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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Hello Again

 I don't imagine anyone is out there reading this, since it has been a VERY long time since I last posted.  Life goes that way sometimes.  Lots of changes, lots of challenges and lots of other stuff has gotten in the way.  Having said that, I will do my best to start up again and post as often as reasonably possible.

I will start with proof that (also after a hiatus of a couple of years), I have gone back to Sweet Shop Designs and begun participating in their challenges.  They have the most awesome products.  And to top it all off, they have amazing Disney-related products (you should see my wish list) and we are...WAIT FOR IT...going to Disney World in a month!  Woo Hoo!  I am so excited! The grand-kidlings are 6 and 9 and thanks to this silly pandemic, we have not gone anywhere except for camping in such a long time. Well, we are tripled vaccinated and ready to roll!

I will keep you posted as the days count down. lol

And voila! Here is my first post of 2022.

Thanks for coming by, if you have,  and I shall see you soon!

Luvs ya!

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