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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Blue and White

 This is mainly Blue and White, right?  :-)

Credits:  Gecko Galz, Amanda Sok, Syndee Nuckles, Akizo

Thanks for coming by!

Spirits of Christmas Past

well, not TOO past, actually.
We are talking MY past here.

The current theme at
So I used an image by Gecko Galz to show you a little bit of my childhood...
We led exciting lives back, then, we did.

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Black and White

OK, I rarely do this,
but I am going to walk you briefly through the process of how
my piece for this week's

Last night I sat down at the computer
and thought to myself,
I'll bet I can make a cool photo mask.
Why do I buy them, it must be simple.
And I did.

(I was right, it IS simple) 
So long story short,
I made a mask,
Made a background with it,
made a layout,
and then changed it up so
I could use it for this week's
Here is the version before I adjusted it...
and then...
To tell you the truth,
I like them both!

credits:  Rebecca McMeen, Bonnie Zeiman,
Berna Datema, Cryztal Rain

Thanks for stopping by~!


credits:  Gecko Galz, Lara's Digi World, Bleuesse,
Manuela Zimmerman, Bonnie Zeiman, and Crafty Button Designs

This is for the current challenge at

I Hope you like it.
Thanks for coming by!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Collage Obsession

credits:  Gecko Galz

See you there, have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ohh La La!

It seems like I am just not getting a clear picture today.
Oh well, it is what it is.
 Tag Tuesday
which has some of the best artwork around each week.

Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Retro Summer

Interestingly enough, Lunagirl has chosen this same image
of hers to feature on her challenge this time!
(That's cus it's so great.)
Other credits:  
Studio Rosey Posey

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Sea Life

credits:  Finecrafted Designs, Bonnie Zeiman, 
Beth Rimmer, Shadowhouse Creations

Thanks for coming by!

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Summer of Colour-Last Week!

I am so glad I found Summer of Color and played along!
It's been a lot of fun and forced me to get my sorry tired butt in gear each week
and make something just for it!
This week's colours are Orange,Orange and Blue, and I made this journal page.

I hope you had as much fun as I did!!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Street Art

This is actually, highway art, I suppose.
On a road trip last summer, 
we stopped and discovered some ruins of an old bridge or something 
and it was full of glorious graffiti.
So my grandson is yelling to get an echo and
I am just plain happy.
credits:  Itkupilli, Dido Designs, Studio Tangie, Dawn Inskip,
Crowabout Studio and Eena's Creation.

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Take A Word-Wings

credits:  Holliewood Studios, Tumblefish Studios, Studio Tangie, 
Far Far Hill, Bonnie Zeiman

Thanks for coming by!

Seaside ATC's

As promised, here are a few
of the ATC's I made using the Gecko Galz Collage Sheets.

 I think the images are gorgeous

I sure had a good time with these!

Thanks for coming by!

Belles are Ringing!

This week, the challenge at Jingle Belles
is to create a card with either silver
or bells on it.
I am silver-challenged,
so I made this card... 
Now it also just so happens, that over at
the challenge is
Christmas in July
and we are invited to use one of the free images she has available
for download on her page.
So I did just that.
AND I used a background from Gecko Galz.

How are your Christmas cards coming?
Are you done?

Only  167 days until Christmas.
Ya better get a move on!!
Thanks for coming by today!

Saturday, July 11, 2015


credits:  Gecko Galz
for this week at Sunday Postcard Art
Thanks for coming by!

Seaside Memories

Time for a brand new Gecko Galz Challenge!
This month the theme is Seaside Memories
and Gecko Galz has so many wonderful seaside images for you to use!
You can find them at the Gecko Galz Etsy Shop

Here is my project for this challenge:
I can decide which side is the front. lol

I guess it doesn't really matter, does it?
Here are some other projects I did using the new July images, stanps and papers:
Products used:   
Beachy 1x1 Jewels
By The Shore Collage Sheet
Beachy 2x1 Jewels
Products and process used:
Place Sea Side Icons on Sea Side Paper
Place over grey cardstock
Apply bevel
Insert Ocean Plant by Beth Rimmer between two layers
Apply drop shadow
Add overlay by Joanne Brisbois
Products used:
Sea Side Icons
Namaste Paper
Beachy1x1 Jewels 

Did you know that if you follow the
each day you will see some amazing inspiration pieces from the DT
with just one click of the mouse, you can visit
each DT member's blog and receive a free digital stamp?

Don't let the word "digital" scare you off, if you don't do digital work, 
you can just print the images off and use them on your paper projects.
Here is a quickie I did with the stamp I have for you today:
Isn't this sweet?
Here is the free stamp for you, just right click on it and then save it:

And thanks for stopping by!

(and if you come back tomorrow, 
I will show you some other ATC's 
I made with the beach-themed collage sheets.)

Friday, July 10, 2015


Thanks for stopping by!
Electra, over and out.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Green, Green and PInk!

for this week at
I went digital.
IN the midst of a too-busy week at work and just did not have the time
to sit down and create something with paint and patience.
Aw well, such is life sometimes.

Credits:  Rebecca McMeen, Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Elisha Barnett, Itkupilli 

Way life be full of magic for you today!
Thanks for coming by.


for this week at
credits:  All elements from Out of This World Collaboration

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Summer for Digital Whisper

credits: Stuiod Rosey Posey, Syndee Nuckles, Bleuesse 

Thanks for stopping by, if I haven't been buy to see you lately, I am working on it!

Monday, July 6, 2015


for this week at
credits: Itkupilli, Doris Castle, Kimeric Kreations,
Joanne Brisbois, Mind Over Matter Collaboration

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Marie Antionette

credits:  Gecko Galz, Freubel, Syndee Nuckles, 
Studio Tangie, Elisha Barnett, Bonnie Zeiman


Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Friday, July 3, 2015

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Week 3!

I feel like maybe it should be called SIMMER of colour this week...

Looking forward to next week!

Thanks for coming by!

Use Your Stuff

Last challenge before summer break!
Apparently, I am on a Moose roll today.  :-)

Happy Canada to you!

Happy Canada Day!