post it.
If you have been by lately, you know I've been whining about being sick in bed.
Nuff said.
I missed it.
Oh well, if that's the biggest thing I do wrong this month, I'm doing well. lol
It's a chunky ATC.  My buddy Lori told me how the wood chunks needed to be cut 
and I went to Home Depot and acted like a helpless old woman and the nice young man
cut 20 for me from a scrap of wood and didn't charge me a cent!!!
There ARE advantages to being old!
not many
The only credits I can give for this are to Rebecca McMeen for
Steampunk Lily
and Bead Landing for the gears.
Oh!  I used a Tim Holtz die cut for the flourishes.  
Thanks for looking.  

Here's the one I made that I didn't post.
No biggie.  I ADORE the Gingersnap Challenges!

Last Century

Over yonder at
the Random Redhead Challenge for the month is 
So, true to my usual form of taking things literally, 
I searched for a picture of my Grandma and did a LO of her.
I believe this photograph was taken in approximately 1906.
And it's 2012.
So that's
And there you have it.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Sort of Steampunky

My muse is not feeling well.  Not a bit.  I think my muse has a virus.
So, while the muse did try to put something together for the
neither of us is very happy with it.
Well, with either.
We tried one, then another, then went back to bed.
They aren't terribly Steampunky, but they are the best we could do.

 My muse and I thank you for stopping by!

Monday, April 9, 2012

This was made with gorgeous elements from 
She has beautiful new sheets available in her shop!
I do hope you'll visit her site and check out the links to the other member of her awesome Design Team!
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

ALERT!!! Mature Content!

The little kiddies are in bed now, right.
Oops, I forgot, they've been eating sugar.
May the force be with you.
And Happy Easter!


I've never heard of a skinny, have you?
The talented folks at 
provided me with the dimensions and TADA!
Nothing fancy, but you need to cut me some slack. 
 It has now been a full week that I have been sick in bed.  :-(
Thanks to Dezinaworld, Joni Gray,  Doris Castle, and  Dido Designs
Make sure you go to 
to get the dimensions and make your own skinny!!

What else do you know?

The illustrious (and industrious) Kristen, world-famous Poobah at
has invited us to create something using a technique we either haven't used for a while, or have never used, or have been wanting to use, but never got around to it...
you get the picture.
My contribution was created using a digital template by Brandy Murry.
I purchased it quite a while ago and have put off using it until this challenge got me going on it now.
It wasn't really complicated, I just thought it was.
Too many steps, I thought.
I was wrong.
The photo is my own, taken from the ridge where I live.
God's country.

Now mosey over to
and join in the fun!
See you there!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


is the new challenge at 
As you can see from my sample, this theme may be interpreted VERY liberally!
In fact, you have NO excuse not to join in.

Thanks to RianDesign, Lisa's Altered Art, HolliewoodStudios, 
Clementine, and Kitch Gardens for all their fun elements.
I hope you go on over and see the wonderful samples the design team has created to inspire you! 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Last Century

The Random Redhead Challenge at 
invites us to make something with the theme:
The Last Century. 
 I was wandering around over there, and there is some really wonderful art going on.  I took it literally, as if it were a class assignment and I would get detention if the teacher found out it was even one year less than a century.
(What the heck is wrong with me???)
This is a photo of my grandmother and another lady I don't know.  Grandma is sitting down.

Digital frame is by Nicole of NBK Designs,

I think my grandmother would have been about 14 here and that would have made it about 1906.
So that's in the LAST (as opposed to) THIS century right?

There you have it.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


is the challenge over at 
this week.
Thanks to Valerie Brincheck, Dido Designs, Shalae Tippetts,
 Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Syndee Nuckles, Doris Castle, and Brandy Murry

Monday, April 2, 2012


This week's theme at
Share anything you like, if fact.
How can I NOT do that?
 Thanks to Crowabout Studios, Holliewood, Fidlette, Laurie Anderson,
JillDzines, Brandy Murry and Beth Rimmer!

Happy Hybrid Holiday

OK, so here's the deal.
I was thrilled to see that the latest 
card challenge was too use a digital stamp.
Digital is my thing, right?
And then.....
my printer had a nervous breakdown and had to go into the printer rehab.
So I only JUST got it back.
I used a digital stamp of a Christmas tree from Studio JM Designs:

I used a Sissix embossing folder and distressed it all with Ranger's ink:  
Evergreen Bough, Scattered Straw, and Festive Berries.
The crown I just embossed with the same folder, on gold paper and cut out.
I added a Recollections sentiment sticker.

I know it's kind of weird, but I'm OK with that.
After being without my printer for ten days, 
I would be OK with making something out of an egg carton and pipe cleaners.
Thanks for looking-there is lots more
hybrid eye candy at 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Eggs, Eggs and more Eggs

The current challenge at 

(on another unrelated note, I had a bunch of friends over last night and for some strange reason,

 I felt I just HAD TO whip up some deviled eggs for them.!?!?) 

What on earth was my thinking when I made this, you ask?
I have absolutely NO idea.
It started with the egg person and then I thought she needed some friends who wouldn't judge her.

Thanks to Riandesigns, Altered Emporium, Rucola Designs, Laurie Anderson, Eena's Creation,
Crowabout Studios, Bleuesse, Fincrafted Studios, Cajoline, Madelyn and Lisa's Altered Art.

Whew, it took longer to thank the designers for the elements I used than it did to make the piece!


Easter Eggs

Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, at
Sweet Peggy has given us a few Easter egg images to use (if we like), so I chose this one:
Isn't it sweet?
And here is the end result:
I actually LOVE how this turned out!
Many thanks to Beth Rimmer, Doris Castle, 
Durin Eberhart, Rucola Designs, and Amanda Frijo-Tobin.

Just Because

Thanks to Dido Designs, Amanda  Fraijo-Tobin, and Brandy Murry