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Wednesday, February 29, 2012


This is for 

I've used elements by 
Holliewood, RianDesigns, Eenas Creation,Doris Castle, and Andrea Trump

Thanks for stopping by!

Exciting News!!

I have been blessed to be invited to join the design team for Rian of
 Rian Design
I've been an admirer of her work since the moment I discovered it and couldn't believe she asked me!
I'll be working with Marja, Sim, Kaylene and Wendy all of whose work I already love.
 This is going to be so cool!

I'll be showing you my first design next when which will coincide with the release of
Rian's beautiful new collage sheets
(I've already seen them-you're going to love them)

Until then, I hope you go see what she has been up to at
 Rian Design


Monday, February 27, 2012

Just Because

Elements used are by Amanda Sok, Gina Miller, 
Fei-Fei, Studio Rosey-Posey, Monika Desings, and Shineangel.

Random Redhead Challenge

#139 is 
over at
Have you entered yet?
Are you wondering what exactly my "Faux Technique" is?
Well, the background of this tag is 
but you knew that, right?
I covered one of Tim Holtz' tags with flashing tape (from our local hardware store)
and sent it through a cuttlebug embossing folder.
Then I wiped it down with Ranger Alcohol inks
(Lettuce, Stream and Purple Twilight),
It looks real doesn't it?
The rest of the tag includes some more products by Tim Holtz: 
the truck stamp, the Journey tag and holder
The rest of the stuff I really couldn't tell you, it's all from my (far too extensive) stash.

(For purposes of displaying the tag, 
the digital background paper is by Carina Gardner and 
the digital frame is by Cherise Oleson)

Thanks for stopping and remember to
always let your mistakes move you forward.

Off to the gym now.
(My biggest mistake lately is eating too much.)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

At The End Of The Rainbow...

Today at 
we were invited to create something with a Rainbow theme.
It just so happened that on the table in my living room was a LO 
of two photos I took one day on a roadtrip.
of rainbows!
How weird is that?
So I sat down and watched the Oscars for a little while and put the tiny flowers and teeny brads where I had planned to put them.
That's the kind of thing you do in front of the TV.
And here it is:
 Thanks Collage Obsessions for helping get my creative butt in gear!
I never would have seen the Oscars if you hadn't given us this theme!


This is for this week's
Elements used are by Altered Emporium, Holliewood and Fire-Powa
Thanks for stopping by!

That's the Ticket

Head Poobah Jana of
has invited us to create something fantabulous with a ticket or anything related to a ticket.  
How easy is that?
You could even post your dry cleaning ticket! (with a little doodling on it of course)
I don't doodle, 
or at least I don't doodle anywhere where anyone from the general public would be likely to see it, soooooo,,,,
I made this:
That's my handsome dad on the left there
No, not the guy with the huge ears!
when he worked for Warner Brother's Pictures. 
 He was good friends with Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig, you know.
I would like to tell you my dad was an actor, a famous actor.  But he was an accountant.
well, they called it a bookkeeper in those days.
And If I had been born yet, I would have MET Porky and Bugs!
But I wasn't.
I feel so sad.

Oh well.  Tickets seemed appropriate.

Please go and say HI to the other head Poobah and the Poobettes and see their Mahvelous art to get you started on your That's the Ticket Challenge Piece.
I can hardly wait to see what you make!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Friday Foto Collage

Elements used are by Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Anna Aspnes Designs,
and Eena's Creation.
Numerous PSE layers and filters applied

Hope your weekend is going well!

Time for Tea

It's time for Soartful Challenge #3 and that means it's Time for Tea!  That's the theme for this challenge, or you can use any pastel colours as your inspiration.
I really hope you'll visit us at 
and check out the awesome creations our Design Team has put together for you!

Elements used in my piece are by Cajoline and  Dezinaworld,

I'll see you at Soartful!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Blowing Bubbles

The girl and I went and painted pottery last time she was in town.
The coolest thing EVAH was painting them by blowing bubbles of paint.
That's what we're doing.

Elements used are by Ashalee Wall, Titoff, Sausan Designs, Amanda Sok,
Carole Neale, and Finecrafted Designs.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Skiing or Skating?


I needed a generic greeting card and noticed that there was a chalking challenge at
So, "Self?"  I said.  "Why not?"
It's very girly, doncha think?
I love it when Self cooperates.

Blockheads Challenge: Chalk Attraction Technique Blog Hop

To Take our Challenge: Visit Blockheads' Chalk AttractionTechnique Page to see Leigh Snaith Brunton's steps for creating a card with VersaMark ink and chalks.  Then create your own out-of-the-box creation, create a blog post that includes the link code, which creates links to other participants, then submit your URL by clicking the button below.  Links will be removed that don't include the code.

The February 21st deadline for a chance to win a $25 gift certificate has passed.  Congratulations to Chrissie!  You are still welcome to join the blog hop.  Your link will still show up on all the bloggers' pages who posted links.

Code to Paste into the html code of your blog post:
<!-- start InLinkz script -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<!-- end InLinkz script -->

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

In The Round

is the theme at
this week.
There are numerous round things on this piece, but I just had to add the flower petals around it, cus it's well, it's just so girly!
And I do dearly love girly.
Elements used are by Fiddlette, Syndee Nuckles, 
Mandy Steward, and Maya de Groot

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Just because

Elements used are by Studio Rosey Posey, Becca, Land of Nod, and Kristen Aagard
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I got all excited when I saw the new challenge over at 
cus I have this really cool image of just that by Superkev.  
Anyways, I digress.
Credit to Joni Gray Designs for the orange background paper and Crowabout Studios for the rest.
Have a funny day!
(how can you not love someone named Superkev?) 

Thinking of Paris

This is for Peggy's Friday Foto Challenge


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Just because

Button Button Who's Got The Button?

That would be 
of course.
This is my card for their challenge this week.
I'm rebelling against traditional Christmas colours.
Can you tell?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Outside the Frame

The theme at 
this week is
BIRDS-Outside the Frame
Elements used are by Holliewood and Tumblefish Studios
I appreciate you stopping by!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy (Almost) Heart Day

Irene Tan

has just published a book of her AMAZING techniques.
 If you aren't already familiar with her wonderful work, you can find out all about it 

Not only will you see her incredible art work at her website, you'll be able to enter a giveaway
for all of 
I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to check this out!
The book and the giveaway!
I'll probably run into you over there.

Exciting News!

These are some photos from our trip to the mountains this weekend.
I haven't posted any of my photos for a while now.
And so that I don't forget...
 Yessirreee Bob, my darling daughter got engaged, coming down from the mountain on the gondola.
HE kicked me out and told me to take my own gondola down.
Well, he asked, very sweetly, actually.
And got down on one knee in that box hanging in mid-air over the Rockies.
He even went and asked her dad for his permission to marry her, beforehand.
Are you impressed?  
I know I am.
Pretty exciting if you ask me.

Sunday, February 12, 2012


OK, not a lot of people know this, but I'm not terribly athletic.
OK, I'm not sporty.
Are you happy now?
So when
presented the idea that we create something to do with the theme:
I was perplexed.
I'm really more of a lady of leisure.
HOWEVER,  I am not one to give up easily.
Thanks for stopping by!

Old Fashioned ATC's

This week's challenge at 
is to make 
To be totally honesgt with you, that's about one of my most favorite things to do.
So it was easy.
Big valentiney hug to
for all the wonderful inspiration they give us!!
Welcome to Challenge #124 of 
What does WARM FUZZIES mean to you?
To me,. it's the dust bunnies under the couch that is closest to the fireplace.
But who wants to see something made of dust bunnies.
Instead, I made this:
See the peacock feather?  
That's my fuzzy.
And the warm?
I took this photo in the summertime.
You may have a different interpretation of this theme.
I can hardly wait to see what you come up with!


The new challenge at 
Very Valentiney, doncha think?
I chose three ATC's I had made, photographed them 
and then placed them on a digital background.  
The best of both worlds.
You may make something digital, something "real" (lol), a sculpture for in front of your house, 
if you like!
But make something and link it up with us, before February 26th.
You could make a sculpture in that time.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Foto Friday

I'm waiting for my daughter to arrive, so that we can drive to the mountains. 
So I'm making art on the computer.
Peggy Gatto posted some delightful images for us to use this week in her
So that gave me something to do.
(as if I ever need something to do)
I chose this one:
Isn't it pretty?
Here's what it turned into:
I added the daughter I'm waiting for, and some elements by
Colleen Silke, Cajoline, and Kim Klassen
I hope you'll go check out
It's always so much fun!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

Foto Friday Collage

Peggy gave us this pretty, pretty, pretty image:
and I ended up with this:
Not quite so pretty, but I had a blast making it!

Words of Wisdom.

The Chestnut Theme Challenge #137 over at 
So I thought long and hard about it and this is what I came up with.
Say no more. 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Tangerine Tango

Cello by Cajoline, Dancers-Google, 
Corner flourish by Durin Eberhart, Photo Mask by Amanda Frailjo-Tobin


Elements used are by Cajoline and Amanda Sok

Saturday, February 4, 2012

I belong to the 
Everything Wendy Vecchi
Yahoo group, although you wouldn't know it, for the little I've participated.
When I saw that the current challenge was "Make Something Humourous"
I couldn't NOT play along.  
It would have just be wrong not to.

The quote and background stamps are by Wendy Vecchi herself (one of her cool stamp sets), 
the owl and eyes are by this cool new designer I've discovered at Etsy, called 
the rest of the stuff is so old, I couldn't identify it if my life depended on it.
That's what I'm trying to do.
Use up stuff.
Not depend my life on it.
Oh never mind.

Hey, here's a little tidbit for your next Trivial Pursuit game.
Did you know that we in Canada spell some words differently than y'all do in America?
It's true.
We put an extra "o" in some words.
Like humour, colour, honour.
And you thought I couldn't spell.
I can two sew.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Banner Holiday

This is for the current challenge at
The Belles have invited us to create a Christmas card which is based (however loosely) on their
(not that there was anything wrong with the old one)
blog banner.
That means, dear friends, that to play along, you must skip on over there to look at their banner.
get skipping!

This is digital, BTW.
Elements used are by Genny Nystrom, Elisha Barnett, Emeto Designs, and JM Designs.

Oh right, you're not reading this, you're skipping over to 

Musical Instruments

That's what I made this for.
I do not just sit around and make this stuff up without a reason.
OK, yes, I do, sometimes.

Elements used are by Beth Rimmer, Cajoline, and Altered Emporium