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Saturday, November 29, 2014


Challenge #197 at
The Order of the Opus Gluei 
is SNOW!
We have snow in Canada.
MOST of the year, it seems.
Naah, that's an exaggeration.
Some folks south of us think we live in igloos
(honest!  I was asked that once!)
But we have real houses.
Some with fireplaces.
God bless the fireplaces.

credits:  Gecko Galz, Pavlinka Designs.

You have until December 13th to link up with us
in the comments

 The Order of the Opus Gluei

Hope it is warm where you are!


  1. Very pretty piece, I like that angel on the side. So funny about being asked if you lived in an Igloo. We once asked our parents what it was like to come over on the Covered Wagons!


Thank you for your visit. I really appreciate it!