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Sunday, September 30, 2012
is the word of the day at
I'm late in getting this posted,
cus first, I went to visit my daughter and grandson this weekend,
and then I spent the day in the mountains.
At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
But here it is:
See you there.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Elements used are by Suhura, Tumblefish Studios,
Finecrafted Designs, and Amanda Frijo-Tobin.
Thanks for stopping by!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Rogue Redhead Rebel Challenge #15
(The girls are by Lisa's Altered Art,
I made the "lace" with Opals,
and the rest was lying around in my
stash for about a gazillion years.
and the rest was lying around in my
stash for about a gazillion years.
I hope you check out
They have an amazing blog and great challenges!
Thanks for visiting!
Sketching through the Snow, with a Postman...
OK, that's a strange title for a post, I freely admit it.
BUT, there is a very good reason for it.
Stay with me here...
The current challenge at
(taking Christmas back one card at a time)
is to make a card with the theme
Dashing Through The Snow.
(or something relatively snow-ish)
And the current challenge #140 at
The Order of the Opus Gluei
A Little Sketchy
courtesy of Poobah Kirsten!
I found this sketch online:
(by Ink Stained Roni)
And the current challenge #140 at
The Order of the Opus Gluei
A Little Sketchy
courtesy of Poobah Kirsten!
I found this sketch online:
(by Ink Stained Roni)
And here is what it morphed into:
See the tiny snowflakes?
The LAST challenge at
Challenge site was to create something for their challenge:
The Postman Always Rings Twice
So I made a card.
La De Dah.
Dum De Dum.
And then I went about my business.
Ain't it pretty?
I forgot to post it.
So you get to see it
Along with my contribution to
Are you confused? I most certainly am.
Along with my contribution to
Are you confused? I most certainly am.
Have a funny day.
I'm going to go look through my cards and see what else I made and forgot about.
Thanks to Dezinaworld, Elisha Barnett,
ET Designs, Amanda Sok, and Angie Briggs
And thanks to you for stopping by!
Magic Garden
I'm here just taking a moment to remind you that our current challenge at
What's that you say?
You haven't entered yet?
Far be it for me to question your lack of participation. lol
Elements used are by Amanda Frijo-Tobin,
Syndee Nuckles, and Bonnie Zieman.
You have until October 6 to create something wonderful and link up to us at
I will be looking for you.
(No, that's not a threat....)
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Photo Art Friday
OK, this is too funny.
I've used my own photo here, with the addition of a lovely texture by Bonnie Zeiman
a "film" frame by Joanne Brisbois, and an overlay frame by Studio Tangie.
You're right, that's not funny at all.
But if you go over to
you will discover that Bonnie (the lovely hostess of PAF)
and I could have taken a picture of the
Mine is just droopier.
And not near as well done as Bonnie's, but the reason I go to her site is to learn.
She is an inspiration to me!
She is an inspiration to me!
So no harm, no foul.
("right" seems to be my word tonight)
This week's theme is
Like I feel.
Some days.
Thanks for stopping by!
Flower Art Friday
I guess tonight is all about photography.
This week's theme at
I love pink.
So I had to participate...
The photo is my own, and I added wonderful elements by Cryztal Rain,
Pink Lotty, and Mikki Furkel
And for the life of me, I can't remember who the wordart is by.
I hope you visit
and you'll find there some AMAZING art!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
for this week's
I'm much to tired to chat this evening, but when I saw the theme was OWLS
it would have been wrong to not make something!
it would have been wrong to not make something!
Thanks to Laurie Anderson and Suhura for the elements.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
...quick post tonight, I spent the past few days at an art journaling retreat.
It was
I made something for
before I left.
Humungous thanks to
Crowabout Studios, Bleuesse, Beth Rimmer and Lisa's Altered Art for their elements.
Time for bed, I'l be by to oogle everyone else's zetti-art tomorrow.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Seven Words
Bonnie at Photo Art Friday
has challenged us to come up with a sentence (and a photo) containing
7 words which describes your life or process or experience as an artist.
Here's mine:
It's simply about trusting my inner voice
and not being afraid to honour it in a way that feels right.
I've added Bonnie's "Starburst" texture.
I do hope you visit Bonnie's site and take a few moments to read the words she has written.
They are very powerful.
I do hope you visit Bonnie's site and take a few moments to read the words she has written.
They are very powerful.
Having shown you this, I simply HAVE TO show you a few more of the photos I took
on this particular day...
I took these on the way home from work.
And this is what I saw on the work TO work on the same day.
'Nuff Said,
Have a great weekend, I'm off with a friend to an art journalling retreat.
Life is pretty sweet.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Credits to Beth Rimmer, Dezinaworld, Bluesse,
Durin Eberhart and Bonnie Zeiman
Thanks for your visit!
Monday, September 10, 2012
Just Because
The geisha, border, and kimono are from Sun of All Crafts.
The lanterns are Class-O-Peel, and the frame, which is digital is Clementine.
Have a funny day!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Hearts and Flowers
Thanks to Cryztal Rain, Kim Broedelet, Vinnie Pearce,
Bonnie Zieman, and Ashalee Wall for their elements.
The background is a collage of my own photos.
I hope you visit Take A Word
to see more amazing art!
See You In September
Oh Wait!
It IS September!
How did that happen?
Was I asleep?
Poobah Deena has challenge us to create something with just that theme:
See You In September
I used a photo from a few years back when I worked in a
pre-school/kindergarten for children who live in extreme poverty.
With all the challenges these kids had, they never forgot to play.
Adults should do the same, don't you think?
Elements used are by Amanda Frijo-Tobin,
Holliewood Studios, Amanda McGee, J Sprague,
Brandy Hackman, RCabana and Kim Klassen.
Now it's your turn to create something September-ish,
that leaves it WIDE OPEN to your artistic interpretation.
Be there before September 23
or off to detention you go.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Come with me to my
Our September challenge at
is Magic Garden, or the colours
Purple, Lime Green, Fuschia and Turquoise.
Now THAT'S my cup of tea!
Here is my contribution to this challenge:
Elements used are by tyjulia, Lisa's Altered Art, Beth Rimmer,
Crowabout Studio, and Rachaels Scraps
I hope you visit
and join in our Magic Garden Challenge.
You have until October 6th to post your link!!
I'm off to hang out in my garden now.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Photo Art Friday
The lovely Bonnie Zeiman has returned from a much deserved break and given our next challenge:
So I moved from this (my own photo)
to with the help of Bonnie's
textures (and one overlay from Shadowhouse Creations)
and an overlay which has been transformed with one of Mikki Furkel's glitter styles.
We have accomplished movement to this:
OK. It's past my bedtime.
But it's Bonnie's fault that I'm up past...
I was just do gosh-darn happy to see her back!
(We're very needy. us artists, you know.)
You really should go introduce herself to her. Tell her I sent you.
She'll like you.
I do.
And the moral of the story?
Movement does not have to be fast to be powerful.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
September Reader Art Quest-4x4
This month's RAQ1 at
is to create something involving any kind of paperarts in a 4x4 format.
It just so happened that I have been working on a bunch
of 4x4 fat pages for an Art Retreat I am attending in a couple of weeks.
The Theme is
Under The Sea
The "Marilyn" Mermaid is courtesy of Finecrafted Designs,
the rest of the underwater debris is mainly from Mikey's.
Oh yeah, the big shell behind her head is K&Company.
I hope you like this, or at least I hope the people who are going to receive it a swap soon, like it.
Thanks for stopping by!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Monday, September 3, 2012
Rebel Challenge #14
No, no, not you.
That's the Challenge at
I could tell you the shapes you must use, but then I'd have to kill you. lol
No really, you can go over there and see how simple it is to
create something wonderful, with their guidelines.
You'd be silly not to.
The Leonarda Da Vinci sentiment is by
Postmodern Designs.
The lace along the bottom is Tim Hltz Die.
The clock handles at by Creative Imaginations.
I'm sorry, I can't identify the other things I used.
Thanks for stopping by, I'll meet you over at
I hope.
We're playing Bingo at
you say?
(good grief I hope they don't get mad at me for copying this
from their blog and posting, ooh, I'll never be able to sleep now...)
You know how to play Bingo, right?
I chose: Santa, Flowers and Ribbon.

and I quite like it, if I do say so myself.
as oppsoed to the American spelling:
Did you know we Canadians spell certain words differently than our buddies to the south?
We spell "color" "colour"
We spell "color" "colour"
And "honor" is "honour"
And I'm told we pronounce ROOF funny.
Go figure.
GREY is the challenge over at
and here's mine:
Thanks to
Cemerony, Melissa Renfro, Joni Gray Designs, Laurie Anderson,
Cemerony, Melissa Renfro, Joni Gray Designs, Laurie Anderson,
B. Hesselberg, and Bonnie Zieman for the use of their awesome elements!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Thanks to Bonnie Zieman, liv.edesings, Finecrafted Designs, Beth Rimmer,
Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Shadowhouse Creations,
and Tumblefish Studios
Friday Foto Collage
Yeah, yeah, I know it's Sunday.
That's how the days work in the Blogiverse.
And thanks to Beth Rimmer, Finecrafted Designs, Amanda Frijo-Tobin and
of course Peggy for their wonderful elements.
I love doors and I love making art with doors.
Thanks to
for the inspiration and
thanks to Holliewood Studios and Bonnie Zieman for the elements.
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