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Monday, March 31, 2014

Down On The Farm

This week at
we are asked to create something with the theme
Down On The Farm.
AND at
The Three Muses we are asked to take an old black and white photo
and surround it with colour.

Now since I am as we speak sitting in a hotel room in
Palm Springs, California
(where there is NO SNOW, BTW),
I made something for both challenges before I left.
It's not an OLD photo exactly, but it IS down on the farm...


Thanks for coming by!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Black and White Weekend Reflections

This is for both
The Weekend in Black and White
Weekend Reflections

I'm cheating, cus I'm busy packing
for California.

See you from Palm Springs.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Just Because

credits:  Jen Yurko, and Rebecca MeMeen
Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Age of Steam

for this week's
credits:  Beth Rimmer, Eeana's Creation,
Taze 485, Studio Rosey Posey

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Challenge # 128 - Ink

for this week's
It's a bit of a stretch, with this LO,
but when done, I was so surprised by the difference
spraying the ink at the top right made in the whole page.
(Plus, I used ink to print out the image of the tractor - lol)
I know, not a LOT of ink, but what the hey.
I like it.


Weather to me immediately brings to mind, white-out snowstorms,
torrential rains, lightning and such.
when I saw that this was the theme for this week's challenge at
I immediately longed for summer.
This winter has been especially brutal
and it is an understatement to say that I am
'nuff said.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Tuesday My World

I have likely said this before, but I love our skies.
Love em.
Don't you?
See more of our beautiful planet at

And thanks for coming by!

Sunday, March 23, 2014


for this week at
credits:  Joanne Brisbois, Cajoline, Holliewood Studios

Thanks for coming by!

If you haven't voted already, please check out my piece in this art contest!

You can vote Here
Voting ends shortly.

PS, I won!
Thank you all so much!
Now to go spend my winnings on more digital elements.  lol

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Touch Me, Inspire Me!

Hi everyone, it's time for Challenge #179 at The Order of the Opus Gluei!
Grand Poobah Rosemary has invited us to find somethingon the Internet to inspire us and create something based on that inspiration.
How easy is that?
You've heard of Pinterest?
Of course you have.
Well, grab a cuppa and wander around there for a bit,
it won't take you long...

This is the inspiration I found on Pinterest:

And here is my creation:
 credits:  Brandy Murray, Dido Designs

You have until April 6th to link up with us in the comments,
so that we can come and oogle your artwork.
(That's oogle, not google)

The Order of the Opus Gluei

See you there!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

I have a piece in an art contest!

and if you could visit and (if you like it the best), please vote for me,
I would be ever so appreciative!
Here it is:
 You can view and vote at
Voting ends March 23rd.

And while you are at our wonderful little art community, 
take a wander around and consider joining us!
We have all sorts of fun stuff going on there!

And thanks for helping me out!


for this week at
credits:  Raymonde Savoie, Gilded Bee, Land of Nod,
Berna Datema, Tumblefish Studios, Amanda Sok,
Syndee Nuckles and Paula Wright.

we had spring here on the weekend, 
but then I hit a snowstorm coming home.
will it never end?????????

Thanks for coming by!

Monday, March 17, 2014

My World Tuesday

take a trip around the world without ever leaving 
the comfort of your chair...

Sunday, March 16, 2014


for this week's Take A Word
This is an ATC I made for a March swap.
There is a story to you, can you figure it out?

credits:  Fidlette, Cajoline, Tumblefish Studios, 2Lil Owls,
Holliewoods Studios, Tangie Baxter, Pink Lotty and
Off With the Fairies

Thanks for coming by.
Have an awesome week!

The Weekend in Black and White

This is part of the remains of a 103-year-old railway roundhouse.
It is the coolest place ever and I just stumbled upon it on 
one of my of my meanderings through the back roads of our province.


OK, I admit it,
I got a little bit out of control with this one.
Not to worry,
I'll get back on my meds,
and be good as new in no time.  :-)


credits:  Tumblefish Stuidos, Berna Datema, Lisa's Altered Art

Thursday, March 13, 2014


for this week at
credits:  Studio Em-ka, Gecko Galz, Rhonna Ferrer

Are you a gypsy?
Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Use Your Stuff

This week's theme at
is Animals
You decide which one is the animal.

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This is my version of Zetti for this week's challenge at

credits:  Dido Designs, Captivated Visions, Crowabout Studios,
2 Lil Owls, Tumblefish Studio, Studio Manu and Berna Datema

Thanks for coming by, see you there, I hope!

Monday, March 10, 2014


is this week's theme at

I call this:
"Under the impression he really is the boss"
No so, little man

credits:  Amada Sok, Kathryn Estry, 
Scrap Orchard, Heaven's Gate Designs, and Melscraps.

Thanks for looking!

Our World Tuesday

Spring is coming though.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Challenge # 178 at the Order!!

Poobah Chat Noir has challenged us to
create something with a letter of the alphabet:
In her words:
 A is for Aphrodite (or apple, or arachnid...)  Use your favourite letters of the alphabet.
(please don't use arachnid or anything like that, I have a spider phobia)

So I went with B for Blackbird:
credits:  Rebecca McMeen, Rian Designs, Pink Lotty and Holliewood Studios

My blackbirds are also for this week's
Take A Word challenge

My second piece is in honour of the letter "E"
(I feel like I am on Sesame Street)

E is for Easter

 credits:  Gecko Galz and Lisa's Altered Art

You have ntil March 23rd to link up with us at
The Order of the Opus Gluei

You know us,
Anything goes.
Just time it into a letter of the alphabet.

We look forward to visiting you and seeing your creations!


credites:  Flergs, Tangie
Baxter, Tumblefish Studio, 
Beth Rimmer, 2lilOwls.

Thanks for stopping by!

Weekend Reflections

Black and White Weekend

OK, I have to explain this.
I live next to a cemetery. I love it.
It's a very old cemetery, the graves around the edge 
are from the late 1800's.
Well, the other day, I came home and there was a truck, 
with a generator and a "Toaster"
in the ground.
Huh?  A TOASTER???
Long story short, for 5 days this "toaster" ran, 
I guess sending pressurized steam into the ground, 
to make it warm enough to dig for a grave.

5 days later, sure enough, there was a funeral.

And after, the bulldozers came back and piled the dirt and snow
and tried to make it like it was before the event.

My cemetery used to be perfect 
and white and unmarked and pristine.
Now it's got a pile of dirty snow in the middle of it.

Such is life, I guess.
And death.

Moral of the story?
Don't die in the winter here.
It's very complicated.

Thanks for stopping by.
I hope you are warm.
And alive.  :-)

For more Black and White weekend shots, visit:

Friday, March 7, 2014

Abstract Flower

I started with this:
added three of Bonnie's gorgeous textures:
Old Ornate Linen,
Happy Day,
French Script Parchment
Played with filters and blending modes and came up with this:
I finished it off with an overlay by Tangie Baxter

I REALLTY encourage you to go over to Bonnie Zeiman's site and
 check out not only her beautiful textures, but the 
amazing artwork there this week!
It's an explasion of joyous colour!

Thanks for coming by,
I always love to see you here!

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Kings and Queens

Off to work,
have a funny day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


credits:  Manueal Zimmerman, Eeana's Creation

Thanks for stopping by,
now go check out the wonderful art at

Use Your Stuff - Ad Challenge

This week at
we've been given an ad for inspiration
and I pulled out some photos from a day last summer,
that I have yet to scrapbook
It was a fun day
and I had fun making this layout!

Thanks for coming by.
Go on, you know you have lots,

Saturday, March 1, 2014


Hello Soartful people!
This month we are going to create some wonderfulness with
Soartful Challenges 
When I was a little girl my mother always had one of those
beige dressforms in her sewing room. 
All women who sewed in those days did.
We're going to bring a bit of joy to that boring old dressform though, 
by using bright colours!

We hope you will visit and join in the fun-you have until April 1 to create something with

I hope you will check out the wonderful inspiration at
Soartful Challenges
and link up with us!