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Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Colour Me Happy

Happy New Year, my friends.
May the coming year be kind to us all.

(credits:  Sissy Sparrows, Tangie Baxter, Studio Rosey Posey, Captivated Visions, Tumblefish Studio)

Love ya!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Tuesday Our World

for the last Tuesday of 2013,
I give you,
my Alberta

See you there next year!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

New Year


credits:  Dido Designs, Egiovanni, Gecko Galz, 
Syndee Nuckles, Studio Rosey Posey

Mandarin Orange Monday #74

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Challenge 173 - Leftovers.

What does that bring to ind for you?
Turkey?  Stuffing sandwiches?
All good things.
If you have some in your fridge. 
I do not.
My fridge is empty, I have been away for a week.
So I had to make a leftover man
What do ya think?
His name is Darryl.
Darryl does not have a job, 
but he assures me he has one waiting for him just around the corner.

Maybe turkey and cranberries would have been better.

At any rate, I hope you check out our fun challenge at

See you there!

SPA - Anything goes...

credits:  Gecko Galz, Jofia Devoe, Kristen Aagard and Pink Lotty

Weekend in Black and White

Weekend Reflection

This was a tough one, but I was determined to get the reflection of the bridge.  
I did, just barely.

Tag #18 - Anything Goes

It's so nice to be back home.
Hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

One more sleep

and he's here!

Love and Peace

OK, this is my take on it.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Just Because

Seasons Greetings

This is also my piece for

I hope you check them both out!
You won't be disappointed.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Just Because

Tiny Angel

I hope you are all enjoying the start of winter in your part of the world.
I 'm about 8 hours from home and it's much warmer here
than at my place.  In fact, it may even be above zero!
Electra over and out.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

White Space

credits:  Holliewood Studio, Bethany Harty, Tumblefish Studio,
Hidden Vintage Studio and Studio Tangie

Ho, Ho, Ho

Wordless Wednesday

Tiny Angel


Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas is

Music to me
Orchestral, with a choir, in a sacred setting.
That's my Christmas tradition.

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I'm stuck on Christmas
So when
said that this week's challenge is
MALE, I...
Well, he IS.

credits: Gecko Galz, Studio Manu, Kim Meeder

Thanks for coming by!

Mandarin Orange Monday #72

Obviously, I did not take this recently.
Sure as heck not here in Canada.
It's a shot from a trip we took through Pennsylvania years ago.
I thought it was hilarious, the buggy in front of a McDonalds.
I wonder if they ordered a Big Mac?

( And I had to make it at least a bit Christmassy )

At any rate, it's for

Check it out.
And have a funny day.

Circles, Circles Everywhere

Challenge 172 at The Order of the Opus Gluei
That gives us a myriad of possibilities, my friends.
I used elements by Amada Sok, Angie Briggs, 
Cajoline, Kim Klassen, Sydee Nuckels, Natali, and Tasha

You have until the end of December 28th to circle your
way to a holiday creation.
Well, actually you could make something that has nothing to do with Christmas.  
Maybe Halloween, or picnics, what about a puppy?
The thing is, we love whatever you create with us.
Be sure to check out the creations of the other DT members:

We'll see you there!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


credits:  Elyshas's Art, amanda Sok, Bonnie Zeiman
my own snow-covered trees.

Thanks for coming by, especially with all the holiday chaos!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Mandarin Orange Monday

This is for this week's
Go over there and play along.
Have a great day, unless you have other plans

Sunday, December 8, 2013


This is for this week's

I used a Gecko Galz image and some washi tape
I had in my stash.
I think it's from Michaels.

The background is kind of funky:
 It's a mixture of Rock Candy distress stickles, 
white paint and white embossing powder.

Make sure you check out
I like it.

It's fairly new and it's wonderful!

Thanks for coming by!


Among Us

credits:  Pavlinka, Oscraps, NLD Designs.

Snow Angel

I just love typing the name of this lovely blog,
don't you just love reading it?

credits: Cajoloine, Berna Datema, Dido Designs
Stay warm, my friends!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Winter Wildlife for

Two nights ago I was out on a country road
and came across a Momma Moose with two little moose.
(mooses, Meese???)
It's been in the low minus 30's this week and they were in deep snow, looking pretty happy.
(as happy as a moose can look)
I wondered to myself,
"Self, what are moose for?"
They kind of look like all the leftovers parts that Creator had after he made all the animals.
And He smooshed them all together.
A Moose!

This is NOT a moose:
It's much prettier than a moose.

(credits:  Maya de Groot, Studio Rosey Posey, Emeto Designs, Joanne Brisbois, and Cajoline)

Having said that, 
I wrote a poem to accompany my piece:
 OK, I didn't actually write it.
I stole it.
But it works.

Stay warm, see you at

Oh!  Yeah!
I don't know what moose are for.
But I like them.

You might even see a moose over there.

Design a Winter Postage Stamp

Welcome to our last Soartful Challenge of 2013! For our December challenge, we'd like you to try your hand at designing a postage stamp with a holiday and/or winter theme. You may use your choice of colors, and you may choose any country you wish-- even an imaginary one!
(credits: Rucola Designs, Angela Blanchard, and Bonnie Zeiman) 

I hope you will check out all
 the beautiful creations from our Design Team
 Soartful Challenges  
and join in with us one more time for 2013.

   Please have lots of fun with this challenge. We wish all of you a happy, healthy, safe, and wonderful holiday season and New Year
and thank you all for making our year an especially Artful one!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

All Bundled Up

Did you know in Canada we buy our childrens' Hal;loweens costumes
big enough so that they can fit over their

True story.

Today it was minus 39 with the windchill when I went to work.  A couple of hours later, 
I was putting gas in the truck and realized 
I didn't have my coast done up, nor a hat, nor mitts.  
The wind had stopped.
And it was positively balmy!
Minus 24.

Welcome to Canada, sissies.

Thanks for stopping by!

credites:  Holliewood Studios, Cryztal Rain,
Studio Rosey Posey, and Tunblefish Studios.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Art Journal Affirmation

credits:  Dawn Inskip, Sissy sparrows, Maya de Groot, 
Graphics Fairy, Doris Castle, Tangie Baxter Out of the Box Studio

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Just Because

All elements by Sissy Sparrows


The theme for one of my favorite challenges this week is
And the artists at
have invited us to have fun with it.
Normally, I do have fun with my art, and I would have fun with this, but
it's been a very difficult week.
My daughter's father was killed by a drunk drive a few days ago, 
and the pain has been immeasurable for so many of us.
I created this LO in honour of him and our beautiful daughter
and there was no joy in creating this, believe me.
But it's worth sharing, I think.
I am going to ask you to please take a moment to watch this news report
and to please,
think long and hard before you ever
get into a vehicle after having a drink.

The consequences can be unimaginable.

Thank you for looking and helping me
say Goodbye to John.

Mandarin Orange Monday #70

from this:

to this:
with the addition of overlays by Captivated Visions and Tangie Baxter
and a whole bunch of digital fiddling.

Thanks for stopping by.

Challenge #171 - BRRrring it on!

Is it cold in your neck of the woods?
Does it even GET cold in your neck of the woods?
Well, no mind, I'm sure it's going to be Christmas where you are.

In honour of winter and all things chilly, such as
 Snow, ice, blizzards, polar bears, penguins... 

Poobah Jana at
has challenged us create something wonderful with
exactly that in mind.
This is a clear card, and I was struggling to find a way to show you that.
Does that help?

I want to say that my dear friend Carol, 
was the original artist for this card.

You have until the end of
Saturday, December 14th to join in with
your Chilly creation.

We'll see you there!

(Wear your mittens.)