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Sunday, April 28, 2013


This is a photo I took at our "world-famous" ice cream store in town. 
 As you can see, we have visitors from all over the world for the ice cream.
(Don't tell anyone, but to me, it's just ice cream)
Apparently, I am not an ice cream connoisseur.
I do like their map though.

It's for this week's 
The theme is "your choice".
Now, how can you NOT participate?
See you there.

and thanks for being here.


Anything can be beautiful if you look at it with the right eyes.
So I struggled with this challenge from 

'Somehow putting digital elements together 
on a page just wasn't working for me.
So I took a trip through my (gazillion) photos.
and I would like to take you on a magic carpet ride:
This is a sculpture which my daughter and 
I noticed off to the side of the highway near Whitefish Montana.  
We drove by a few times, 
and then could stand it anymore so we pulled over and went in.
It was a home onf a artist who explained his house had just burned down and he was rebuilding.  He let his little girl "Moonflower" take us around.
 a secret spot in the yard...
the family pet

And the lovely Moonshadow, sitting in a gazebo, surrounded by Buddhist prayer flags.
She is beautiful too.

Thanks for coming along with us on our journey into another world.

I never got his name, this wonderful outdoor artist, 
but I am grateful that he chose to welcome us into his world.
Aren't you?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

My grandson

is brilliant,
did you know that?
Well, he is.
Can't you tell?

Beth Rimmer, Crowabout Studios and Logan

Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Painted Nest

I know I told you I found a wonderful forum by
The Painted nest
and that I like their challenges.
So here is my current piece.
Main Elements used are by The Painted Nest, of course.
Also, image of lady is Gecko Galz, and other assorted goodies are by
Websters Pages, Bonnie Zeiman, Amanda Frijo-Tobin and Studio Tangie.

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Deep Blue Sea

for this week's challenge at
Elements used are by Beth Rimmer, Finecrafted Designs, 
Amanda Frijo-Tobin and Off With The Fairies.

Thanks for stopping by!


for this week's
In case you aren't already aware, Kaylene's wonderful
Quotography challenge involves taking a photo of our own 
and adding a quote to reflect the prompt of the week.

Easy Peasy.

This photo was one I took just before my daughter and I took off
on the highest, longest and last zipline when we were
having an adventure in Montana.
Talk about faith.

I do have to say, it was incredible!
(and the last time I will ever do a zipline.  lol)

Tape It

This week at Sunday Postcard Art
the challenge is to create a postcard with tape somewhere in it.
It just so happened that I needed to make a card for a friend of mine
and some washi tape I had on hand seemed like the perfect embellishment.
 My friend loved the card, BTW.

Thanks for looking,
I shall see you at

Opus Gluie Challenge #155

On A Bicycle Built For Two!

Challenge #155 at
The Order of the Opus Gluei 
is exactly that.
 I love this brass stencil, to tell you the truth.
I use it lots.
And I love it so much, 
I decided to create a challenge in its honour.
Hey, it makes sense to me!
We are inviting you to create something to do with

That simple.
It could be a winding road, pedal pushers, 
a lovely warm summer day,
whatever,  We're flexible.
I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
You have until May 5 to visit
The Order of the Opus Gluei 
and link up with us.

C'mon, you know you want to.
See you there! 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


is the colour of the year, according to
just looking at the beautiful entries this week shows the reason why.
credits: Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Monika McGee, Cajoline, 
Durin Eberhart, Taylor Made and Bumblebutton.

Thanks for stopping by.
Why not make your own emerald creation and join in at

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Vintage Beauty

What a delightful theme at
Take a Word  this week!
credits:  Itkupilli, Bonnie Zeiman, Enchanted Garden,
and M3MentoMOri

Thanks for coming by, now check out all the other Vintage Beauties at



Thanks for stopping by, 
I'll see you at 

Credits:  Amanda Frijo-Tobin, Keri Scheuller, Dazzle
and Bonnie Zeiman

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Light and Shadows

Unfortunately, I cannot find my list of the textures I used.
Suffice it to say my original photo 
(which I also cannot find) has been enhanced
by more than one of Bonnie Zeiman's wonderful textures!!
You can find her textures here.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


I allowed myself 30 minutes to create and post this.
Time's run out.
 credits: Gecko Galz, Durin Eberhart. Amanda Frijo-Tobin.

I just have to FACE it.
It's past my bedtime.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Something Sweet

for this week's
Thanks for checking in!

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Bet you thought it would be green, eh?
credits:Beth Rimmer, Finecrafted Designs, Digital Whisper Admin, 
Amanda Sok, Kerry Klaassen Veale and Thao Cosgrove

Be sure to check out the other artists at

You might find saome green there.
(or not)

Family Portrait

Our new challenge fore the Order of the Opus Gluei is a Colour Challenge
Use all bright colours or all pastles.
I used all brights.
But you can tell that,. right?
Poobah Rosemary has made some fantabulous projects
out of rich vibrant colours,
I weon't tell you exactly what they are,
you'll have to go over there and see them

You have until Saturday Alpril 20th to create something
with a split personality-brights or pastels.
Can't wait to see what you create!

Just Because

Hey!  You!  I see that chocolate under your pillow!
Shame, shame!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


At our monthly challenge site
Peggy has invited us to create something that evokes spring, 
and/or the colours
Green, Pink, and Blue
Perfectly spring-like colours  and perfectly delightful!
Here is what I came up with
credits:  Cajoline, Jofia Designs, Clemetine, Beth Rimmer, 
Fidlette, and Dekoerscion

I hope you come visit us at
and be inspired to join in, 
by the wonderful images our Design Team has put together!

You have until May 4th to play along

I'll see you there!

Friday, April 5, 2013

And another one

still doing collage.
This one was quicker.
Here are the originals:
I added Bonnie Zeiman's gorgeous textures:
Scratched Lens and Pallazo...


You'll find Bonnie's textures at her site

Check it out and see way more amazing collage art than mine!

I hope life is treating you well.


OK, here's the thing.

When I saw that Bonnie had suggested Collage" as a theme for this week's
I thought to myself,
"I can't do that."
But then a sweet comment my friend Ida made 
on something else I had done,made me think
"C'mon girl, give it a try."
So I did.
 These are my original photos:

 I used a photo mask by Amanda Frijo-Tobin
and added Bonnie's textures:
Ephemeral, Heartache by the Number, Inspiration and Craquelure.
It kind of got away from me, so that's about all I can tell you.
I lost a couple of hours of my life.  lol
I enjoyed it so much though,
I think I shall do another.
Stay tuned. 

Thanks Ida.
Thanks Bonnie.

And thanks for looking.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


well, one, exactly
It's a place called Balloononia and 
it's where all those balloons go when they drift up, up and away,
when a little child accidentally lets go of the string.
You know, Balloononia.
It's not digital.
As soon as I saw what the theme was at
I got all excited and 
saw my chance to use my new favorite stencil by Balzer Designs.
It's a cityscape.
I used some Dylusions sprays 
(did you know they will stay on your hand if you don't 
clean it up right away and instead run out the door to an appointment?)
Stamps from Mr Holtz and Wendy Vecchi.
And some treasure that arrived in a swap I just took part in.
Plus a sticker from my stash and some packaging left over 
from some ancient chipboard pieces I had about a century ago.
I don't throw anything out.
(But you don't either, do you?)
The dots are liquid perals.
There are a lot of liquid pearls in Balloononia.

Anything can happen in Balloononia, you know.
Anything at all.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013



My apologies for not chatting much these days, 
I seem to be not keeping up with my life.
But do go visit
to discover the various modes of transportation there 
are available to take you on to your next adventure!

Thanks for stopping by!

credits:  Studio Tangie, Lisa's Altered Art,
Altered Emporium, Holliewood Studios, Cryztal Rain.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Moonlight Love

Mr. Bunny waited until Easter evening to pop the question.
Did she say yes?
Only the man in the moon knows for sure.
credits:  Amanda Sok, Kim Klassen, Rian Designs, Kris Dickinson,
Eena's Creation, and Holliewood Studios

Don't eat too much chcolate.
haha!  You can never eat too much chocolate.
Happy Easter!


Why on earth would they choose this theme???
 Oh right, it's Easter.
credits:  Retro Cafe Art Gallery, Lisa's Altered Art,
Amanda Sok, JNelson, Rian Designs, and
Wish Bliss Studio

Thanks for stopping by!


The frame is by Rhonna Farrer.
Thanks for stopping by!