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Monday, April 29, 2019

Dapper Flappers

Hi friends!
Welcome to May and
welcome to a brand new Customer Challenge

You know how it works.
The only hard and fast rule is that you 
use at least one Gecko Galz product.
And there are tons of gorgeous products to choose from in

Here is one project that I made
with this theme in mind:
 I used these Gecko Galz products:

Deco Art Collage Sheet
Gatsby Paper Pak
Beautiful Words Wordart

I went very basic with this one,
simply layering and adding a black stroke to each layer
as I went along.
1.  Crop the image you want from the collage sheet.
2. Layer it over top of the paper.
(I also changed the yellow of the paper I used to red, with the
paintdropper and bucket tools)
3. Place another paper between the two and make it smaller.
4. Place the wordart over top.
(I coloured the white of the wordart using the same technique with red.)

5. Lastly, I added black brushwork and 
blue stitching from my stash.
That's it!

What are you going to create for our Dapper Flapper
Customer Challenge this month?

Get all the deets on this wonderful
Customer Challenge

and maybe you will be the lucky winner of a

$25 Gecko Galz Shopping Spree !

You still have the whole month of May
to link up your project.

We look forward to seeing what you make!

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, April 28, 2019

No Reason for Posting These

just showing you where I live.

No Focal Image

for this week at Sunday Postcard Art

credits:  Allison Pennington, Lili Wee, Just Jaimee

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


Great challenge theme from Bev this week!

credits:  Cajoline, Created by Jill, Little Butterfly Wings, 
Manuela Zimmerman, Etc by Danyale

Sunday, April 21, 2019


credits:  Etc by Danyale, Little Butterfly Wings, 
Gordon Johnson, Allison Pennington

New York

credits:  Little Butterfly Wings, Studio Basic, Unsplash


credits:  Cajoline, Amy Wolff, Paula Kesselring

Friday, April 19, 2019

Happy Easter!

credits:  Paula Kesselring, Just Jaimee, Lisa's Altered Art

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Easter Bonnet

credits:  Rebecca McMeen, Kristen Aagard, NBK Design

Monday, April 15, 2019

Playing with Gecko Galz

I just made these for the April Challenges in the
Gecko Galz Facebook group:

Of course, each of these features wonderful
Gecko Galz images.

Their Etsy shop is Here.

Thanks for coming by!

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Bunny Girl

credits:  Rebecca McMeen

Haute Couture

credits:  Clementine, Just Jaimee, 2 Curly-Headed Monsters


credits:  Itkupilli, Lisa's Altered Art, Coffee Shop 

Monday, April 8, 2019

More Art Nouveau

It's my day to be featured on the
Gecko Galz Blog
for this month's Customer Challenge!

It's a huge honour, cus
you should see the incredibly
talented Design Team I am a part of.
Their projects are second to none!

Having said that, I did make a few pieces 
for the Nouveau Garden theme.

Gecko Galz products used:
Nouveau Garden Collage sheet set
In Marble Halls paper pak

Gecko Galz products used: 
Nouveau Garden Collage sheet set
Parade of Flowers paper pak

Gecko Galz products used:
Nouveau Garden Collage sheet set
First Class Passage paper pak

For these I followed the same process for each.
1. Background paper
2. Cropped collage image
3. Border (one or more)

 I added to the second one: Flowers, Paint, Words from my stash.

Remember, you can get all of these
beautiful products from Gecko Galz

Have you created your masterpiece for this
month's customer challenge yet?

Make sure you check it out and create something magical for us!

Gecko Galz Scrapbooking

Sunday, April 7, 2019


credits:  Tray Martin Designs, Beth Rimmer,
Lisa's Altered Art, Lori Davison

Thanks for coming by!

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Monday, April 1, 2019

April Art Nouveau

It's April and with a new month
comes a new Customer Challenge at

I made something for this theme:

Gecko Galz Products Used:

Gatsby paper pak
All That Jazz Digital stamp set

(both of these products can be found at

Over the background I placed the
digital stamp image.
I erased the background and words
(which was harder and more time-consuming
than I care to admit)
I created a new layer and painted the colours I wanted,
just like colouring with crayons.
Then I duplicated the original image and 
placed it over top of that.
I added a border from my stash.
I cropped the wordart from the bottom of the
original image, filled it with red
to match the border and placed it on top.
And I'm done.

What are you going to create for our Art Nouveau
Customer Challenge this month?

Get all the deets on this wonderful
Customer Challenge

and maybe you will be the lucky winner of a

$25 Gecko Galz Shopping Spree !

You still have the whole month of April
to link up your project.

We look forward to seeing what you make!

Thanks for coming by!


for  Take A Word

credits:  Little Butterfly Wings, Studio Basic