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Monday, October 31, 2011

For Jana

You'd never know I don't have little kids, would you?

Halloween leftovers

And no, I don't mean dried out seeds from the inside of a jack-o-lantern.
It's only one more sleep, you know.

You never know, I might have more tomorrow. 
I love Halloween.
Can you tell?

Friday Foto Collage

This is for Peggy's
another great challenge I haven't been able to take part in, in quite a while.
You should go over that and try it.
You'll like it.
I'm not lying.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Black and greys

This is the new colour challenge at
I am still not ready to give up on Halloween (two more sleeps!), so I made this piece.

I wondered about good ol' Edgar's romantic life and learned that he married his wife when she was very young and then she died at the age of 24.  How sad.  That's why I've done her on a transparency, to make her kind of elusive. I used an image of a Gibson Girl by Valerie Brincheck.  I never met Edgar's wife actually and so have no real photos of her. ;-)
I learned the rolled paper technique through a tutorial by Christy Tomlinson and loved it so much,
 I plan to do some more. 
The background is a combination of molding paste, stamps, a butterfly from Mickey's, Prima flowers,
misting with stencils, and a chandelier by Hambley.
I had so much fun doing this-waasted an entire day.  But it's the focal point of my Halloween mantle, and I may keep it there for long after the goblins and ghouls have gone.
Thanks for stopping by!

Under Cover

You may ask "Well, what's "Under Cover" about this!  Huh?
And I reply that it's under glass.  and there it (he) shall stay.
This litle guy needed to be preserved
And because he's a trouble-maker
But I'll spare you the details of this.
Anyhoo, he hangs on my wall in his little jail cell
(see how he tries to excape when I'm sleeping) and I don't feel the least little bit badly about it.

Now I'm going to go over to the wonderful
where you will find some of the most awesome art in the blogiverse.
Not just the Mojo Monthly magic, but Sarah's own art.
It's amazing! Pure inspiration.
Go there.  Wander around.  You won't regret it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Friday Fill Ins

1. Beware of _smiling skeletons in big hats_.
2. _Here comes the_ snow.
3. And since we _talked, I feel a little better_.
4. _Are you in good _ spirits?
5. Where _did I put my mind_?
6. _Roast beef and Yorkshire Pudding_ is one of my favorite meals when it's cold out.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _having a friend over for supper_, tomorrow my plans include _dinner in the city with another friend_ and Sunday, I want to _build my dressers_!
See more Fill Ins here.

It's been so long...

since I've been able to take part in Linda Ledbetter's
I'm thrilled that I could this week.

And of course, it's always wonderful to see what
 has to teach us each week.

Here's what I did:

It's hard to see, but the spiderweb backgrounds are where I used the Perfect Distress Technique.
Yeah, I got carried away.
But then, don't I always?

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Yup, I'm on an
ATC frenzy.
After not being able to do any swaps due to my move and other assorted annoyances, I signed up for a whole
of swaps.
And now I need to make the stuff for the swaps.
what's on my workdesk.
Oooo!  There's my lens cap!
You never know what you'll find on your workdesk, do you?
Now go say Hello to Julia at
She's the brains behind all the workdesks in blogland.

Wordless Wednesday

Oh, the Horror of It!

The Gingersnap Chestmut Challenge this month is
At first I didn't want to make anything, cus I was afraid of scaring myself too badly,
but then, I thought, what the heck, Halloween is almost over and I'm not done with it yet.
I made these.
Are you horrified?
A couple of deets:

The bat arrived in a lovely package from my friend Sonya, and I covered it with microbeads. 
 It seemed like the right thing to do.

Doncha just love that woman from RetroCafeArt?
And the skeleton?  Well I was chewing this yummy green apple flavoured gum the other day and I looked at the wrapper and thought to myself,
"Self?  You should make something outta this."
So I stamped the Tim Holtz skeleton on it and the rest is history. 

I don't recommend it though, VERY flimsy and hard to work with.

Great gum, though.

And that,
my fine frightened friends, is my
Horror Story.
Have a spooky day.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Take A Word-Black and White

Isn't that THREE words?
Elements used are by Syndee Nuckles, Holliewood and Dezinaworld

Something Wicked This Way Comes

It's time for a new challenge over at and the theme is

I made something semi-wicked coming this way, but had to keep myself under control, as I now live right next door to a cemetery and with Halloween coming and all...well, you get the picture, I'm sure.
Credits go to Lisa's Altered Art, Paula Kesselring, and Laurie Anderson.
Now go on over to see what all the other Poobahs have done with this wicked theme.
and play along.
(and watch over your shoulder.)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

M\y EWV card for the week.

This not working is ok, I get to make stuff. 
Pretty sweet, as far as I'm concerned
So this is what I made..

Turquoise. Blue and Purple

The Gingersnap Creation Colour Challenge of the past month's theme of
Friendship is
(I love these three colours together.)
That's mine!  Thanks for looking!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Friday Fill-Ins

1. Old me would _seek revenge_; new me would _let it go_.
2. _I'm pretty good at_ taking responsibility.
3. a way _it's a new beginning_.
4. _I'll be OK,_ right?
5. The big difference _I have faith_.
6. _Art_ makes me happy.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a massage_, tomorrow my plans include _going to a sweatlodge_ and Sunday, I want to _be on a horse all day_!
For more Fill Ins, go

Thursday, October 20, 2011

We need something non-Halloween-y

Just because.


The Gingersnap Creation Random Redhead Challenge is
That's different, isn't it?
Here is my attempt at eulogizing our fine feathered friends...
OK, I admit, it's somewhat bizarre.
I have to tell you how this came about.
The other night (late) I was blurfing and my good friend Lori of I been Thinkin About Inkin fame menitoned that the current challenge in the Everything Wendy Vecchi group, (to which I belong) was to create something to do with sewing.
This was at about 11:30 PM and the deadline was the next day.
So I went at it.
Worked until about 2:30AM and had something that wasn't exactly what I wanted.  So I gave up and went to bed.
The next day, it came to me that what it needed was a raven. (or two).
(Keep in mind that I was very very tired.)
And this is what we got.
I don't know what else to say.

Except that products used were Studio 490, Ranger Distress Inks,
Lisa's Altered Art, K & CO., Jolee's, Recollections, Tim Holtz and Cemerony. 
Please email me for specifics.

(I've surrounded the hanging with digital papers and corners, for show.)

And thanks for stopping by.

(I blame Lori for this, BTW)

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I show you these photos only to prove that I DO now HAVE a workdesk
and that I am deliriously happy about that.
I have an entire studio.
(note the massage cushion on my chair...)
I am a Happy Camper.
See more Wonderful Workdesks at
and take a minute to tell Julia how sorry you are that she
dropped her favorite mug on the floor.
and had to clean the floor.
in her nightie.
I hate it when that happens.
Don't you?

Wordless Wednesday

Elements courtesy of Cemerony, Lis'a Altered Art and VD3D Design

Woo Hoo-53!!!

Here it is, October 18th and
I`ve completed 53 of the 100 Themes Challenge at Digital Whisper!
(and you thought I was going to say I just turned 53.  Let me tell you, I haven't been 53 for quite some time now.)
Waitaminute, you say...
And it`s October?

That's like, over half, guys!
And I have 2 and a half months left.
And I lost my job so I have time to get caught up.
Life is good.

1. In The Storm
Elements used are by Lisajen (woman's face), Finecrafted Designs,
Cemerony, Montvalent, Amanda Thorderson, Cazcastella,
Amanda Sok and
Doris Castle.

2. Hope

My own photo, textures by Kim Klassen, wordart by Amanda Sok

3. Life

My own photo, frame and wordart by Amanda Sok, texture by Kim Klassen 

and finally, Secrets

Woman by Froweminahild, my own background photo,
unknown overlay, background woman by Finecrafted Designs.

That's it.  Thanks for stopping by and I'll be working on the next 47!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Some Digital Pieces

These are for Digital Whisper's 100 ThemesChallenge.

Lemon Tree

And here we have:

Pen and Paper
This one is
And we shall end with:
No Way Out

That`s it.  Please email me for the credits.
And thanks for looking!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


OHMYGOSH, I have missed you all.
Way too long without internet access, I've been dreaming of blurfing
and saying HI to all my bloggy-buddies.
But I'm back and intend to catch up big-time.
I'll start with this piece for Take A Word
The Theme is
The sweet little girl is by Annequin,
other elements used are by Wish Bliss Studios, Syndee Nuckles, Beth Rimmer and Lisa's Altered Art.

This is also for the 100 Themes Challenge at
I suggest I won't get all 100 themes done before the end of the year,
but I will post a few more later this evening.
It's sooooooooooo
good to be back in the land of the blogging!
See you soon!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Into the swing of things

Hi all.
This week's challenge at The Order of the Opus Gluei is "Back Into the Swing of Things".
That means you can do anything even remotely related to a swing-ey theme (even "swingers" lol ) and play along.
That being said, I am going to keep this short, cus today is my moving day and the movers I booked did not show up.
Consequently, I am REALLY crabby and at a friend's using her computer, cus I don't have one.
That's all I got.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Have you ever been working on something in your studio upstairs while your supper is cooking on the stove and you're having a wonderful time and you smell something and think "Oh!  That's an interesting smell!" and then you keep workng and then you smell something and think "That's kind of strange" and then you GASP AND RACE DOWN THE STAIRS EVEN THOUGH YOU PULLED A MUSCLE PACKING AND IT HURTS LIKE NOBODY'S BUSINESS AND YOU BLAST OVER TO THE STOVE AND PULL THE CARROTS off and throw them in the sink and madly start fanning the smoke so the smoke detector doesn't go off and make the neighbours mad and...
Nuff said.

Everything Wendy

I made this for the Wendy Vecchi group I'm in-the wings are one of her amazing stamps.
Theme-Vintage paper.
I couldn't find any of my vintage paper, so I printed some out digitally.
Necessity is the mother of invention, right?

Happy October

Let there be Peace on Earth

and let it begin with me...
Is that a song?
Or do I have the words wrong?
At any rate, I've been sining it in my head ever since I saw the
challenge for this week.

I used a photo I took last year of a winter scene-it came to mind immediately-I love this photo.
I covered it with Mod Podge "Extreme Glitter" which is my new favorite toy and then stamped a sentiment and matted it all.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Elements used are by Miss D and Amanda Sok.

And another one:
The wall is mine, other elements are by Lisa's Altered Art, Paula Keselling.


If I hadn't gotten so carried away and made two pieces, I'd have time to chat.
Bad Electra.
See ya soon!