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Saturday, April 30, 2016

May is here!

It's a brand new month at
my house and
and that means that there is a brand new
customer challenge as well!
Isn't that a lovely theme?

I made something to help get your
creative juices flowing:

And I put them all together to make this:
I used the images from the
Little Asian Girls Collage Sheets,
and the backgrounds are all from the
Garden Botanical Paper Pak.

Yiu can find both items at the 
Gecfko Galz Etsy Shop

You can also find all sorts of yummy inspiration from the other DT
members and all of the deets on the challenge
at the Gecko Galz blog.

I hope you will play along with us,
it's a wonderful theme and limited only
by your imagination!

Thanks for coming by!


credits:  Maya de Groot, Joamme Brisbois,
Amanda Frijo-Tobin

Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

Walking In A Washi Wonderland

OK warning!
There are a LOT of pics in this post.

So unless you have someone making supper for you,
leave now!

Over at Jingle Belles
card challenge blog, they invited us to
create a card with Washi tape on it.
Well, I am a tad OCD sometimes.
And when I saw that,
I pulled out my humongous stash of
Washi's, both Christmas and otherwise,
and went to town.
Well to the Washi Wonderland, at any rate.
Here we go.

You may notice that I used
a couple of tapes more than once.
That's cus I love em.

Now: An important disclaimer:
I did not,
repeat DID NOT make all these
so that I could have more entries in the random draw
the Belles are having.

It's just that if I am going to
pull out my Christmas stash, I figure
I may as well do a card frenzy.
(Plus I haven't been to the Belles' place for too long, 
and I am seriously behind in my
Christmas card-making venture.)

Belles, if you come by,
I only want ONE entry in the draw.
Got it?
Or even none.
I would be OK with that.
I have WAY too much Christmas stuff as it is.

Just thanks for getting my rear
in gear.  

Birdy Birdy

Please don't ask me to explain what
I was thinking when I made this.
I just don't know.
That is all there is to it.
It is for this week at The Three Muses

To the wonderful artists there, I humbly apologize.
(tee hee)

credits: Durin Eberhart, Finecrafted Designs, and Dawn Inskip.

Thanks for being patient with me.

A Romantic Father

This week's theme at Try It On Tuesday is
So I took a photo of my dad and 
scanned some letters he wrote to my Mom
on their honeymoon, the morning after they were married.
And a photo of my Mom as a young woman.

I never knew THAT man.
I came on scene 10 years later, in 1953.
He had a sense of humour too, apparently!  lol

I have to say,
my mom was stylin!

Thanks for coming by!


for this week at

All credits go to Gecko Galz

Thanks for coming by!


Thanks for stopping by!

Our World Tuesday

Glad the snow is up there and not down here.  lol

Sunday, April 24, 2016


I found a new challenge and
it is right up my alley.
Since not working, I have more time
to get my hands dirty
and make altered what-nots.

Very happy about that.

Check it out!

And while you're here,
take a look at my project if you like.

I think it's dimensional, what do you think?

Thanks for coming by.
(You know that always makes me happy)


credits:  Crafty Button Designs, Kitty Designs
and the Mind Over Matter Collaboration

Thanks for coming by!

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Fortune TellerS

So this week at Sunday Postcard Art
the theme is
not Fortune TellerS
I had to add the S
Because, and you may or may not believe this,
I had a lovely time creating my piece for the week, 
saved it and realized I had not made it 4x6.
Which is THE ONLY requirement

Does that look like a 4x6 postcard to you?

credits for it are: Deviant Art, Mr Whiskers,
Itkupilli and Holliewood Studio.

So then I had to try again.

And this time Dr. Googlemeister provided me with
an image which led itself to ALL SORTS of
artistic interpretation:


credits for this one: Crafting By Jill,
Joanne Brisbois, Amanda Sok, and

The Beibs.

(for whom, btw, Canada takes
no responsibility WHATSOEVER.)

Sometimes I just shake my head at myself.

Inspired by Olbinski

for Digitalmania

credits:  Itkupilli, Beth Rimmer, Eena's Creation


Yes, Dear Readers,
it's a Mouse Tea Party!

(It is actually a photo I took for 
a pretend tea party in a park
about a gazillion years ago)

credits: Dawn Inskip, Brandy Murray, Rebecca McMeen,
Studio Manu, G&T Designs, Berna Datema,
Paula Kesselring and Maya de Groot.

Thanks for stopping by!

Our World Tuesday

(on Friday) lol
Isn't this delightful?
It's in Colville, Washington a couple of weeks ago.
We don't have much blooming where I live,
the flowers know we will get
SLAMMED one more time before summer comes.
We always do.
One last snowstorm, which makes the growing season VERY short.
But we manage. May long weekend, we plant.
(and then sometimes we have a blizzard after that.)

It's a crapshoot, Mother Nature's moods.
Kind of like me, come to think of it. lol

Oh well,
thanks for coming by!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Weekend Reflections

I think I shall make an effort to participate in
I am really going out in the mountains much more now
and I surely do love finding reflections.

This particular one was in Idaho just south of the Canadian Border.

If you are here,
I thank you for coming by!

Have a funny weekend!


This is for Lunagirl Moonbeams

credits:  Gecko Galz. WendyP Designs, 2 Lil Owls

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Gecko Galz Fun!

Have you made your piece for this month's
Customer Challenge at
Gecko Galz yet?

Isn't this is a lovely theme?
You still have enough time left, you know!

I played quite a bit with some of the new
images at the
Gecko Galz Etsy Shop

 Here is a closer view

The Royal Couple:

The Bird King and Queen were fun to make, 
would you like to know how to make them?

First the Queen
(who should always be first, or course)
Use  the Sunset Beach  paper from the
La Isla Bonito Paper Pak for your background.
Over it place the bird, cropped from the
Blue Bird of Happiness Collage Sheet.
Erase around the bird and add a drop shadow.
Add jewels to her crown
(by Dreams 4ever Designs)
Add a bling circle between the bird and background
(by Gennifer Burnett)
Merge all visible layers, apply crosshatch filter
Add wordart (Studio Tangie) and
an overlay (Tracy Martin Designs)
and VOILA!
You're done!

and then her hubby is just as easy:
Use a background paper
of your choice from the
Flower Power Paper Paper Pak.
Place the bird over top,
cropped from the Blue Bird of Happiness Collage Sheet
Erase around him, just like you did with his wifey
Add a corner scroll brush (unknown) and
apply a glitter style
Place some diamonds between him and the background paper
(by Jofia Devoe)
and and overlay border (unkown)
Put a jewel on his crown
(by Cajoline)
He only gets one, he's not
a diva like his wife.
Now, wordart
(by Sissy Sparrow)
and he's ready to go out on the town!

(I used PSE13 for the digital pieces, BTW)

I also made some ATC's, the fairyland digital stamps
are absolutely wonderful for you to sit and colour and then embellish!

And I made a final one with your free digital stamp for this month!

and here is your free stamp.

This month when you shop at the Gecko Galz Etsy shop and spend $2 or more you can save 40% off your purchases by using code SAVEFORAPRIL16 when you check out. It is a great time to stock up on your spring products or pay your deposit for a Gecko Galz Retreat!

Love that you came by to visit!
See you soon!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Wordless Wednesday


I haven't participated in this for such a long time.
But I do have something on my workdesk...
now to get back at it...

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Dezinaworld-Anything Goes

for Dezinaword's

credits: The Painted Nest, Syndee Nuckles,
Captivated Visions, Biograffiti, and Akizo.

Thanks for looking!