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Thursday, May 31, 2012

I am SO playing catch-up tonight.

Here it is the last day of May (for about one more hour) and I still have one last pic to post of my attempts at
using sweet Rian's collage sheets.
You can find them  here: 
I hope you have been checking out the wonderful work done by the rest of our talented

and Kaylene!

Sunday Postcard Art

on Thursday.
THAT'S how far behind I am.

The theme is DRESSFORMS

Think about it.  :-)

Thanks to Tumblefish Studios, Shadowhouse Creations, and Bleuesse
and of course:
for the original inspiration!

Photo Art Friday

This is a photo I took at the greenhouse the other day.
I layered about 4 different textures, all by Shadowhouse Creations and
Bonnie Zeiman on it,
 with different blending modes and opacities.
and an overlay by Lost and Taken.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Grandson Time

Make sure those you love know that you love them


Credit goes to Cajoline, Lisa's Altered Art, Lefkoi Lykoi, 
Chez ZaZa, Carole Neale, and Jen Read.

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

More Steampunk

Can one EVER have too much Steampunk?
Elements used are by 
Rucola Designs, Becca Herman, Kerry Klassen Veale, and Bonnie Zeiman.
Have a funny weekend!

and be sure to go over to
and join in with your Steampunk piece!

Friday, May 25, 2012

Photo Art Friday

You know, when I scroll through my bookmarks, I see that I've done a number of different posts, over time, on Fridays.
Recently I found
and I've played along with them a couple of times now.
When I got up this morning, that's what I thought of
other than coffee
so here you go
 I hope you'll check it out
Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


This week's challenge at
one of my favorite themes, btw
So favorite in fact that I did two pieces:
The first is an extension one of my own photographs that  I edited and posted a couple of days ago.
(I couldn't stop myself, once I got going)
I used a number of textures by Skeletal Mess and wordart by Durin Eberhart.
The second
uses birdhouses by Bleuesse and birds by Maya de Groot and Laurie Anderson.
The thoughts are my own.

Now go to 
and show us all how it's really done!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Another grandkid picture

Ain't he cute?

Hot Air Balloons

For this week's theme at
we are invited to create something with a hot air balloon in it.
I could spend all week making things for this.
But I will force you to look at only one. tee hee

 This began with an incredible background by Suhura.
In fact, the day I got a set of her textures, I didn't sleep. oops
Other elements are by Bleuesse, Bonnie Zeiman and
Amanda Frijo-Tobin

Thanks for looking! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Livin The Dream

I'm delighted to have been invited to contribute a sample for this week's
Take A Word Challenge:
I have a WHOLE BUNCH of artists to thank for the elements I used for this piece:

Paula Wright, Bonnie Zeiman, Rebecca McMeen, Finecrafted Designs, Lori Cook, Sum of All Crafts Dezinaworld, Becca, Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Kim Meeder, Amanda Thorderson and Kerry Klassen Veale.

I'm getting so much better at being able to give credit where credit is due, dontcha think? lol

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday Photo Art

This is for
Photography and photo-editing are probably my most favortie things to do.
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday Postcard Childhood!

My first job was plucking chickens at my relatives' farm in the country.
Nuff said.

Thanks to Shalae Tippetts, Lisa's Altered Art, and Kim Klassen.

And NO, that is NOT me on the left.
Or the right.
Or the middle.

Sew It!

I can quilt you know.
I used to quilt.
Back in the day.
(Don't you just LOVE that term?)
So, when Grand Poobah Jana of
put forward our current theme:
I knew it was the perfect opportunity to show you all that 
I'm not just another pretty face.
I CAN make things out of stuff other than paper.
(but I don't really much any more.)
I do hope you'll go over to see what the other Poobahs have come up with for this challenge 
and that you'll join us! 
I'll see you there.

Saturday, May 19, 2012



became this
when I saw what Peggy had to offer us at

I hope you'll join us in creating something from 
Peggy's Pretty Poppies!

Be Soartful!

The challenge for the next two weeks at
Now who wouldn't want to create something wonderful with this theme in mind?
 Here is mine:
Thanks to Finecrafted Desgins, Rebecca McMeen, Dezinaworld, 
Becca Herman, Kerry Klassen Veale, Paula Wright, 
Shalae Tippetts, Amanda Thorderson, and Bonnie Zieman

Do go over to
and check out the fantabulous creationsd made by our wonderful design team!

And have a great weekend!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just Because

More Typography

When I got home from work last night, I played some more with Rian's new collage sheets:
Have you tried this yet?
Rian's great new collage sheets can be found

And I hope you check out the Typography examples of the other 
members of our talented Design Team:
and Kaylene
There is tons of wonderful inspiration to be found!
Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hockey for Hope

So, 40 of our wonderful Alberta men got together and decided to raise 1. 5 million dollars for our Children's Hospital Cancer Program by skating for 10 days all day and all night.  
They succeeded in raising 1.4 millions dollars, skated for 10 days straight, 246 hours, 
some on broken ankles.  
An entire school turned out to cheer them on.
They also broke the World's record for this!
I just think it's the most heroic thing I've seen in a long time.
They didn't buy pink gardening gloves or a pink spatula.
They skated until their feet bled.

And it was all inspired by our lovely little Diamond, 
whose wish was to meet the Princess (Kate) when she was here. 
 And Princess Kate gave Diamond a big hug.

Diamond is doing well now.

A standing Ovation to these strong young men who know what it means to do the right thing!
You humble me.

And in honour of them, and because my own newborn baby was in that hospital 
on a couple of different (life-threatening) occasions,
I thought this LO might be appropriate.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Lock and Key

this week:
The image of Elvis is from the Retro Art Cafe, all else is googled.

Dream the Embossable Dream

or so they say at
(They're witty those Jingle Belles.)

Monday, May 14, 2012

My Wendy ATC

In my Everything Wendy Vecchi group, we were invited to make an ATC.
"Self?"  I said to my self.  "You can do that."
So I did.

As well, the current Rebel Challenge #11 at
Use warm tones and make a masculine creation.
So I think it fits for that too.
 Don't you?

What did you do today?

Sunday, May 13, 2012



Credit goes to Beth Rimmer, Durin Eberhart, Kim Klassen,
Bonnie Zieman,and Lynn-Marie Favreau

Oh yeah, the picture of the tulips is mine.
I should be able to take more pictures in about a month, if all goes according to (my) plan!
The weather may have a different plan.

Photo Art Friday

I actually do a lot of photography.
And I decided it would be fun to join in with
The Theme is

This is from the ridge where I live.

I figure, "Why not?"


for Take A Word this week:
Credits mostly to Google, along with Esmerheredid, Bonnie Zeiman, Shadowhouse Creations, Dido Designs, and Amanda Frijo-Tobin.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day unless you have other plans.


This week's theme at

Who doesn't love Steampunk?

Actually, I called it "Steamplunk" when I saved my image.  I kind of like that name too. 
But I digress.

Many thanks to Rucola Designs, Sum of All Crafts, 
Catherine Designs, and Heaven's Gate Designs.

And of course to Sunday Postcard Art for providing us with the inspiration!!

Happy Mothers Day

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Butterflies and Fairies

Don't you just love butterflies and fairies?
I do.
So I've made another piece for the
Challenge that's happening as we speak!
You can join in here:

Credit goes to Lisa's Altered Art, Rucola Desings, tyJulia, Carole Neale, and Bethany Harty.

Friday, May 11, 2012

More Typography

This month, I've had fun playing with the new collage sheets from Rian's Designs
I'm learning about the art form of
I hope you will check out the other contributions of our marvelous Design Team:
and Kaylene

Have a terrific weekend.
I plan to!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Vintage Glamour


Elements used are by Artfully Musing, The Gilded Bee,
Amanda Frijo-Tobin, and Bonnie Zieman.

Now go on and join in with 

Awesome backgrounds!

I got a set of awesome backgrounds from a designer I really like this evening
 and I immediately made something with one of them.
 Isn't it beautiful?
The designer can be found here:

I also used a crown from Crowabout Studio, butterflies from
Beth Rimmer and little girl by the Land of Nod,
and wordart by Bethany Hardy.
The frame is by Crowabout Studio and I applied a glitter style by Miki Ferkul.

What fun!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Well, one, actually...
I wanted to try doing my own drop shadows and this seemed like 
the perfect opportunity.
Not great, but I'm willing to try again.

Credits: Holliewood, Lisa's Altered Art,
Skeletel Mess, Amanda Frijo-Tobin,
and Miki Ferkul


I'll leave it to you to interpret this as you see fit.

Thanks to Holliewood Studios, Bleuesse, Cajoline, Danielle Donaldson and Skeletal Mess.

Have a funny day!

Chicken Run

This is for this week's
The theme is CHICKEN RUN
My mother chicken is questioning her son's judgement.
I know that's never happened in your world.

Credits go to Berna Datema, Crowabout Studio, Laurie Anne, Studio Bethany, and Bleuesse.
Thanks for stopping by!

Just Because

This is my Mom and Dad's Wedding Photo.
with a little help from me.  lol


Do you know what that is?

is Typography
(well, from a beginner, anyways)

It was created using some of the new collage sheets from

I and the other members of the Design Team


are having lots of fun creating masterpieces (hah!)
with this new (to me) type of art.

Here's another one I tried,
 I hope you will visit the other member of the Design Team to see what they have done, 
and perhaps you will be inspired to get some of Rian's new collage sheets
 and create some TYPOGRAPHY of your own!

Beyond the Garden Gate

Rosemary, one of the founding Poobahs of
has invited us all to create something to do with 
Here's mine.
You'll note that there are five precious little darlings in this piece and
(go figure)
there are five PooBah/Bettes
who have created something to inspire you over at

I hope you'll join us, you have until May 19th to post your creation,
See you there.

Thanks to Lisa's Altered Art, Cajoline, Ashalee Wall, 
and Cinzia Designs.

Just Because

Credits: Bleuesse, Berna Datema, Fidlette Designs, Kim Klassen, and Gunhilde for the basket.
May all your dreams come true.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Butterflies and Fairies

Are you Soartful?
Do you love butterflies and fairies?
Or the colours yellow, orange and turquoise?
Of course you do!
That's the challenge at
this week.
All you need to do is toddle on over there to see the inspiration the talented 
Design Team have done for you and go for it!
Then post your link in the comments so we can all see what you've created.


I hope you'll join us!

Thanks to Christine Honsinger, Amanda Frijo-Tobin, TY Julia,
Kitch Garden, and Kim Klassen.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Come with me and

Thanks to Bleuesse, Dezinaworld, Melissa Renfro, Mikki Ferku,
Kim Klassen, and Dido Designs.