You know, sometimes I want to rip people's heads off. Like when someone has 18 items in the express line, or when a company treats me badly and really doesn't care.
I'm feeling that way about Kodak right now. First, many months ago they mixed up my order REALLY badly. So badly in fact, that I swore I would never deal with them again. But then I got an email saying "We're sorry, we've had some glitches and we fixed them, here is a $10.00 credit for you, please give us another chance. So (against my better judgement), I placed an order. No credit. Nowhere. I emailed them and they said it expired on October 5th. I received the email at the end of October. I sent them their own email which says it expires November 5th. They write me back and say so sorry, it's a glitch, here's a $10.00 credit. I lose it with them and point out that I didn't start this, they did and they owe me $10.00. They write me back saying have a nice day and thank you for choosing Kodak. WHICH I DIDN'T!!!!
Anyways, that's where it was left. I was hyperventilating.
I pick up my order the next day, get home, sit down to look at my pictures, and IT'S SOMEONE ELSE'S ORDER!!!!!!
I haven't emailed them again.
I got the name of the chairman of the board and the Senior VP of Sales and Marketing and their address in Rochester NY and I am going to give them a blow-by-blow recap of this crap.
I feel apoplectic. Breathe in, Breathe out. Give me strength.