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Thursday, October 29, 2015

2015 Blog Hop!!!

Welcome to the Event of the Year!
You've been waiting for it, you know you have.

Hello Everyone!

I want to welcome everyone to the First destination of
Gecko Galz 5th Annual Blog Hop

If you started here you might want to go back and start at the beginning at the Gecko Galz blog so you won’t miss anything!

We have 14 AMAZING blogs for you to visit this weekend, each with some gorgeous projects created using the Gecko Galz exclusive blog hop collage sheets, that we are giving you for FREE! Each blog you visit will have another free Gecko

Also make sure you collect all the “secret” words on each blog so at the end of the hop you can send in the phrase to enter our drawing for a wonderful treat. 
So sit back, relax, take your time and enjoy the hop!

We have FOUR amazing prizes up for grabs:
·        First is a Gecko Galz shopping spree for $100!
·        Second prize is a $50 Shopping spree with Gecko Galz.
·        Third prize is a $25 shopping spree!
·        And our Grand Prize ONE FULL YEAR of Gecko Galz PRODUCTS!!! This includes the 6 new collage sheets each quarter, a new stamp set each quarter, a new paper pack each quarter and a kit club pack each quarter!
This is a $150 value! Plus you get a prize pack from some of our favorite sponsors worth $150!
Read on to learn how you can win!

Here are some samples I created with the 

Breathtaking Beauties
Collage Sheet to get you going...

First of all, you will need to visit all 14 blogs and leave a comment on each blog :) **This is important so we know you have been to all the blogs **. Collect all 14 words (one on each blog site except the home site) and at the end of the blog on the Fripperies and Butterflies site there will be a link to email the phrase to Gecko Galz.
This enters you in the contest. On November 2nd we will randomly draw the 4 winners and email each of you, then we will post the winning names on the Gecko Galz blog site.

For an extra chance to win make a purchase from the GECKO GALZ ETSY STORE between the 29 of October and the 1st of November and your name goes in again for a better chance of winning (each purchase you make that weekend gives you another chance to win) 

Here is your free
Breathtaking Beauties Collage Sheet:

and just in case you forgot

that Christmas is coming...

Your Secret Word is;


Now that you have it go to the next blog on the list below

Thank you for joining the hop and enjoy your free collage sheet and my samples

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Tag Tuesday

Now THAT's a Hayride
I want to go on!

Electra saying G'Nite

Haute Couture

credits: Emka, Berna Datema, Crafty Button Designs, Created By Jill

Still not doing much but I can sit at the computer now for short bits.
That why my art is so simple for now. lol
BUT  I am going to visit you!

Thanks for coming by and for your comments.
They have made me very very happy!

Monday, October 26, 2015

The World of Nature

MY World, that is.
credits:  Susan Designs, TY Julia, Rucola Designs,
Phenomenon 1859 and Far Far Hill

Thanks for coming by!
And have a funny day.
Unless of course, 
you have other plans.


credits: Fidlette, Beth Rimmer, Lisa's Altered Art, Pink Lotty
for this week's

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Do You Sketch What I Sketch?

sung to the tune of
Do You See What I see?
of course.
I used Gecko Galz Images and Paper
 and followed the sketch loosely,
I must admit.
But I think it's sweet.

and it's

for the current challenge at
Jingle Belles.Cus they rock!
(They really do!)

And I will have all my cards ready, come time to ail them out.
Will You????????
The Belles can help.
Check it out.

And thanks for coming by.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Halloween at the Opus

I don't think my daughter looks at my blog anymore.
So the surprise package arriving in the mail will still be a surprise.
And when I saw that
have their current challenge as
I knew I had to make something
for my little grandson.
So, this is what I made...


Check out the amazing challenges at
They are simply
Thanks for stopping by.
Now get back to work on your
Halloween projects!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Artist Style

This week
have invited us to create something in the style of
our favorite artist or artist style
Since I am a photographer (my first love)
I chose the art of
Andreas Feininger who is a famous
photographer from the 1940's.
He featured images of New York City.
I chose one of my own pics from a trip to Times Square in 2008
and played with it for a very long time. lol
Thanks to Amanda Sok, 2 Little Owls, and Lost and Found
for the use of their elements.

And thanks to you for coming by!

Pink Christmas for the Cause!

Every year, my friends at

hold a Pink Christmas Extravaganza to
raise funds for Breast Cancer Research.
This year, all the proceeds are going to the
For every pink card we make,
they donate $2.00 to the cause.
I wish I had been faster on the draw for this,
cus then I could have rallied support, but
since my accident, I have been out of commish big-time.
I did however, spend a whole day and make 11, count 'em 11 cards,
and every one of them is PINK!
This marks my slow healing and official re-entry
into the work of arty goodness.
I'm so grateful that I checked out the Belles and saw what they were up to so I could play along!
Warning, friends, this is a LONG picture-heavy post.
Bear with me please...
(As a side note, this first card uses an image from
a vintage gift package
I received from Jingle Belles
a couple of years ago!)

Since I told you about this wonderful opportunity to help out
so late,
don't hesitate to send a little monetary love the way of the
if you are so inclined.

And otherwise, have a
super-pinky-liscious day!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Orange is the New Black

credits:  Gecko Galz, Studio Rosey Posey, Studio Blagovesta,

Thanks for coming by!

(Spider) Webs

This is for this week's Sunday Postcard Art

Now I have to be honest.
I am phobically-terrified of
and so when/if I do use any in my art,
I have to not look at them.
I know, weird, right?

At any rate, this morning I am up and sitting at the puter,
and making some art for the first time
in two weeks.
So that's a good thing.
Even if it IS with

credtis:  Gecko Galz, Studio Rosey Posey, Dawn Inskip,
2Lil Owls, and Studio Tangie

Thanks for coming by, you know I just LOVE to see you!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Art Journal Page

for this week at Digitalmania
This was made before my accident, so
I figured I may as well post it.

If you have left a comment and I have not been by
to see you, please
accept my apologies.
Still healing and haven't been able to really sit at the puter yet.
This is about my limit.

See you soon, though, I hope!

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Music In Me

The October challenge at

is The Music In Me.
You'll find all sorts of wonderful images and 
to create something special!

Here is something I put together
using Gecko Galz products
to give you some inspiration:
There are some gorgeous new collage sheets,
digital stamps and papers at the shop as well
this month.
I created these pieces to give you
an idea of what is available:

I hope that gives you an idea of the amazing 
quality and variety of the Gecko Galz products!

And while I have your attention,
don't forget to mark on your calendars:
More info to come,
stay posted at

Thanks for coming by, I hope to see your
challenge piece soon!


credits:  Sum of All Crafts, Rucola Designs, Cajoline,
Hidden Vintage Studio, Studio Rosey Posey

I made this for the DARK theme at
this week's Sunday Postcard Art
This piece is for Lunagirl Moonbeams as well.

5 days ago, I had an accident and broke two ribs.
NOT good.
So I have just been sitting and trying to
move as little as possible since then.
No art, no reading, no computer.
I am not a good patient.
This is worse pain than childbirth, frankly.
I want this to be over.
But it is what it is.

Thank God for friends who check in on me.

I hope you are having a wonderful Thanksgiving,
if you are in a country that celebrates today, 
like we are.
And if not, have a funny day anyways!


Sunday, October 4, 2015


credits:  Mind Over Matter Collaboration 

Thanks for coming by!

Gas Pumps

for Digital Whisper this week
 all credits go to Itkupilli

Thanks for stopping by.
I'll see you at your house soon!


asks the question
And they have a wonderful image of a spider.
I am terrified of spiders.
I can barely read the  Collage Obsession post.

So I did NOT make something with spider as the focus.
My piece does have a spider in it, but I had to do it
really quickly and not look at it
for the rest of the time I was working on the piece.
In fact, I turn the image off.
What can I say.

credits:  Studio Rosey Posey, Cemerony, Amanda Sok,
Shadowhouse Creations

Thanks for coming by,
It's good to be making art again.
(Even if it does involve a spider.)

I'm back!

How I have missed my art and my blog.
1.  My hard drive in my laptop crashed.
2. I have been away
3.  I have a new granddaughter!!

I would like you to meet:
Hailey Ann Patricia

and her proud big brother!
I'm a happy happy Gammie!!
Thanks for coming by!

Weekend Reflections

I was able to get out on the road with 
my truck and my camera one day last week.  