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Monday, July 30, 2012

Deep in the Woods

Here are my last pieces for this month's
collage sheets from
I hope you've checked these sheets out-the possibilities are endless!
Be sure to visit the other members of the design team for more inspiration:

Thanks for visiting and have a funny day!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


Sweet Rosemary at
has invited us to create something with the theme:
in mind.
And the Poobahs have put together some wonderful inspiration to get you started.
You know you have no legitimate reason to not play along with this one!
I did a Digital LO:
using photos I have taken which I believe exemplify 
the vast range of weather that we get, where I live.
But the possibilities are endless as to what you can create.
That's the wonderful thing about 
The sky is the limit for your imagination!
I'll see you there.

You have until Saturday, August 11 to play along.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Three Buttons and A Circle

I just realized tomorrow is the cutoff for my piece for the current
Everything Wendy Vecchi group to which I belong.
So here ya go:
The stamps are of course, Wendy Vecchi, the crown is a Cuttlebug die 
I bought for some unknown reason,  the young lady is by Crowabout Studios.
I hope you like it.

Vintage Page Designs

This is my last project as guest designer for
Vintage Pager Gentlemen Kit
It's a wonderful kit to work with and you can find all the deets on it
Staps are by Studio 490 and Stampers Anonymous.
The gears are by Bead Landing.

I do hope you will check it out.
I would love to stay and chat, but the truth in, I'm sick and have been in bed for six days.
Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


This week the theme at
This canvas may not seem messy to you,
but believe me, making it WAS.

I asked a friend for his favorite photo of his little girl 
(who is now in her twenties and about to have a baby)
and without hesitation, he gave me this.

I'm in the process of starting up a new business, making canvases for folks, 
using their favorite photos and colour scheme of their choice
and I am making up samples for my new website.
So that's what this is.

I hope you like it.
Thanks for stopping by!

Green Christmas (card)

or red.
But not both.
That's the current challenge at

Mine is green
Not red.
Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Where'd you get your SUNTAN???

When was the last time someone asked you that very question?
What, no one has asked you that lately?
They are all sitting in their basements trying to AVOID the sun?
Not our friend Gini, in the great land of rain, the UNITED KINGDOM.
(I hear even the queen has left her bikini at the Thrift Store)
No sirree, friends, Gini is thinking sunshine


You are wondering what on earth I am talking about aren't you?
I am talking about the new challenge at
In honour of Gini's quest for sunshine, I've made a tag.
Not just ANY tag, but a tag with Gini showing us her lovely tan lines.
Well, it IS Gini, albeit the Gini in my imagination.
Or it would be Gini, if she weren't in England.
Where they rust, not tan.

If you look very closely, you'll see that 
I've even made a little towel for Gini to wipe the sweat off her fevered brow.

All of the papers used are from the new Authentique line.
Everything else is from my abundant stash, and
 my stack of (now depleted) kitchen dishtowels.

I hope you visit my friend Gini and all the other talented Poobahs at
and participate in our sunny challenge.
If you're not near a beach, Gini has a number of delightful suggestions for
your creating pleasure.
You'd be a fool to miss this one.
Even Sponge Bob will be there.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Ice Cream

Peggy at
has given us a new theme of
Doesn't that just put a great big sloppy smile on your face?
Here's mine:
I pulled out an old LO from when my daughter was a little girl.
She and her best friend Kayla were in their own little world, each with their own cone, when I shot the bottom picture.  They didn't even feel the need to talk.
And the top photo?
Do I NEED to say anything?

Peggy has given us tons of ice creamy goodness for inspiration, 
so I hope you go over to 

and link up with something summery and refreshing.

In case you're still not feeling cooler, here's a shot of my sweet little grandson,
modelling his surfer look:

Friday, July 13, 2012


This is my before photo for Bonnie's
this week.
Here theme is
I'm behind on posting it, but fo a good reason.
My darling daughter has been here for the week, with my adorable grandson.
Could life be any better?

The transformation is thanks to Bonnie's Splash of Gold and Gauze Sheers textures.
Bonnie's textures always bring my photos to life!
I hope your weekend is great!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Deep in the Woods

This is my second piece for the new collage sheets at Rian Design

It's such a fun theme and the elements are awesome!
Be sure to check out the other Design Team contributions:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday

(ADD-ON-NOT Wordless)
The picture is just something I found on the Internet.
It only FEELS like it's been that hot.)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Background is by Suhura, Birds are by Crowabout Studios
other elements are TYJulia, Fidlette, Finecrafted Designs
and Coreen Silke.
Hope you're staying cool!

My lovely Vintage Gentlemen

You know I"m a lucky Guest Designer for 
this month, right?
Well, I am and I am so lucky to had the chance to play with this gorgeous 
before the rest of you!!!  lol

It's OK, it's available in Ali's shop now.
You can find it here

You'll love it like I do, it's full of all sorts of wonderful vintage ephemera, 
three colours of lovely vintage seam binding,
a Cabinet Card and lot of other treasures. Many of them!

Here is my second creation for the month:

It's a journal.
Perhaps I shall write in it about all the men I've loved.
Maybe not enough room...

I made sonme book jewelry, and used a little bit of the vintage pages to create some beads.

How cool is this??

Look at the vintage handwriting!  I've also used a copule of Tim Holtz and Basic Grey papers.

You have to SEE this!  Smith's COMPUTER!!  
How many gigs do you suppose it has?  lol

And finally, just waiting to be filled:
The ties along the front and back, for closing the book are made of the gorgeous Linen fabric ribbon which arrived in the kit and some of that mahvellous seam binding,
The brown bow at the top (also of seam binding) is also quite wonderful, don't you think?

I do hope you'll check out this and Ali's other amazing vintage kits in  

AND, join in the challenge that is running over there at Vintage Page Designs
And you will definitely want to be a part of that.

See you over there!

Sunday, July 8, 2012


This is for the new challenge at
The photo is my own, the wordart is by Lynn Marie Favreaux
I added a few textures by Bonnie Zieman and Shadowhouse Creations and used
some papers by Lefkoi Lykoi and Keri Schuller as textures as well.

Is it hot where you are?
Do you know how difficult it is to blog and eat a popsicle
 at the same time without dripping on yourself?
Oh, you do?
Stay cool.

New Sheets from Rian

and our talented Design Team!

The theme this month is Woodland" and
these wonderful sheets present a million possibilities!
You can find them here!
Here is my first for the month:
I'm blessed to be part of a very special International Design Team 
and I hope you will visit their blogs to see what they have created for this theme.


Each of these talented ladies has a style all her own and you'll love their individual takes on this month's theme!

I hope you enjoy all of our creations and check out the collage sheets

Thursday, July 5, 2012


This week at
Bonnie has invited us to participate with the theme
in mind.
I pulled this photo out:
   sharpened it a bit, added two of Bonnie's textures:
Old Ornate Linen and Medieval Magic
and you now have:

to be perfectly honest, I really liked this pic before the editing.
But now I REALLY like it.
I hope you'll check out
and maybe even play along!


That's the theme at 
this week.
I have to be honest and tell you that I didn't have time to create something SPECIFICALLY for this challenge, so I'm cheating.
Well, not REALLY cheating, exactly.
Here's the thing.
I'm getting ready to send off some ATC's for a swap and it just so happens that the theme for that swap is
I posted a couple of them a while ago and just finished the other two I need, so...
OK, that's it.
Thanks for looking!
And have a funny day.
Unless of course, you have other plans.

Flower Art Friday

Yes, it is, it's
and while I SHOULD be doing a bazillion other things, I made something for it.
I used textures by Bonnie Zieman:
Painterly, Mauve Threads and Abstract Elements to give it this soft look.
You can find Bonnie's awesome textures here.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Have Yourself A Vintage Little Christmas

Are you humming along?
I thought it might help you cool off.
Cus I hear it's hot where you live.
Not here.
Sat on the hill and watched the fireworks last night and
I wore my parka.
Merry Christmas!

Just Because

Thanks to Crowabout Studios for the twinkling lady!
And thanks to you for stopping by!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Vintage Page Designs

I'm thrilled to be a guest designer for
this month.  Their theme is
She will be releasing her new kit this week 
and I'm one of the lucky one who got to create with it before everyone else!  :-)
I found this little box in a thrift store the other day and 
realized I could make it into the new recipe box I have been needing.
I covered it with pieces of the vintage pages that were in the kit 
and distressed it a bit using Ranger's Rusty Hinge distress Ink. 
 That colour matched the lovely fabric ribbon that was included in the kit 
The flower on top was also made with some of the vintage paper, 
punched out and sprayed with Tattered Angels mist 
and inked a bit with some more Rusty Hinge.
I also interspersed a couple of punched layers of blue cardstock.
I painted the metal details on the box with Plaid Folk Art acrylic paint.
(That was NOT such a good idea, as it was a major pain
 covering the box around those little tiny details)
On the front are some words from one of the pages
and I used a font by Finecrafted designs to make the "RECIPE" heading.
All in all, I'm pretty happy with the way it looks on my kitchen counter!
You have the entire month of July to participate in their 
Vintage Gentleman Challenge
and can find all the details here.
(and don't tell anyone, but you'll have a chance to win a $25.00 gift
certificate to Ali's wonderful shop!)
I'm excited to see what you create!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


has always been an important part of my life.  One of the things my birth parents requested was that I be raised with music.  So music was very present in our home and I learned to play a number of instruments.  In fact, I even won a scholarship to the International Peace Gardens Music Camp when I was 13!
Normally for the
I do something digital.  
Not today.
'This is a real honest to goodness paper LO.

It's a picture I took of the sky one day and every time I look at it I think of music.
I think the quote says it all.
Thanks for stopping by, I hope you have music in your soul.


That's it.
Just sepia.

I Am Canadian.

That's the first line in a song, which goes on to point out all the silly things we Canadians are.
Like too polite. How we have free health care.  And have "Monopoly money"
(I was in Tijuana and gave a bill to a poor person who was begging for money 
and she threw it in the garbage.  So it's purple.  You can still buy food with it.)
And how we say "roof" when the Americans says "roof".  (I've never understood that one)  
I was in a mall once, somewhere in the States, and the clerk said "You're from Canada!"  
 I couldn't figure it out - I had just asked where the washrooms were.  
She told me that's how she knew.  I asked where the washrooms were. 
She called them "bathrooms"  Huh?
I didn't want to take a bath.

is the newest challenge at
The Order of the Opus Gluei

In other words, if you are celebrating July 4th and live in the United States,
create something for that.
Or maybe you're from the UK, or New Zealand, or "South Africa or
well, you get  it, right?

I didn't want to be too red and white.  Even though our flag is red and white.  So I did this:
but then I felt guilty, so I did this:
Too polite.
Don't want to offend anyone.
The photos are my own and the other elements are by Paislee Press 
and Monti's Pixel Playground.
Not bad, eh?
For a Canadian.

I hope you come visit us at 
The Order of the Opus Gluei
to see the wonderful work the other Poobahs have created for this challenge and of course, 
to play along with us! 

Happy Canada Day.  Or whatever you are celebrating in your neck of the woods!