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Friday, March 29, 2013

Easter ATC's

for a swap...
I bought all the staff bunny ears for work last week 
and we all wore them.
Well., actually, I had a Mad Hatter Hat and so did one other person.  
We're Management, after all.
We had a graduation ceremony with families invited and we wore them.
One family member said, "I know you do great work, 
but I'm finding it hard to take you seriously."

Just Because


Thanks to Rucola Designs, and Kerry Klaassen Veale

Thursday, March 28, 2013


I came across this is a sleepy little prairie town.
It's not what one would necessarily consider to be graffiti, but I think it's pretty awesome.

and with the addition of Bonnie Zemian's textures:  
Medieval Magic and Age It
and then,
GRAFFITI-a rude decoration 
inscribed on rocks or walls
 I've added Bonnie's Age It and Medieval Magic Testures.
I love graffiti.
See you at Bonnie Zeiman's
and have a great Easter!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Out of Bounds

It's actually not a clear as I would have liked, but hey, it's under the ocean, right?

Credits:  Beth Rimmer, Finecrafted Designs, Amanda Sok,
Jofila Devoe Designs, Bonnie Zeiman and Lily Designs

I hope you go over to
and see lots of examples of what the Out Of Bound technique
should REALLY look like!  
Have  great day!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


Credits: Beth Rimmer, Sum of All Crafts, Maya de Groot, Joanne Brisbois,
Syndee Nuckles, Phenomenon 1859

Oop, I liked this theme so much, I made two!
credits:  Bumblebutton, Carole Neale , Erica Hite

Thanks for looking!


Challenge #153 at the Gluei Resort!

Hi folks.  It's time for a new challenge at

Go Where You Haven't Gone Before  
(I know, it makes me think of Star Trek too.)
For a long time now, I have wanted to make a piece of

But you know how that goes...I can't, it won't work, I'm not talented enough....
 That self talk can be a bitch.
Well, Grand Poobah Rosemary invited us to try something we have never tried before, 
it was either do cartwheels on the front lawn
(Yeah, right)
or try to do some She Art
She Art it is.  
 It took me a long time, but I have to say, I love it.
I made her skirt out of wax paper, glue, bits of stuff, and napkins.
  It was the perfect opportunity to go through my stash...
 It involved many, many, many, many, MANY, many, many,
many layers.
 And the most important thing is

I hope this inspires you to go when you have not been before.. 
You have until April 6th to link up with us at
See you there!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Credits:  Dido Designs, Cryztal Rain, Gilded Bee, Bonnie Zeiman,
Keri Schueller, Syndee Nuckles, Thao Cosgrove.

I'll see you there:

The Painted Nest

I've found a wonderful challenge site through:
You need to be a member of the Forum, but the artwork there is really awesome.
I've participated in a couple of challenges now, here is what I have made for the newest challenge:

That's just what I need, another challenge.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope life is treating you kindly.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Self Portrait

I have to admit that when Bonnie said this week's theme would be 
I said to myself, "Well, THAT will never happen."
But then I decided to play around.
This is what I got...
with the help of Bonnie's testures:
Artist, Artist's Easel, Abstract Scratches and Dream Wonder

and I'm OK with you seeing it.

See lots more artists at
and maybe even do a self portrait of your own!

Thanks for looking.
(and thanks to Bonnie's textures for giving me the courage to do this!)

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Song Title

This week's theme is  
Song Title
and that's the song that comes to mind when I look at my mountains and sky.

I hope you visit
and join in with your own photos!

Thanks for stopping by!

Just sayin...


credits:  Bluesse, Bethany Harty, Dawn Inskip and Sherrie JD.
Thanks for stopping by, see you at

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy St. Paddy's Day

credits:  Rhonna Farrer, Cajoline, Durin Eberhart, Syndee Nuckles, Carina Gardner
Luck of the Irish to You!

Just Because

Our little Logan sharing his Pauly Dee look with us.
The look on the bottom left says "Don't even THINK of messing with me."

Thursday, March 14, 2013


for Bonnie Zeiman's
I decided to use a picture of a little girl, that I took in Cuba a few years ago.
She has this look about her as if to say,
"Oh no, you don't take MY picture!"
 with the addition of Bonnie's textures:
Beauty Is, Dropped Petals, and Serve Life,
an overlay by Shadowhouse Creations,
and a tearose by Gilded Bee, I created this:
There is lots of amazing art at Bonnie's
as well as her stunning textures.
I hope you visit.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Children's Literature

or more accurately, Children's Nursery Rhymes...

credits:  Beth Rimmer, Bluesse, Joni Gray Designs, Kerry Klaassen Veale

Punk It Up

Is anyone else having blogger challenges today?

Credits:  Rucola Designs, Bonnie Zeiman, Lost and Found and
Studio Rosey Posey

Monday, March 11, 2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013


 I don't think the parents are all that thrilled, do you?
I know I wouldn't be happy if my daughter married a pig.
OK, that was bad.

credits: Cajoline, Studio Rosey Posey, 
Fincrafted Designs and Kim Klassen.

Check out more green art, and less cranky parents, I suspect, at

Spring Has Sprung

somewhere in the universe.
I'm sure of it.

Challenge #152 at
is exactly that: Spring!
Her pet bunny is wondering if it's time to hide his eggs.
YOU figure it out.

Credits:  Red Ivy Designs, Cajoline, Holly Spring Designs, 
Paula Wright and Studio Maya

I hope you join in with us at
and put a little spring in your step!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

All I Need

made for The Painted Nest, 
using elements by The Painted Nest, J Kneipp,
 Studio Tangie, Kristen,  Bonnie Zeiman
Amanda Frijo-Tobin and Studio Rosey Posey

Is art all YOU need?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Seeing Double

Thanks to Laura Carlson, Keri Schueller, Bonnie Zeiman,
Dido Designs, Shodwohouse Creations, 
Joni Gray Designs, and Studio Tangie

And thanks to YOU for looking!

Thursday, March 7, 2013


The original photograph:
and after the additional of Bonnie Zeiman's texture:
Abstract Elements, Bronw Rice Paper, Fanciful,
French Script on Parchment, and Scratched Lens,

I ended up with this:
I hope you like it.  I do.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


What was your childhood like?
I was chubby with batgirl glasses.
Amazing what you can come up with when you take one word 
and think about it for a while.

I hope you check out

There are likely some artists with much sweeter thoughts on children.
tee hee

Credits: Hidden Vintage Studios, Cemerony, Shalae Tippetts,
Holliewood Studios, and Amanda Thorderson Designs

Thanks for stopping by and have a funny day!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Warm Colours

Warm enough for ya?

Thanks to TYJulia, Eena's Creation, Dezinaworld,
 Shadowhouse Creations and Tangie Baxter

See lots more warm wonderful art at

Take care!


The photo was taken last summer in the
Japanese Gradens, Lethbridge, Alberta
I added textures by Lost and Found and Kim Klassen.

I hope to see you at
with some photo art of your own!!


This is a family portrait.
There's one in every family.

Credits:  Rian Designs,Cajoline,
Altered Emporium, Eean's Creation

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Western shades of Brown with Ecru and Cream

That, my friends is the new challenge at
Soartful Challenges
I made a birthday card for a man I work with who is a cowboy through and through.
He's big and you can here him coming as he ambles into the room.
Blue jeans and boots, that's what it's all about.
So that was the challenge for me, how to make a card for a rough and tough good ol' boy which was manly and fun too.

I hope Joe likes it.

And you can create something western or using shades of brown, ecru and cream. 
 It doesn't even have to be westerm, that's
 just a kick-start to your imagination.
I hope you visit
and check out all the inspiration from our Design Team 
and then join in with a project of your own!
You have until April 6th to take part in this challenge.
(Plenty of time)
See you there!