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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Only time to do a drive-by post this week.
The theme is stripes.

The steampunk birdman is by Sum of All Crafts, 
and the rest is just a drug-induced frenzy of colour.
("drugs" being sinus medication)

Thanks for looking.

Sunday, January 27, 2013


This week's challenge at
Grandmother's Recipes
The clearest memory I have of my grandma is of
her in her kitchen, bending over, taking cookies out of the oven.
I would have been about 6.
Which would have been 1960.
I like the 50's and that was the era in which I started out,
so that what I went with.  The 50's.
(Well, and the 40's, a bit)
To be totally honest, I'm not very happy with this, but
I'm also not willing to start over.  :-)
Images were googled, border is by Carole Neale 
and I used a couple of textures by
Shadowhouse Creations.

Be sure to check out all the fantabulous art at

Red, White, and Jul

(They rock, you know, those Belles)
We have been invited to create something 
based on the Scandinavian image they have posted for us.
What's that?  You don't know what the image is?
Well, what are you waiting for?
You'll find it here:
and then you can join in.

I'll see you there!

SPA-Coffee Time

has invited us all to creat a postcard with the theme of Coffee Time.

I hope you visit them, Marie (Ozstuff) is the host and she
always inspires greatness in the artists who join in!

Thanks for loking.

All elements are by Cajoline.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Glitz, Glamour, Bring on the Bling!

Challenge #149 at
is just that
Sparkle your way to happiness!

I had to make three ATC's for a
 "He loves me, he loves me not" swap, so I thoought I would have some fun
and make blingy backgrounds.
For the first, I covered cardstock with double sided 
Sookwang tape and foiled it using a stencil from Stencil Girl.
Then I took the stencil off and filled the negative spaces with glitter.
The image is by sum of All Crafts and a little Stickles finished it off.

Here's the second, using another Sum of All Crafts image.
 I can't actually give credit to anything else I used here,
 it's all old stuff from my stash.

And the last,
I sued some old (from my stash again) blingy cardstock,
a piece of gold ribbon, heart by Martha Stewart, 
another gorgeous image by Sum of All Crafts,
and some hearts by Love, Elsie.

I hope you visit
and join us in our 
Glitz, Glamour, Bring on the Bling!
You'll be glad you did!!


Check out
and play along!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Twinkle, twinkle, little star!

Thanks to Fiddlette, Dawn InSkip, and Pugly Pixel
for the use of their elements.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Now is the Time!!

to make something for the current challenge at

You have until February 2nd, to create something with the 
colours Pink/Neutral and/or the theme Time.
C'mon, you don't have time NOT to do this!
This is an ATC and card I made for an ATC swap with the same theme:  Time.
Funny how that works, eh?

See you at

Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Photo Art

I only say that because I was totally too late
last week to include my photo for
Well, duh.
I posted it anyways.
Cus I'm in my own little world.
It's OK.
They like me here.
This week's challenge is
and I found the coolest door one day in my travels.
With the addition of two of Bonnie Zeiman's textures
(which you will find at Pixel Dust Photo Art)
called Cobblestone Road and Old Master Dust
I ended up with this:

I hope you come visit.
You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

January 2013 Reader Art Quest 1

Fleur de Lis

How could I NOT take part?
The base is some packaging I've had for quite a while.  I used a Prima stencil and some silver paint, then stamped a Hero Arts flourish on top of that with black Staz-on ink.
The dress is an Inkadinkadoo stamp.
I used a Tim Holtz doilie die cut, behind the film strip and the film strip-
I'm not sure.
The hanger is Maya Arts (I think) and there are a few beads from my stash.
Along the bottom is some stash lace, and the gorgeous Fleur-de-Lis, which is the point of the whole exercise and which I adore, is by
Bead Landing.

Now swing on over to
and check out the other creations en francais!


for Collage Obsession
Thanks to Finecrafted Designs, Beth Rimmer, Lisa's Altered
Art, Bonnie Zeiman, and Rian Design for the use of their elements.

And thanks to you YOU for coming by!

Check out more fishes at

Photo Art Friday

This is for Bonnie Zeiman's
The photo is one I took on our last trip to Montana, these metal sculptures welcome you to the nation.
I added Bonnie's Brown Rice Paper Texture, twice.
Once, hard light and once, overlay.
Then an edging by Amanda Frijo-Tobin

Unfortunately, I got this done too late to include it in the challenge. 
But I like it anyways.  :-)

Thanks for looking!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Just Because

We're tough, we Canadians.
 'specially when you consider it's 
38 degrees below zero outside.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Vive le France!!

Have I told you how happy I am that I have found SPA?
Well I am.
I really really am.

Credits for the elements used:
Cajoline, Syndee Nuckles Vinnie Pearce, and Amanda Frijo-Tobin

Thanks for stopping by!

Challenge #148 at the Gluei Ball!

Won't you join Marie and I
That's where are the cool pink chicks go.

Look What Santa Brought Me!

OK, Santa didn't really bring me 
anything that I used on this card, 
that's just the title of the very first challenge for 2013 at
they said we could pull out something we hadn't used before and while I was wandering around in my Christmas stash I found this great stamp which I'm almost positive I have not used before.  
At least not this year, anyways. 
At the time of this posting, 
there are already 67 participants in the
challenge, you could be number 69!
(after me, of course)  


This week's theme at
I knew right away which photo I wanted to use,
and then it took me AGES to find it.
I really need to get on top of that.
I added a texture by Lost and Taken and 
Wordart by Anna Aspnes. 
It really isn't much of a quote, 
it's just what I thought of when 
I looked at this photo of two best friends. 

Check out more Quotography at


credits:  Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Coreen Silke, 
Gene Pressler, and Doris Castle

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, January 6, 2013


Art makes my life worthwhile.

Credits:  Crowabout Studios, Wish Bliss Studio, Amanda Sok

Thanks for stopping by!


I love the way winter looks.
NOT, I hasten to add, how it feels.
In fact, if I could stay indoors whenever it gets below zero, I would be very happy.
Having said that,
the challenge for this week at
is "January"
And the theme for this week's challenge over at 
is Winter Elegance.
I think my photo art fits both challenges.
I hope you visit both sites to see some amazing artwork!!
Isn't it pretty?
This was across from where I work, one day
 and I had to leave work and go over and take some photos of it.
See, winter is pretty.
But too cold.  :-)

Saturday, January 5, 2013


Happy New Year everyone and welcome to our first challenge of 2013 at
Our theme for the month of January is
and the colour pink or neutral colours.

 I have used elements by Rucola Designs, Createwings Designs,
Bleuesse, Phenomenon 1859, Kerry Veale, and my own texture.
I hope you will visit us at
and see the wonderful work our design team has put together for us,
and that you will make time to be Soartful!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Circles for Three Muses

Elements used are by Shadowhouse Creations,
 Crystal Rainz, Anna Aspnes, Bonnie Zeiman,
Miki Furkel,  Magic Moonlight,
Amanda Frijo-Tobin, and Rebecca Mc Meen

Thanks for stopping by and be sure to wander over to
for more inspiration!