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Monday, September 29, 2014

Mailart Bliss Swap

I just took part in a mailart swap:

Here are my envies...

I was fun, I hope we do more of them!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Just Because

Friday Four Fill-In fun

The statements:
  1. I __ when I ___
  2. ___ are my ___ fruit
  3. ___  is my favorite part of summer
  4. _____ helps me relax
My Answers:
      1.  I smile when I see my grandson.
      2.  Granny Smith Apples are my favorite fruit.
      3.  Time away from work is my favorite part of summer.
      4.  Prayer and meditation helps me relax.

Why don't you join in this week?

Thanks for stopping by!

Friday Four Fill Ins

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall Is In The Air

over at

I made a tag for a couple of challenges
(thought I was so smart to do that)
and then never posted them in time.
This is rapdily becoming a habit.
Oh well, at least I am posting this...
It's Fall-ish I think.
Fortunately, it also fits for the theme right now at
which happens to be

and the AUTUMN theme at
Lunagirl Moonbeams

So it was obviously meant to be.  :-)

At any rate, it was fun to make and
it's always nice to see you here!

So a big thank you
you for coming by!

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday!

That's our theme for the next three weeks at

It's challenge 192!  GASP!
Has it been that long?
You better keep close, cus there is something big brewing for our 200th challenge, my friends!
But no hints here.  
Not from me.
My lips are sealed,

You know what, since this is about a birthday 
and specifically my grandson Logan's birthday,
Logan wants to send you some words of encouragement:
Join in with us at

or Logan will find you and make you ride his tricycle with him.
For hours.
Perhaps even days.

I'll see you over there.  Just link your project up in the comment section
And have fun!

Thanks for playing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Wild West

image:  Gecko Galz

Good to see you, have a funny day!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


credits: main image, Gecko Galz, 
Dido Designs, Amanda Sok, Bleuesse

Good to see you!
I hope life is treating you well.

My Artistic Adventures Challenge Blog!

Yessirree, it's new!
And the very first theme is
I know, you are thinking, "but it's only September"...
well, who cares, I love Halloween!

You can find it here:

She will have challenge on the 2nd and 16th of every month.

And lucky me, I got to be one of the first group of
designers using her WAY COOL Halloween sheet


Does that make you feel all Halloweeny?

I used a Gecko Galz Old Maps background, 
which I realize you can't see.  
Typical of me.  Lots going on.
And Pumpkin Boy is by Lisa's Altered Art.

But the Vintage Tags are what really makes this cool,
and you can find them here

(The other stuff on the tag is all from my Halloween drawer.)
Yes, I have a Halloween drawer.
Doesn't everybody?

So why don't you put your scariest mask on and
creep on over to check it out:

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


Halloween IS coming, you know...

credits:  Hidden Vintage
Studios, Mikki Ferkel, studio Rosey Rosey, Itkupilli

Thanks for coming by.
'What have YOU made?
I'll be by.



credits:  Itkupilli, Kristen Aagard, Oscraps

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Use your Border Punch

for this week's theme at

It's a funky border punch, up in the top right.

Thanks for stopping by-I Hope you get out your own punches 
and create something wonderful!

Two for the Three Muses

Merry Christmas!

Well, not exactly.
Stay with me.
You'll get it.
I created a piece for this week's theme at 

BUT, I also made another piece with TWO photos...
 in case you STILL don't get my point,
I give you the second of TWO Layouts...
Make sense now?

Having expressed my considerable frustration with life in general for the moment...
Here is what I originally made.

But Hey.
The Three Muses

credits: Itkupilli, Dawn Inskip

Thanks for coming by!  I will be by to see you soon!
And stay warm, wherever you be.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


credits:  Sissy Sparrow, Dawn Inskip, Berna Datema

Thanks for stopping by!


It's no secret that I love to make ATC's.
So when I learned that our new challenge over at
exactly that...well...
Images were googled.
Just put in "Pinups" and hit SEARCH.

I hope you join us for our 191st (gasp!) challenge at
and link up with us in the comments, 
so we can stop by and oogle your creative works!

Thanks for stopping by!

Saturday, September 6, 2014


credits:  Gecko Galz


Tag Tuesday-Silhouette

I love Silhouettes.
So when I saw that this is the current theme at
I couldn't resist making something.
Even though I should be doing about a bazillion other things.
credits:  Manuela Zimmerman, Dawn Inskip, Sausan Designs, wish Bliss Studios, Cryztal Rain

OK, I gotta go see some men on horses.

Friday Fill Ins are back!!

I always loved Friday Fill Ins when it was happening and now it's back! So I am going to play along.
(when I remember lol)
Just a random photo go with it...

The statements:
  1. If___ then___
  2. ___ reminds me of ___
  3. I think of _____________ when I ____________
  4. _________ is the most special thing ________ has given me
and my answers:

  1. If pigs could fly then we wouldn't need cars.
  2. Marshmallows remind me of clouds
  3. I think of a fire in the fireplace when I hear that snow is coming.
  4. One more day is the most special thing My Creator has given me. 
And what are your Four Fill Ins?

Friday, September 5, 2014

Motor Car

That's my friends, is the theme of our September Challenge over at

Motor Car
I, however, have done a piece featuring my
darling little grandson in a 


What little boy doesn't love trucks?
Well, now, wait, that may not be a given.
MY grandson loves trucks.
Anything with wheels.
Anything that goes
Do all little boys loves trucks?
Or motor cars,
like we have at Soartful this month? 

You tell me.

Link up with us in the comments 
any time between now and
October 4th
and we'll be by to leave some love.

See you there!

(credits:  Riverrose, Maya de Groot, Studio Tangie,
Pixels and Company)

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Use Your Brads

At Use Your Stuff this week,
they have challenged us to use our brads.
It just so happens, my brad supply is diminishing,
however, I was working on this page...

and managed to find just what I needed.

Thanks for coming by!


is the theme over at

Simple and gold.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, September 1, 2014


credits: Sutdio Manu, Crafty Buttons Designs, 
Berna Datema, Natali Designs,Keri Scheuller

See you there!

Welcome To September!

with Gecko Galz projects!

First, it will be fall soon...(sad face)

Instructions for this piece:
Crop and separate images from the Fall Colours Jewel It Sheet.  Add stroke to each.
Place on background paper (Kiwi Lane Designs)
Add border (Brandy Murray)
Add Word Art (Dido Designs)
Merge, add texture, blend.

And the kids will be going back to school
Instructions for this piece:
Using images from School Days Digital Stamp Set, 
stamp all images on background paper (unknown source)
Add styles to all images.
Color images, using brushes. (Photoshop Elements)
Add word art and embellishments (Brandy Murray, Jofia Defoe, Lesas Altered Art,
School Days Digital Stamp Set)
Merge and apply style.

But the good news is,
we can always find the time to create art, right?

Are you with me so far?
All of these new gorgeous September  images can be found in the
Gecko Galz Etsy Shop
Extract images from Gypsy Spirit Collage Sheets.
Blend with Photo Masks (Amanda Sok)
Place on background sheets (Crysztal Rain)
Add borders to each ATC (Deviant Scrap, Berna Datema)
Add Word Art from In Other Words Digital Stamp set
Blend to darken.
Place on Background from Gatsby Paper Pak
Add Frame (unknown source) 
Merge and blend

Not only that, but our September Challenge is
I made a little card to get you started:
 using (what else?)
GECKO GALZ images.
Instructions for this piece:
Print and cut out images from School Days Collage Sheets
Place on background papers from your stash. 
Add embellies (Bo Bunny)
Are you going to play along?
Of course you are!

Happy September, my friends and thanks for stopping by!